unreasonable deduction of my balance

Location/place: agra

Name of company/service: reliance

i’m Shreyansh Jain from Agra , India , my mobile is 8267040336 ,using the service of reliance (gsm).i have my complaint against this company for unreasonable balance deduction of RS 97 from my account on 29/april/2013 ,I spoke to customer care after it and they told me that this has been deducted for opening chargeable website and i was surfing about refined vegetable oil preparation and its pro on the internet …it seems to me now that these mobile company has all rights to deduct customers money without giving any prior notice to customer while before opening sites ….. it was just my regular surfing and i got cheated now by this company .My second complaint is that just two days before this i faced a problem of deducting my balance on the normal call charges rates basis for STD while i was already recharge with the STV pack of RS 8 for STD (for making STD call RS 1/3 minutes) ,still this has not been solved by the company as they told me that they will resolve this problem within 2 days !!! .I’m making a request to this consumer forum to kindly make my money return which is so far deducted for unreasonably and by cheating from this company .


One response to “unreasonable deduction of my balance”

  1. RCOMcare Avatar

    Dear Customer,

    We have noted your complaint. The matter has been escalated to our customer service team who will get in touch with you directly to resolve your concerns.



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