No refund of wrong deduction

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Vodafone India

There was a wrong deduction of around Rs. 94 on my prepaid mobile no. 9819136523.
but it was not refunded to me. in the mean time i migrated to postpaid and they promised to adjust the amount in bill which was not done.
its been over a month now and every time they just give me a new complaint no and assurance that this time it will be done.

the latest complaint no. is 1281369196

please suggest what to do.

Harsh Bafna


One response to “No refund of wrong deduction”

  1. Hello Harsh Bafna,

    We called you on 77**60**94 and 98**13**23 but were not able to speak with you. Kindly let us know the right time between 9AM and 6PM to get back to you with assistance.

    Vodafone Customer Care, Mumbai.

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