Improper service by torrent power ltd

Dear sir,

Subject- improper service of street light by TPL.

Apropos the subject captioned above, it is to bring your notice that I have made several complaints relating to street light, in closed condition since long but no response has been received from TPL. Therefore, I have made complaint consumer grievences redressal forum on 11.10.13 vide no.306817200. However, as usual nothing has been heard from TPL. So helplesly I met the concerned person at gandhinagar, who assured me to solve the problem.

Despite several attempts TPL is not responding towards the social service to be renderred by it. Sir I again bring to your notice that,due to closed condition of street light in the vicinity,dark prevailling here and providing way for thieves. So if any incident of theft will occur here, TPL will be responsible for it.

At last i humbly request you to enable the service of street light in my vicinity for the larger public interest.

I solicit your cooperation in the matter.


Ashish shah
[email protected]


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