Location/place: NOIDA

Name of company/service: EN GLOBE SERVICES

With a sense of great anguish and hurt I write to state that I had purchased Vento Car Model No. VENTO 1.6 MPI AT-HL manufactured by VOLKSWGAEN INDIA, in the first week of June, 2013 from their authorized dealer M/s Bhasin Motors, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi, India and since the beginning this car has been giving me problems.

Firstly there was a problem of AC cut off as after the compressor used to get switched off, it used to take 15 to 20 minutes and at times more to re start and at times there was no such problem.

Then one fine morning display Panel was showing EPC sign.

The vehicle was given to Bhasin Motors and after about 4 days they gave the car back to me.

On 18th of August, 2013, all of a sudden there appeared a sign of OVERHEATING at display panel and again the car was sent to Bhasin Motors.

Well so much so for much hyped GERMAN TECHNOLOGY as I have never ever faced such frequent problems with my cars, and certainly not with new cars, in my driving history of 30 years.

To top it all staff at Bhasin Motors have a standard reply that such problems are bound to happen in rainy season as if Volkswagen vehicles are meant to be driven only in dry weather. And if that be so, this fact must be brought to the notice of the all prospective and existing customers. Attitude of one Mr. Devendra Rawat at Bhasin Motors, whom I met during one of my various visits, was one of ridicule and when I asked the reason he had no answer but was laughing as if some kind of joke has been told to him. Further their standard reply is that they have sent a mail to VOLKSWAGEN engineers and corrective action would be taken as per their advise. I wonder what is the fun then of having work shops all over India.

It seems I made a mistake by choosing to go in for Volkswagen product and as these frequent break downs have not only resulted in mental agony and torture but also in financial losses as I was rendered immobile and my business suffered, why Volkswagen as well as Bhasin Motors should not be held responsible for selling me a defective product and for mis representation and suppression of facts and why I should not ask for a suitable compensation, including but not limited to change of this defective car.

I have written to all the top management personnel in Volkswagen as well as in Bhasin Motors but till date there is no satisfactory response from either of them and VOLKSWAGEN top management has chosen to completely ignore my mails as all of them have gone unanswered.

Till date my car has been with Bhasin Motors and they are just not willing to advise me as to what are the problems and what corrective steps they are taking and when my car will be given back to me. I wonder why this defective product should not be replaced with defect free product by VOLKSWAGEN/BHASIN MOTORS and why they should not adequately compensate me for the same


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