Location/place: durgapur
Name of company/service: sps steels rolling mills ltd.
I Mr. Vijay Bahadur Indrabali Yadhav, My LIC Policy No:-920618765.
Have recently shifted my residence and I would like you to kindly make note of the change of address in your records. My new address is
Sri Vijay Bahadur Indrabali Yadhav
S/O, Sri Indra Bali Yadav
Vill-Khampur,P.O-Virbhanpur (Nauperwa Jaunpur),Pin-222109.
. I request you to kindly address all your further communication to me at this above mentioned address only.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Vijay Bahadur Indrabali Yadhav
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