not of closing account on request ..and asking for bill without delivering commited servise

Location/place: kharar punjab

Name of company/service: tata photon plus and tata telcom

my name is harpreet singh im from kharar
in 2011 march i had bought a net device from tata….(dongle)they commited me that commpany provides u 3mbp/s speed i had paid 2800 rs for that device but after instalation …i have never get commited speed….so i disconnected my connection…even though after some technical fault with my device tye did not stop billing me my devise was bismantelled after march or april but i keep billing till may….but even the send me desember months bill…i have told them to disconect my conection….after that i hv not recived any bill…..but at suden in june 2012 i recived a call and the person told me that your name is in my list that is suppose to be presented for legel purpose and u should pay 3400 rs or he will sue me again i have paid 3000 rs for no reason ….now again today on 22 of january 2013 they called me to pay the bill after that i had told them to disconnect my conection again and again the do not respond my request….please help me what could i do i have paid approximately 7000 to 8000 thousand without using their service …i have sufferd allot now i want relife so plz hep me


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