Author: Arup Das
placed my prepaid order for a Hitech Micra 115 dual seam phone against order id :- 29264481.After 2 days shopclues send me a message where they mentioned that my product has shipped through blue dart courier vide tracking number :-69211518110.As I search that c.n number on blue dart website it replies that c.n number not…
Cheating by false offer
Placed my first order against order id:-29264481 @10/12/14 for a mobile phone by prepaid payment through net banking of ₹..299,where they provide me a tracking number 69211518110 which is a c.n number of bluedart courier.When i entered that c.n number in tracking field of B.D courier,it shows that the number is invalid.As a result send…
cheating with false plan
I have a aircel connection number – 9859567218,and at the month of june recharge a voucher wich content 11000 sec free voice calls,168 sms and 750 mb 2G/3G data accoriding to their chart as wel as 1288 i.v.r service.But after that recharge i got 600 mb 2G data instead of 700 mb 2/3 G data,so…