Plot not allot in Vivek Vihar Yojna

Location/place: Jodhpur (Rajasthan)

Name of company/service: Jodhpur Development Authoraty, Jodhpur

I brout a Plot in 1998 from from Chhogaram and others at Kudi Bhagtasni. In 2000, JDA, Jodhpur lanch a Vivek Vihar Schem in above area. As per JDA commentment, One plot had been alloted to me in Vivek Vihar Schem. But JDA not allote a plot to me. I have a registry of my plot, Sapat Patra from Chhogaram and others. I also request from JDA time to time. JDA does not refuse to me for plot, but not allot a plot to me. Alwase say “Cash is in progress”,


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