Fraud Mis-selling

Location/place: India

Name of company/service: Investors clinic

This is regarding one of the flat booked with Investors clinic Gurgaon @ Raheja sampada with Neeraj Walia (Investor clinic employee # 9891020530) and Amit (Investor clinic employee # 9654626666) come upto me and offered 30-70 plan for Raheja sampada and Raheja employee Ankit # 9971091978 also promised that the flat is sold to you but of my sheer surprize even after getting the things written on e-mail all of them took a back step and said that the unit which is booked by you has been given to somebody else this is a case of Fraud, misselling and frogery as they are trying to sell 1 flat to multiple parties.I want you to take necessary action on these people as i am more concerned about my details and documents which i gave them to book my flat as that can be misused and would like to go to EOW (Economic offences wing) Delhi and Gurgaon Branch so that these scamsters true face can come out in public..
The copy of mail is attached.

Ok approved when any 1829 sqft penthouse will come in cancellation we will give first preference to you.

Thanks & Regards
Ankit Anand
Project Navodaya/Sampada
Raheja Builders Ltd,
AN ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
Email:[email protected]

From: [email protected] [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 7:26 PM
To: Ankit Anand
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Raheja Sampada Booking


greetings from investor clinic,

As per our negotiations on Raheja Sampada sec-92, we have allocated
unit 114 in tower-1 on 11th floor which is of 1850 sqft, however as your
preference was for a penthouse of 1829 sqft, as this unit is on hold
because of legal things as per builder once this unit is free from all
hassles we will try and negotiate with builder for this penthouse and
the first preference to get it allocated would be provided to you..

The plan proposed for your booked unit is possession linked plan and
which includes parking , club membership, EDC/IDC ,IFMS and other
charges as per builder policy.


Neeraj Walia


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