I am Sudipta Purkait, a research Scholar of Jadavpur University, Kolkata. On 13th July morning, around 8:45 am I received a phone call from an unknown number claiming his name is Deepak Verma and claiming that he is an employee of State Bank of India. H was demanding my ATM Card No for the verification of ATM Card. I believed him and he misguided and compelled me to provide him my ATM card numbers for five online purchases. I am producing the details of the purchases in the following.
1) Date – 13/07/2015, Description POS PRCH-POS 903130 WWW MOBIKWIK COM NEW DELH-, Debit – 9,999/-
2) Date – 13/07/2015, Description – POS PRCH-POS 728390 FLIPKART.COM FLIPKART.Banglore-, Debit – 26,490/-
3) Date – 13/07/2015, Description – POS PRCH-POS 519479094493 VODAFONE-BILLDESK MUMBAI, Debit – 2,500/-
4) Date – 13/07/2015, Description – POS PRCH-POS 519479094649 VODAFONE- BILLDESK MUMBAI, Debit – 2,450/-

Please take necessary steps so that I can get back my money which was debited from my account in a fraud way. my contact number is 8001025830.


2 responses to “Cheated in a Bank fraud”

  1. Pralay Ghorai Avatar
    Pralay Ghorai

    My name pralay ghorai I wine BMW atomobaile Lucky draw I pay alredy 25000 for all castom charge with my wining parsel but he don,t sent any parsel sair I am very poor farmer please save my many and refund please I doing suisaid please sir

  2. Pralay Ghorai Avatar
    Pralay Ghorai

    My name pralay ghorai my pH no 9894881395 .id-pralayghorai46@gmail.com

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