Delay in New prepaid sim card activation

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Aircel/New sim card activation delay

I bought a new Aircel prepaid sim card from a sales representative at a temporary outlet in Brindavan Busstop,Peenya,Bangalore on 04-Jun-2013.

The representative sold the sim card to me for 100 rs, MRP on sim is Rs 5 only and told that it is because of free talk time offer. I submitted all the necessary documents and I was told that the sim will get activated by 6 pm.

Till now my sim card was not activated,and the contact no given to me to contact in case of non – activation of sim card on time is switched off from 04-June evening 6pm.

I called up customer care from my another mobile and requested the representative to activate the sim. Mr Abdul attended my call and the conversation was like this.

Me : When will my sim get activated?
Abdul : Within 24 hours sir.
Me : Already 26 hours had passed after I got sim card but still its not activated.
Abdul : Dial 59059 sir it will be activated.
Me : I tried it , it will work only if “Aircel” network name gets displayed on mobile. This itself is not appearing till now.
Abdul : Within 24 hrs it will be activated sir.
Me : What shall I do if it doesnt get activated within 24 hrs?
Abdul : Within 24 hrs it will be activated sir.
Me : I asked you what should I do if it doesnt get activated within 24 hrs.
Abdul : Call back us sir.
Me : So you mean to say that I have to call back you and get the same response tomorrow also.
Abdul : No sir, it will definitely get activated within 24 hrs.
Me : If it doesnot get activated, I have no other option than filing a complaint in consumer forum on your name. I cannot keep calling you people every day for activation of my sim card.
Abdul : Ok sir. you do it .thanks for calling aircel.
Me : So you mean to say you are not going to take my compliant now.
Abdul: Thanks for calling Aircel sir. Have a nice day.

The sim card I bought is with the following details

Sim No : 89918030413144835499
MSISDN : 9738453672
IMSI : 405803142483549

My contact no : 8971488604
The contact no of aircel rep : Mr Harish 8892131100(Switched off for more than 24 hours)

Aircel Team – Please activate my sim card immediately

Sukumar R


139 responses to “Delay in New prepaid sim card activation”

  1. Hi ,

    Thanks for writing in to us. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
    This is to inform you, we have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department. We will get back to you shortly.
    At Aircel India customer satisfaction has always been our priority and we assure that your concern will be taken care of at the earliest.

    You can also get in touch with us at or you can write to

    Warm regards,

    Team Aircel India

  2. my aircel sim is not activated

  3. i have bought a new aircel sim on road. he said that it will be activated within 24hrs. but 3 days completed.even now it is not activated..if i call customer care no one is giving proper response.
    my new aircel number is 8686117962..sim number-89918010813175984682
    my present contact number is 9700811542

  4. My new aircel sim is not activated after 24 hrs

  5. Sunita devi Avatar
    Sunita devi

    sim no.89918060813197225733
    imsi no.405806192722573
    My sim card not activ

  6. You people are seriously pissing me off. It has been mor than 5 days and my new sim is not yet activated. What kind of service is this???
    SIM no: 89918050214179182939
    I don’t want your warm regards… just activate my sim asap!

  7. aditya gangurde Avatar
    aditya gangurde

    i took my aircel sim on tuesday and til now it is not activated . i took it on 21-5-214

  8. aditya gangurde Avatar
    aditya gangurde

    sim no; 89918040314175281876
    mob no ;8 040482337
    imsi no.;405804172528187

  9. Your service is seriously not up-to the mark.I took a sim 4 days back and it is still not activated .what service do u guys really provide?? In case of emergency is this how you serve us.Please start working on this or else people will have to start switching to other service providers. And my aircel no – 9941426863

  10. sushmitha Avatar

    what is this?even if we call 59059 for verification regarding activation they are not responding properly.they tell that all the people are busy and need 10 mins,9 mins or 14 mins to respond eah time i call them.What kind of service is this?and activate the sim soon

  11. Harmandar singh Avatar
    Harmandar singh

    I gota re-activated my aircel sim due to spoiled of my older sim.Retailer asked me,it will activated within 48 hours but 5 days are passed and it’s not activated till now. What should i do?

  12. My Aircel Sim doesn’t activate.i bought this Sim 4 days back in Bangalore.i am trying to call this number 59059. it shows unable to connect. i am thinking this service is good when compared to others. but this is also same like those… PLZ Activate asap…
    MISISDN : 8553972061
    SIM NO : 89918030214178169700
    IMSI NO: 405803174816970

  13. Shivji Pandit Avatar
    Shivji Pandit

    my Aircel number 09804650812 is not working about last week
    and no any tower show.
    i request you please solve my problem shortly
    thanks you.

  14. My sim s not active plz do it fast

  15. My sim is not yet activated. I called to 59059 but it says that my number has not accessibility to call tat number. Then you have to provide other alternatives right..!

  16. active my no.
    phone no is 9169236439

  17. Hey .whats wrong?? Its been long time m wating for activation of my new aircel sim.Make sure it gets activate or else I shall complain towards this problem.what kind of servises are youbproviding.its really worse.i wasted my 200 for this sim.hope it gets activated soon.

  18. My number 7031664642

  19. my no. 7738498982

  20. surender singh Avatar
    surender singh

    i bought the sim card 2 days back and still even after the verification has been done
    but my sim card is not active
    so i request the competent authority to look into the matter and solve this issue asap

    my no is 9097087131

    expecting a smooth service from your side

  21. Hi,

    My SIM is not activated… PLZ do it…

    Thanking you,

  22. Akhil chandra Avatar
    Akhil chandra

    I have purchased a new aircel simple before 5 days. Still now it’s not activated. Even I made an query to the sales man but no response.
    Please respond to us…..
    otherwise we’ll change our network….

  23. i have given my documents . past 3 days did not activate my new number y. is that u people r very slow.

  24. My simcard of Aircel. Is not activated . No

  25. Kamlesh kumar Avatar
    Kamlesh kumar

    Hello…my self kamlesh mishra from ludhiana punjab, I take a new SIM on Date 08/08/2014 but my no.not activate proper till now and not custumer care suport me. My Aircel 8568931571, I hate service. I think port my no.

  26. sir my sim is not activated please activate this
    sim no 89918000614170015262
    mobil no 7529971244
    imsi no 405800176001526

  27. my 8898332703 and sim no.89918050714176706432 not activated

  28. Dear sir,

    This is to inform you that , my Aircel SIM is showing “SIM card registration is failed”(Mob No. 9809707697) , Here I am requesting you to reactivate my SIM as soon as possible. My SIM card Number. 89918 09070 91931 94788.If possible please tell the procedure to reactivate the SIM.

  29. please active my aircle sim card my no 9965837121

  30. my aircle sim card is puk code error my no 8012930652

  31. my aircle sim card is lock 8012930652

  32. Pls activate my no.8083424933

  33. my aircel sim is not registered after one month

  34. please activate my sim my sim number is WIB 89918100113140534147

  35. bala krishnan Avatar
    bala krishnan

    please active my aircle sim card my no 9688312385

  36. bala krishnan Avatar
    bala krishnan

    please activate my sim my sim number is 89914210008927943352

  37. SuncyEapenAlex Avatar

    I am already having a aircel sim but not activated still..
    my number is (7399082533)

  38. Muddas Raihan Siddique Avatar
    Muddas Raihan Siddique

    20 days passed my sim didn’t active till, why I don’t Why?
    So please see in to the matter as soon as possible my sim no is 8857185110

  39. my aircel sim is not activated……………please active my aircle sim card .please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please.please

  40. i also bought an aircel sim 2 days ago it doesnt get activaed till now….
    my number : 9715113325

  41. joydeep dutta Avatar
    joydeep dutta

    I have got aircel sim 2 weeks back……its showing aircel at top left……but asking to recharge my number……when I am recharging using paper voucher it says request not completed every time…..msisdn…..7059945323…..

  42. My Aircel Sim doesn’t activate.i bought this Sim on 9th october2014.i
    am trying to call this number 59059. it shows unable to connect. I
    have already contacted customer care.they told me after 11 pm it will
    connect.but still it shows unable to connect.pls help me
    MISISDN :7059154309
    IMSI NO: 404911120338392
    ICCID; 89919106141123383929

  43. sriharshavardhan Avatar

    sim no :89918030514126865261
    mobile no: 9738661589
    imsi no:405803120686526

    my aircel sim is not activated since 4days

  44. chanchla kumari Avatar
    chanchla kumari

    My aircel no is 7277560125 is not activated.

  45. my new aircel sim not active from 3days no 8753837570

  46. bhavani sankar Avatar
    bhavani sankar

    My Aircel sim not activated after 24 hours.

    Mobile: 7097550955
    Sim :89918010914124473593

  47. sir my aircel sim activated 59059 not going call please activate my aircel number 8760244881 i m try to call 59059 not going call please activate my aircel number Name:Elango Father Name:Rajendran

  48. i have bought a new aircel sim in retail shop. he said that it will be activated within 24hrs. but 3 days completed.even now it is not activated..if i call customer care no one is giving proper response.
    my new aircel number is 9738571583..sim number-89918030914126283491
    my present mail ID

  49. mera mobile no. 7053700063 chalu kar do pls

  50. jayesh ganesh thamke Avatar
    jayesh ganesh thamke

    Please Sir
    My No 9766356333 Aircel Please Activate Is Urgent

  51. It has been a week since i have taken an aircel sim, still unactivated.
    I think this is really very poor network. Aircel never thinks of customer satisfaction.

  52. shubham kumar singh Avatar
    shubham kumar singh

    MY AIRCEL NO IS 8802505437…
    REGISTRATION FIELD Bta raha h..plz check in problem …plz..emergency sir… check prom… thanks…

  53. hi
    dear sir this is suresh kumar singhj i nform u that my no 8507062219 has been locked

    your acces code is :2525

  54. my new aircel sim card no i s 8508466608
    i got sim 3 days before in tamilnadu but now i am in mumbai i call it to 59059 but it should not be connected but signal is there please kindly reply as soon as possible….

  55. My aircell sim still nt activated…
    Frm 3 day ..


    MY NUMBER: 9095338839


  58. RIPAN BISWAS Avatar

    MY MOBILE NO…9563762515

  59. i bought aircel sim 2 days before ..i activate that sim yesterday to call59059 after that i wait only incoming calls are taken by me but when i try to call someone it doesn’t allow that…my mobile no. is 8285540607 …plzz help me …nd tell me what to do

  60. santosh kumar Avatar
    santosh kumar

    santosh kumar my new no 7503540437 no activate 4 days

  61. i bought aircel sim 4 days before.already 54059 calling.but incoming and outgoing calls not going.pls activate my new sim no -8686386302

  62. I bought a new pre-paid SIM of Aircel no:9738660529 ,bangalore, three(3) days ago for urgency. Till this hour no activation. Can the Top official of CRM of Aircel fix such problems ever-CLN

  63. May name ramfal/ son dhokal ram sim no.7529922026 sim no.8991800101317134519 1 plz activated sim

  64. My new Aircel sim is not activated even after 3 days.. Why are you doing this to the customers after publishing a quick activation within 24hrs? Don’t you give any importance to customer satisfaction?

  65. Suresh meghwal Avatar
    Suresh meghwal

    sir my new aircel sim card was not started plz sir start my simcard my simcard no. is 8384994438. before three days later i purchase my simcard.

  66. Subir Paul Thomas Perris Avatar
    Subir Paul Thomas Perris

    Hello Concern.

    Please be reminded from last 5 days I am waiting for the connection for new sim card yesterday i was bound to call customer care for activation and proof at 9 pm ,i was told within 2 hours it will be activated but till now it is not activated when i call this morning its says dial 59059 or re charge.
    my MSISDN: 7059116690, IMSI:404911173760325, ICCID:899191111411776032558.
    Kindly look into the matter and I do hope positively it will will be solve immediate benevolently.

  67. please activate my sim card
    name jitenderkaur
    husband name gurmeet singh
    sim no 8802619189

  68. shaikh wajid Avatar
    shaikh wajid

    9768768359 / 9768768363 / 9768768320
    i had purchased this new 3 sim.i called for verification,in verification they replied me as this is not valid verification.hence i cant able to activate my new sim card.plz help me out.plz activate my cards
    iself shaikh wajid hussain shafi.
    my alternate no.9768047513.

  69. Respected Sir/Mam,
    I am G Vinod residing in Chennai. On 26th June 2015, I have ported out to Aircel service from reliance service. Correspondingly I have submitted the documents and received the acknowledgement from aircel. On 1st June 2015, I received sms from Aircel network stating that It will activated on 2nd July 2015 at 23:26:00. But till now Its not been activated and my reliance sim got deactivated. Could you please activate my sim?

    My Mobile No: 7899727958
    SIM No: 89918030115128680607
    UPC No: RX336742

    You can contact on my alternate number: 09003186137

  70. my aircel sim is not activated but it has a aircel signal
    call for activation it shows emergency calls only
    my aircel number is 7097876895
    my contact no is 7675940767
    please reply what can i do

  71. Alok sarkar Avatar
    Alok sarkar

    I purchased aircel sim on 6/07/2015 and today is 14/07/2015 almost 8 days but sim is yet not activated. What type of service is aircel providing to us???

  72. Prakriti tamang Avatar
    Prakriti tamang


    I called up 59059 to activate my aircel number. I gave answers to your security question. I was told by the customer rep. That my sim would be activated within 2 hours. However its been more than a week it has still not been activated. I try calling customer services now and i just cant get through. It gets disconnected automatically. Please get this sorted out asap.

    My aircel number is. 9851798884

  73. mohankumar Avatar

    hai,i’m mohankumar in kanchi puram,i have buy it a aircel sim cord in mambalam ,the sim card was attach with mobile in 5 day delay to activation in aircel service center …so kindly request my view in activation today

  74. mohankumar Avatar

    hai,i’m in kanchi puram,i have buy it a aircel sim cord in mambalam ,the sim card was attach with mobile in 5 day delay to activation in aircel service center …so kindly request my view in activate today

  75. mohankumar Avatar

    my no.9941125009

  76. mohankumar Avatar

    my mobile no. is 9003698837 call us

  77. my new prepaid simcard is not activate my mobile number is 9578634922 sim number 404221893502309 please activate my sim

  78. my sim is not activated since from 2weeks,plz activate my aircel sim

  79. k.srinivasa raghavan Avatar
    k.srinivasa raghavan

    my aircell new prepaid number is o7299711139 which i bought yesterday and still not activated after 24 hours .Thank you for your incapacitated attitude towards the customer care

  80. hi gud after noon sir

    this is my air cell number:8686223539 .please send me activation date sir ,

  81. My aircel no is 7031236158. It is not activated from one week. I could not able to call 59059.
    Please activate it asap. Please help.

  82. mera tata docomo ka sim no.8655453561 mnp kiya 12/8/15 ko documents salesman ko diya document jain narendra kantilal ke nam se tha uska adress 201-7 chota ganpati mandir brahmin ali bhiwandi please agar is adress se agar dusra koi activate hota ho to krupa karke batawe dealer ke yaha se kahata hai ki scaning kiya tha par aap ke delete ho gaya hai 8655453561 is no. abhi galat adress lag hai mera contact no.9823179310

  83. Please activate my Aircel Sim Immediately.

    Aircel Number: 9206135997

  84. Pls activate my reliance new sim no8695472328

  85. my aircel sim is not activated no- 9206111208 ..past 10 days

  86. my aircel sim is not activated no 9206111208 past 10 days

  87. pushpanjali Avatar

    I bought a new sim , on 19th of oct.. and till now its not being activated..
    Could not be able to call 59059
    Please activate it soon..
    My no. is 9859098663

  88. bought a new sim , on 27th of oct.. and till now its not being activated..
    Could not be able to call 59059
    Please activate it soon..
    My no. is 9809148226
    sim no 89918090515195658880
    ims no:- 405809191565888

  89. bought a new sim in kattakada, thiruvanathapuram, kerala , on 27th of oct.. and till now its not being activated..
    Could not be able to call 59059
    Please activate it soon..
    My no. is 9809148226
    sim no 89918090515195658880
    ims no:- 405809191565888

  90. abinash sahu Avatar
    abinash sahu

    Please activate my aircel new sim
    Sim no-89918050115174238099
    Mob no-9768972593
    Imsi no-405805176423809
    It is not activate in 5 day please kindly activate my new no

  91. sir it is not activated so plz activate in my num 9066407168

  92. I have purchased a new aircel two sims on 19.11.2015.

    1. SIM no : 89918010815198369767
    Mobile No.7097725971

    2. SIM no : 89918010815197717206
    Mobile No.7097780185

    But till now these two sims are not activated .
    But i dont know reason.. Still now it’s not activated. Even I made an query to the sales man but no response.
    Please respond to us…..

  93. santu haldar Avatar
    santu haldar

    Hi Aircel. Im santu halder Plz plz activated number 9139386606

  94. Hi Aircel My number is not activated its allready bean 3 days happened, I have taken two numbers 9206484468,9206484467.

  95. Dear sir
    my name Arabinda Padhiary i bought sim card which sim no 89918039151230578976 mob No 9206719272 So please activate sim

  96. Hi Aircel my number is not activitie 24 hours
    Adar card last no8177
    sim no:89918040915171875592
    mobile no:9139386606
    continued number 7507660923


    Dear Sir,

    i shyam nandan singh my aircel mobile no. is 8507156344 is not working please activate this no.


  98. I have purchased a new aircel sims on 20.12.2015.

    SIM no : 89918030915173504556

    But till now the sim is not activated .
    Please Activate the SIM.


  99. Rinchen dolma Avatar
    Rinchen dolma

    I have purchased new aircel sim last two days back.retailer told me that the sim will be activated after 24hrs.but after two days still it was not activated.i did the whole process as per retailer’s,m begging you to do the activation thing as soon as possible.m in need.n my new aircel sim is8553694771

  100. I have ported my mobile from Karnakata to Haryana by MNP but it is still not activate. Please help to activate.

  101. sir ,
    my new prepaid aircel si is not activated till now and now 60 hrs has went,
    my sim no. is 89918101015174458622
    my mobileno. is 8182035564

  102. I purchased a new aircel simcard from a local shop.They said the sim will be activated with 72hrs.But it took two weeks for the same and that too when i visited the shop again and again for like 4 times.
    After it got activated,i was asked to call 59059 for the activation proceedure.I did the same.and answered all the questions they asked from my documents.They were about to finish the procedure when the network went off and call went blank.Since,i already answered all of the questions of the customer care representatives i thought my sim will be activated.
    But it has been 24hrs since then.Whenever i dial a number it says Your service has been barred.
    I even re-dialled 59059 , and it says please check the number you have dialled.

    What am i supposed to do now.I am already very irritated and disappointed with aircel.

    IMSI no : 404251122798733
    ICCID no : 89912510151127987331

    Place : Muzaffarpur (Bihar)

  103. Activate my aircel simcard number 8760469756

  104. K. CHaKRABORTY Avatar

    I bought a new aicel sim card on 25th february. Sales representative said that it will be activated the next day after 9:30 pm. Since yesterday 9:30 pm I have been trying to activate the sim on 59059 but everytime it is saying as all representatives are busy. The sim i purchased cost me Rs. 150 as salesman said it has 1GB net and Rs. 20 talktime. I tried several times this morning also for activation but to no avail. Kindly assist me in activating this sim.

    Name- Kajori Chakraborty
    IMSI no:- 404253195092642
    ICCID no:- 89912511153190926427
    Mobile number( as given on pack)- 9852135638
    Place- Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
    Please help me in activation of the sim .

  105. i bought a new sim on 25th feb 2016…..but …it’s not activate ..
    PLS HELP ME……………………………………..
    MOBILE NO ; 8973593373
    SIM. NO ; 89914210009150419763
    IMSI. NO ; 404421915041976
    PLS HELP ME …,,,

  106. Rashmita Sahoo Avatar
    Rashmita Sahoo

    very bad customer service. I brought sim card already 24 hr over, till now sim is not activated.I mailed to customer care mail they are saying it will take 2 next business days. What we will do as need it urgently. If you people are unable to provide better service then don’t sell sim .
    sim no-89918011115195235866
    circle- begumpet,hyderabad,andhrapradesh

  107. I bought new aircel sim in 23/3/2016 Sales representative said that it will be activated the next day but after two days still it was not activated.i did the whole process as per retailer’s,m begging you to do the activation thing as soon as possible.m in need.n my new aircel sim

  108. satendar sharma Avatar
    satendar sharma

    my sim is not activated plz my sim card active

  109. My not activetion sim card plz pH no. 8012110208 sim no. 89914210009152421064 plz help me

  110. Dear Imran,

    We are forwarding your issue to the team. Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Meanwhile please share the following detail so that our team can look into your issue:

    Alternate No.:

    Thanks and Regards
    Aircel Social Care Team
    Email us at

  111. Dear Imran,

    Thank you for reaching us at Social Care.

    As checked, your Aircel number is active, please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
    Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Thanks and Regards
    Customer Service Officer | Social CareTeam
    Email us at

  112. sim 89918001215190750794, my name is ravi kumar my. contact no 9716002777, yet is not activated last one week
    so please request continue my activate number as soon as possible

  113. Plz activet my num also
    59059 is not working
    My num 7277263736
    Name MD s alam
    IMSI 4042531958881377

  114. please activate my no 9097900360

  115. Rakesh Thakur Avatar
    Rakesh Thakur

    Plz yr mera no activet Kr do 8679546878

  116. I bought a new Aircel prepaid sim card from a sales representative at a temporary outlet in CMRIT College, Bangalore on 07-May-2016.

    The representative sold the sim card to me for 100 rs, MRP on sim is Rs 5 only and told that it is because of free talk time offer. I submitted all the necessary documents and I was told that the sim will get activated by 8 May.

    On 14 May my sim card was activated, But Till date First Rech is not done.

    and the contact no given to me to contact in case of non – activation of sim card on time is switched off.
    Please Help me

    The sim card I bought is with the following details

    Sim No : 89918030316126606863
    MSISDN :
    IMSI : 405803123660686

    Aircel Team – Please Recharge my number immediately


  117. my sim is not satat plz satar my no my n. ramavar s/f shoyram v.p.o dulania dis.jhunjhunu no.9206929286

  118. my Sim Uninor in3 days in not activities plz

  119. my Sim Uninor is not activated in 3 days my no is 7249006650 and Sim no. 8991929161604734856 please activited

  120. Manohar Reddy Avatar
    Manohar Reddy

    My New Unior Sim Not Activated Till Now , I have Taken New Sim On 08/07/2016 And My Number Is 9206647644 I Tried To Your Customer Care No 9738012345 But No Proper Response Receiving Can U Check Why The Dealay For My Sim Activation.

  121. Manohar Reddy Avatar
    Manohar Reddy

    Worst Service Which I Have Never Seen In Any Network ( Simply Time Waste For Contacting Customer Care And Wastage Of Money I Tell If Any Body Asks How Aircel Works Simple Reply Waste Network No Proper Response & Go For Another Network.

  122. k shiva parvathi Avatar
    k shiva parvathi

    I have bought two new sims on road at 16-07-2016 one sim has activated successfully but another sim was not activated please activate it sim no:89918010116121850654 mobile:8686053510 my present no:9676459239 pls activate it imediately for my trust on aircel

  123. Dear Customer(k shiva parvathi),

    Thanks for writing to us. This is to inform you, we have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department. At Aircel India, customer satisfaction has always been our priority and we assure that your concern will be taken care of at the earliest.

    Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Thanks and Regards
    Aircel Social Media Team

  124. loganathan Avatar

    My sim is not activated till now..i bought 5 days before.till there is no network coverage in the sim..activate my sim immediately.
    Sim no:89914210009176391624
    Imsi no:404421917639162
    Mobile no:8012288846

  125. Dear Customer(k shiva parvathi),

    Our team was unable to contact you. Please share a convenient time so that our team can reach you.

    Thanks and Regards
    Aircel Social Media Team

  126. mohammed sufyan momin Avatar
    mohammed sufyan momin

    hello my sim card is not activate.
    i get before 3 days.
    mobile;new card number=8286059702
    sim number=89918050416193108077
    imsi code no=405805194310807 please restart this sim
    thank you.

  127. Rajesh Kumar Thakur Avatar
    Rajesh Kumar Thakur

    hello my sim card is not activate.
    i get before 18 hour
    sim number=89918000416194817818
    imsi code no 405800198481781
    MO. No. 7550656236 please just activate this sim
    thank you.

  128. my sim card is not activate from 28 hour plz activate my numbre plz
    mobile number 7533041917

    sim no.89918000515174617492
    imsi no. 405800178461749

    plz on my number

  129. Praneet Nayak Avatar
    Praneet Nayak

    I have taken 2 sim on the temporary shop in uday nagar on 20th September and its not activated still.Please activate it asap.
    Sim 1:9206754267
    Sim 2:9206753994
    My point of contact is :Airtel(8792919627).Contact soon.

  130. Dear Customer(mohd ayan),

    We are forwarding your issue to the team. Meanwhile please share the below-mentioned detail:

    Alternate no.:

    Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Thanks and Regards

    Aircel Social Media Team

  131. Dear Praneet Nayak,

    Thanks for writing to us. This is to inform you, we have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department. At Aircel India, customer satisfaction has always been our priority and we assure that your concern will be taken care of at the earliest.

    Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Thanks and Regards

    Aircel Social Media Team

  132. Hi mohd ayan,

    We have checked your account details & found that the number is already in active status.

    Warm Regards,
    Aircel Social Media Team

  133. Dear Praneet Nayak,

    We would like to inform you that we have not received any documents. Hence, we are requesting you to visit the store from where you had taken the SIM.
    Thanks and Regards

    Aircel Social Media Team

  134. Shanmuksrinivas gandepalli Avatar
    Shanmuksrinivas gandepalli

    mobile no : 8553412971
    sim no : 89918030716199633381
    imsi no : 405803192963338

    sim taken 7 days befor not yet activated,i applied all the required documents and the store guy said with in two days i will be activated ,we taken three sims like all these three are same situation.
    please respond quickly and sort this problem

  135. Dear Shanmuksrinivas gandepalli,

    We would like to inform you that we have checked your number in our data your number has been activated .
    Kindly feel free to write to us at for any further assistance on this matter.

    Thanks and Regards
    Aircel Social Media Team


  137. Premkumar shashikant verma Avatar
    Premkumar shashikant verma

    myself prem
    Mee too got the same as problem what others having.Its more than 26 hrs still my sim card showing no netwrk n my sim card is not activate so plz tell me solution what should i do………
    mobile no; 8268884409
    sim no; 89918050317196216455
    Imis no; 405805196621645
    plz do my need full start the sim card

    thank you

  138. my sim card is not activate from 72 hour plz activate my numbre plz
    mobile number 8285726850

    sim no.89918000217592221888

    please respond quickly and sort this problem

  139. My sim card is not activate in 26 hour plez activate my mobile no. 9716132197
    Sim no.89918000217129086747

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