Pathetic customer care support from Airtel

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Airtel


I am a subscriber of Airtel mobile for approximately 10 years and rated as gold customer as per Airtel. My name is Nandha Kumar AC and my mobile number is 9845087272 In recent past there are multiple issues which are not getting solved even after multiple follow up with customer care.
Problem started with renewal of my blackberry yearly advance rental plan which was about to expire on May 10, 2012. I have called the customer care on May 8, 2012, I was promised the plan will be renewed and the amount will reflect in my bill dated May 19, 2012 but when I received the bill to my surprise there was no renewal and I was charged as per monthly plan. Again I have called the customer care and I was promised the problem will be solved and I got an Rs 39 adjusted and again with a false promise the yearly plan is activated. Again just to reconfirm I have called on June 12, 2012 I was again given a false information that the plan is very much active.
Unfortunately the June bill didn’t reflect the renewal charges so I have called customer care again and I was promised that the renewal will happen and there was a reversal of Rs 111. Unfortunately the renewal was done for the wrong plan i.e Blackberry persona plan instead of Blackberry Enterprise Services (BES) so I have stopped receiving my official mails from yesterday (June 26, 2012). I have called the customer today and understood the above problem. One Ms. Sumathi (escalation manager) promised me to solve the problem and kept me on hold for more than one and half hours and disconnected the call. Again I have called the customer care but unfortunately I was not able to get hold to Sumathi. I was promised for a call back but I didn’t receive the call. Finally I have spoken with customer care again and I have been promised again that the services will be activated within 24 hours.
Pathetic customer care support from Airtel. Below are the details of the calls logs/ request reference numbers.

Blackberry Renewal 22-May-12 / 43786128 (Anitha), 1069412116, 1069984092.(Manjunath)23-Jun-12 62940903; 23-Jun-12 Janarthan 1075305053; 44402422 Vijaya (27-Jun-12) sumathi
Kindly request your help in getting this shorted out at the earliest.
Nandha Kumar AC


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