Three time bad experience with Samsung TV service

Location/place: Secunderabad

Name of company/service: Samsung

I purchased a Samsung LCD TV LA46A550 on 21/10/2008 for Rs.82010
1) I had a problem with picture quality in Sep 2010 and requested service. The service charges were abnormally high and the problem with the TV was a manufacturing defect. I recorded my protest in writing for the high service fees and they subsequently lowered it for clients but unfortunately I was not the beneficiary
2) In May 2011, I had a problem again. This time I caught their fraud of trying to repair the power supply board instead of replacing as per their policy. They also replaced the motherboard with an old one. Again I complained. The local managers came and accepted their fault and agreed to reimburse the amount I paid. I was unable to follow up on the issue and they did not revert either.
3) In Dec 2012, I had problems yet again. This time they had someone come and get me to sign a declaration for a a refund of 34% of the TV value saying that the part is not available. I signed but also registered my disagreement. Later they were able to source the part from another state and wanted me to pay for the same. I requested extended warranty as I have been facing repeated problems with the TV and am convinced that I was sold a defective piece, something that I have been saying since Sep 2010 when I first had issues.
I need justice in terms of an extended warranty for three years. I am ready to pay for the part they replaced but I feel I have been duped with a defective piece.


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