Blackberry mobile continuous problem

Location/place: Nagpur

Name of company/service: Chartered Accountant

i have blackberry 9810 torch mobile. for the first time my mobile has been went for repairing under warranty. the mobile has been sent to banglore for repairs and after continous follow up and constant visit to blackberry service centre in nagpur…the mobile got replaced and i recd a new handset….but immidiately after receipt the handset had various problems. it automatically gets on and off and my voice could not be heard by the receiver. i again went to the service centre and again the mobile went to banglore for repair…after 10-12 days the mobile is recd back but without repairing… again i have to sent it back for repairs…
the details are as under: work order no. is 3339 name : nitin agrawal…mobile no. 9822572295…black berry service centre in nagpur at empress mall, nagpur….i am not having any no.s and it is disturbing my business a lot….there is no one to hear any griviences in blackberry… kindly do the needful at the aerliest


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