Location/place: Delhi

Name of company/service: Bajaj Finance Ltd

I have financed one AC by Bajaj Finance Ltd at 0% from AS Enterprise, Dwarka ( loan account number 4010CD00209085). Payments are through ECS. But, every month, an additional Rs. 150 is being debited (EMI is supposed to be 1889/-, but actual being debited is 2039/-).
I have written email to the Finance company. But they reply it is for the life insurance for loan security. This was never been discussed neither opted by me nor I was informed. I feel cheated. I want the finance company should be learnt a lesson for cheatling people like this.
Srabani Saha
[email protected]


2 responses to “Overcharging”

  1. Dear Srabani,

    Thank you for sharing your Loan Account Number.

    We have already initiated the process of resolution of your query. You shall hear from us in the next 48 hours.

    During this time, should you wish to contact us, please write to us on wecare@bajajfinservlending mentioning your Loan Account Number in the subject.

    With regards,

    Bajaj Finserv Lending

  2. Dear Srabani,

    We Have already sent you an email informing you that the insurance will be cancelled after 13th August

    With regards,

    Bajaj Finserv Lending

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