Location/place: Pune

Name of company/service: HDFC Home Loan

I got really flustered with HDFC bank service. In HDFC, there is no one person, who knows the complete information about any product. This is not first time happened with us.

Case 1: Top up loan
We have home loan with HDFC bank. We took 10 lakhs as a home loan against 40 lakh property. We wanted top up loan. HDFC agent took all documents from us. He took our one month time. After one month suddenly HDFC said we can’t give loan to you. As we provided all documents to HDFC.

My question is that if you can’t give a loan then why they wasted our time… ???? HDFC doesn’t want customers? HDFC is just government company. Nobody is bothered about the service. ……………………who will compensate for one month…?

As we got flustered, we are transferring our home loan to another bank, where we are getting more loan amount on the same property…..

Case 2 -: Gold loan

………….. On phone they gave us very wrong information. Even in their branches they don’t have sufficient funds.

When we called them for Gold loan they said sorry we can’t give you 3 lakh amount on gold loan. After sometime Agent said go to pimpari branch, you will get amount immediately on 11% interest rate. But when we actually went there, they said 14% interest rate.

Every person said different schemes and interest rate. And actually gold valuation is very poor. We wasted our time and petrol to go pimpari…….who will compensate for our 4 Hours and petrol bill….?

Case 3 -: Car loan
In car loan also they took my more time. Every day they said we disburse your amount to showroom. They wasted my 4 days. Finally they disbursed it but bank person didn’t send any mail to showroom that they have transferred amount against my car loan to their account. So automatically that amount went to showroom’s suspend account. I called so many person for it.. I wasted 2 days for it. Because of this small mistake, I couldn’t gifted car to my hubby on his birthday… I lost charm of that moment…

See How HDFC played with your emotions… I called so many person for it………….who will compensate for phone bill.. and all those happy moments which I lost because of HDFC mistakes….?

Case 4 -: Insurance Policy

When I took the car loan… they forcefully gave me the insurance policy. I had to pay extra for it. Insurance amount got debited from my account immediately, but they didn’t send me insurance policy. For policy I continuously called for two months. After that I got that policy.

This is HDFC service….very bad and very poor …. I have salary account there. But when I will change my company on the same day I will first close my account of HDFC……….. 



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