ukprize centre frud

Location/place: Fatehabad Haryana ,India

Name of company/service: orange telecom company uk and dip. ben john kennedy (email id–[email protected])mobil–918447232693

dip ben john kennedy today 26/8/2013 at 9;37 a.m. call me from the mobile num. 918447232696 he give me a sbi account num of mr. Raju Das as a custom office incharge at airport delhi. he said me to deposit rs.17.300.00 in that a/c as soon as for clearance your prize cheque.he call me again and again.according to ben john kennedy stay night in british high commisson lodge and he would be a call to me tomaro .but i understand he is a big frud person .plz capture him and give to delhi police. plz help me .he disturbe me from last three days and give presser to deposit the said amount in account number –20114935200 code; sbi 0007543 state bank of india.amt.17.300/-imedietly


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