Vodafone Charged 249 INR for false downloads

In Current bill of June-July 2014 of my Vodafone Number , Vodafone charged 249 INR for multiple false downloads named
hello1_tvallsouth_99 – 99 INR
mobilart_valuepack30 – 30 INR
mobilart_valuepack30 – 30 INR
mobilart_valuepack30 – 30 INR
hello1_tvallsouth_30 – 30 INR
hello1_tvallsouth_30 – 30 INR

which I have not Downloaded and still being charged.
I’m also using unlimited 2G Data plan of Vodafone.
I also visited Vodafone store, but the answer given by them was not satisfactory,
they told me that they are not responsible for these charges and these amount will be paid to the third party.
I’m still feeling cheated and I want my money back.

Thank you.


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