Location/place: Kolkata

Just received this SMS.. Something wrong as my relative received the same SMS with some other wrong name and other broker name.

Mr./Ms.NARAYAN CHANDRA GHOSH greetings from NSE. Exchange will start sending SMS and/or Email alerts about your trades through stock broker MOTILAL OSWAL SECURITIES LTD.to your mobile number 9830079958 and/or Email ID – within 7 days. In case, you wish to change your mobile number and email ID for receiving the trade alerts, please approach your stock broker for updating the information. If this SMS has been sent wrongly to you, please inform us immediately by typing “Y” and send the same to number 561614


2 responses to “fraud SMS”

  1. i too have received similar one i don’t know what it is please update if someone knows this

  2. Dear Sir,

    The Exchange has sent this communication to all active clients across. This is an initiative by the exchange to keep the clients aware of all the trades happening in their accounts. This will also ensure that they are informed about their transactions on daily basis directly by Exchanges.


    Motilal Oswal Team.

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