purchase of product & disappointment

Location/place: bangalore

Name of company/service: RAJI’S skin care & pharma center


I am Indian and I would like to share my experience with you on my disappointment during purchase of your product through a doctor in India.

I request you to read below to understand my case:

1. Past 6-7 years, I am regular patient of Dr. Gurucharan Singh Dermatologist (Raji’s Skin Care & Pharma Center HRBR layout, Banglore India Ph: 080-65476276 )
2. On date 07/14/2012 as recommended by Dr. Gurucharan Singh in his clinic, I placed order for IDC Anti-Aging, Pigment corrector product and paid Indian Rupees 1000/- as advance.
3. On date 07/17/2012, I got call from clinic to pick up the product.
4. On date 07/18/2012 afternoon 1:00PM, I went to pick up the product at clinic and shocked to know the total cost to be Rupees 5385/- as I was not told the cost earlier.
With no option left but to purchase the product, I paid remaining Rupees 4385/- and collected the product and came home.
5. After coming home, immediately I opened the box and had panic attack to find below:

1. The carton of the product was NOT sealed as it should be for brand new product.
2. Inside the carton, there was a container which was AS WELL NOT SEALED as it should be for brand new product.
3. The outer of container (bottle) had several scratches with content of bottle seen on it’s opening as if it was used.
4. Very interestingly the bottle had ONLY HALF of it’s content!!!

6. I immediately called the clinic which was already closed to be opened in the evening.
7. In the evening I went to clinic when it opened at 6:00PM to find out the lady at the clinic preventing me from entering the clinic!!!!
8. I insisted to meet the Dr but I was refused strongly in abusive language by the lady at reception.
9. I was determined to meet the Dr and I went in his office anyway despite the verbal abuse by the lady at reception. ( patients in the clinic were as well surprised to see the lady’s attitude towards me )
10. I showed the Dr. the product and what I found with the product I just purchased in the afternoon, to my surprise the Dr. simply said “what is wrong with it. Product might get scratches during transportation.” Later he also tried to cover up saying
“who know you might have done something with the product. You use it or throw it I don’t care.” He refused to exchange or even apologize.
11. I couldn’t believe my eyes, ears and everything happening around me. I just left the product on Dr’s desk and came home distraught.

My background:
I am educated responsible woman of 2 children trying to look my best as I age and set good examples in front of my children..

My goal in this case:
I want to go to the bottom of this case and get justice so whoever is responsible for committing such crime will not repeat it again.
I request you to investigate into my case and help me to either get replacement of the product or refund to the big amount I have already paid to the Dr.

Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

I am looking forward for your promt reply.

Thanks & Kind Regards


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