Compensation in Delay of Possession of my Apartment by 1 year 4 months

Location/place: Goregaon East, Mumbai

Name of company/service: Royal Palms India Pvt Ltd, Goregaon East

I have booked a flat in Royal Palms India Pvt Ltd, Goregaon. As per the registered agreement, i was supposed to get the possession of my flat in February 2011. Now its been delayed by one year four months, but till date i have not got the possession. I have written o the builder for the compensation, but he is not giving any reply. Please help…..


One response to “Compensation in Delay of Possession of my Apartment by 1 year 4 months”

  1. Hi,

    I am also having the same issue with them for one of my flat in Palm Island VI.

    Please let me know if we can do something jointly or you know some more people with similar issue.

    Awaiting your reply

    thanks & Reagrds

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