Humiliated by samsung service center

Hi,I am Rahul Kumar .I felt humilated and disturbed with the way samsung service center treat their customer.I was using samsung s4 ,a month ago when I was charging it ,a smoke comes out from the charging point in the phone.At that very moment I switched it off.Then next Day I went to tagore garden service center , they told me that it is some how a physical damage bt when i asked that how a smoke can be a physical damage then they said it is liquid damage.I felt shocked and told them that phone was charging and lying on the bed then how in world it would be a liquid damage.when i didnt agree they fraudly tried to take my signature on a job sheet where they wrote that I agree with the way they discribed the damage.I felt angry and wanted to talk to their store manager.But they didnt let me.An Employee even told me that they cant talk to all the customer as they dont have time and asked me to go to different service center.
Then after giving one of my MBA paper I went to patel nagar service center.They were respectful but one of their answer shocked me.when I asked that I have not done any thing wrong why should I be paying and brifed them about how priviously also my phone went hot when I put it on charging.They told me and I quote “sir if we forward your request they may cut the amount from my salary “.
I want to asked Samsung India that Why a customer has to worry about previous concerns.With no option left I thought of expressing my problem and kind of humilation i went through during my exams.
I wish and hope that you will take proper action regarding my concerns or I will go to consumer forum as I have done nothing wrong.
Rahul kumar


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