Fraud of Rs. one lakh by Missleading

Mr. Rajiv Malhotra, Sales executive of Shoppistan, told me that i have won second prize of Rs.11.25 lakh in Win gold contest of this company and i have to pay Rs. one lakh for this. They told me that Rs. one is payable for generating Blocking code and nominee code. They told me that i will get amount of total Rs12.25 (01+11.25) within one week but more than one month had been passed away , but till now i didn’t get any cash . His contact number is- 01204885380, 0828541206, 01165698882,011206500930. He called me from all these number’s. I have also recordings of his voice is available. kindly guide me and help me , how can i get my money back and please punish these cheater’s.


One response to “Fraud of Rs. one lakh by Missleading”

  1. Come on my what app no .8054523695 and send me all detail about it…

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