not delivery the tablet in time

Location/place: jalandhar

Name of company/service: datawind ubislate

sir i have booked a ubislate tab on may 2012 at this site,and that time they told that deveviry of product in one month ,after a month i callded about delivery ,then they told that make advanec payment then it wiil be delivery in july .i tell ok then send cheque to ubislate amount of rupees 2999 . i called their custemer care on of ubislate july they told me u will get ur tab in august ,in aug i called they told uwill get in september,i call again in september they told u will surely get in october ,today i called now they r are telling u will get in november !!!1 what thel hell are they doing? they are making me fool ,if u cant supply the order then why taking advane money ? and why u booking the order,, at below these text was in the emails which ubislate send to me before i made payment and date of delivery is mentioned in it ””””””””” are You can have a prioritized delivery of your Ubislate7+ in July !
Free shipping! Normal shipping charges Rs.199/- will be waived off!
If you decide to make the Payment in Advance , Please mail a Cheque/Demand Draft for Rs.2999/-, payable to Datawind Innovations Pvt.Ltd. at the following address:
Datawind Innovations Pvt.Ltd.
8148,Jubilee Complex,
Sultanwind Road,
Amritsar -143001
For all Cheque/Demand Draft payment enquiries, please email us at

For more details on Ubislate7+ , view the frequently asked questions on

Datawind Support Team
1800 180 2180
so plz help me sir my cell no 8569035000, i live in jalandhar city ,punjab and my email id is


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