Argus Cosmetics ltd Chennai Fraud company

Location/place: Hyderabad

Name of company/service: Argus Cosmetics ltd

Dear Friends
This company giving false commitmnts to employee & company giving too much pressure to all SR’s & after that not paying salary & expenses on due time, also after resigning no employee attending calls for PF & final settlement, they fully avoiding all phone calls. This company also delay stocks regularly to all super stockists,Argus not keeping inventory but asking distributor to keep inventory. always ASM firing for collections on 7th, 14th, 21st but not stock coming in time. Always company giving false reasons.
This is big fraud company more than 100 ex sales people amounts penidng many lakhs due.


41 responses to “Argus Cosmetics ltd Chennai Fraud company”

  1. avijit mohanty Avatar
    avijit mohanty

    I agree to this It is the most fraud company in india, I have worked with this company for three years from 1998 nov to 2000 sept. I have a due of Rs 25000/- plus my PF for three years.

  2. nishant gautam Avatar
    nishant gautam

    please help ,
    they are offering me job as a sales guy .
    I need to contact you people.

  3. ESA BASHEER Avatar

    Hi guys,
    am offering with this company as Supply Chain Manager, currently am working with Pepsico – Aurangabad, need your inputs that can i join this compmany is it good to survey or not

    pls do call me @ 09994949104

    pls help me

    Esa B

  4. vishal gupta Avatar
    vishal gupta

    plz help this company offer me for a job. plz advice me what can i do.. Regard vishal gupta 8810006446

  5. jugal kishor verma Avatar
    jugal kishor verma

    kindly settle my account my account soon. we are working in period of mr. aman duby but not settle my account till date.further we call ti H.R. also.

    jugal kishor verma

  6. very very fraud company.

  7. Argus Cosmetics is a third rated FRAUD company, NOT recommended for commercial or employment purpose. The company is run by four jokers Sunder(MD) and 3 other Directors – Gunashekar, Mohan and Shivaram, they do not pay PF & ESIC dues and do not make payment to vendors and also do not make settlement to employees leaving the company. DO NOT JOIN THIS COMPANY or have any commercial dealing.

  8. praveen shrivastava Avatar
    praveen shrivastava

    Dear sir,
    pls provide me argus cosmetics ltd, pf office area code

  9. praveen shrivastava Avatar
    praveen shrivastava

    HQ:- BANDA (U.P.)
    DEG:- SR
    PF A/C NO:- TN/39080/1836

    sir pls provide my a/c details

  10. I was also the employee of this company. I was on my probation period as the company told me at the time of joining. But i never suffer this kind of problem. I serve this company for 2 years.
    I dont think that there is any problem as mentioned in the complaint.
    I think someone post this complaint to make a bad impact of this company in the market.

  11. Dear Ankush,

    Please get clarity before giving a false comment, Every employee in ARGUS knows that they are not happy. Check with the corporate office or any of thier factory office to know better about this FRUAD compnay. All the four Directors including the MD are fit for nothing, no ethics followed, no management principles observed, useless persons.

  12. Argus Cosmetics is definitely a third rated FRAUD company. I fully go with what Kishore & Prasad have said. Absolutely no transparency, no fair/ ethical practices followed and not fit to be running as an FMCG firm. I worked in the company for 10 months.They make money in the most fraudulent ways possible. They treat employess worse than slaves. Do not pay salaries on time, even for a single month – very late payment each time & use the company funds for their personal use.
    Ppl at the head office always cheat & ARE ALL ONLY FRAUDSTERS WORKING there. In specific, a person called ‘Walter’ who is in the HR dept at Chennai Head Office- Alwarpet, is a no.1 FRAUD and ROGUE, always gives false promises to employees and cheats people on their salary pending, p.f. settlement and dues not responding to calls, always cheating and avoiding. He should be bashed terribly on behalf of all the cheated employees, as its every employees right to get all our payments due.

  13. 1233434457777555


  15. Hi Its a growing company,its good for hardworking and potential guys but not good for useless guy and inefficient guy.
    They are not tolerate inefficiency and frauds in travel expense bills.

  16. G M Sundaresan Avatar
    G M Sundaresan

    Name: G M Sundaresan.
    Dsg: Sr.ASM in Argus Cosmetics Ltd​,
    Date of Joining : 22/11/1995, Joined as ISR.
    Exp in Argus : 20+ yrs.

    In my tenure I have got increments, Promotions, Incentives, Area Exposure and most importantly the liberty to operate and the freedom to express my views. I have done the world of mistakes here. That has been mended well by my seniors and supporting me when I am falling short.

    I wish to say to my fellow commentators that, If a company pays salary/Exp in delay continuously, Then will it survive for 24 yrs like Argus did?. Supply issue is common for all the companies. But, as an employee in what way you are being affected?. People speaks about collection pressure. Is there any sales without it?

    Pls evaluate yourself that what you have done for the company. If you have substance, you point will be taken. Otherwise these negative comments expresses your inefficiency.

    JOINING DATE-10-01-2011

    Dear Friends,
    In my Feature this company is very excellent many promotions & increment
    Its good for this company in my experience good hardworking guy’s is deffenetly promotions & increment but not good for useless guy’s.
    supply issues is common for all the companies, But it is the sale.
    All comment for salary expenses delay but not any mentions for ur side problems.
    but currently not any issues for stocks & salary.

  18. Partha sarathi Mohapatra Avatar
    Partha sarathi Mohapatra

    I am Partha sarathi Mohapatra working as a Sales Representative (SR) in Odisha in Argus Cosmetics Ltd form the last 2 years. I have joined after my completion of MBA (from NIILM CMS, New Delhi) and this is my first company, here I have successfully completed two years.

    I completely agree with Sundaresan Sir, even I couldn’t face any type of problem there is mentioned in the above comments. Argus Cosmetics Ltd is not a third rated Fraud Company, rather than I proudly say that it’s a best and familiar company. And I feel proud that I am also a small member of this company. As my first company I have got a good area and sales experience and exposure over here. I got my conformation and increment properly in time.

    I also wish to say to these commentators that If it’s a fraud company then please explain how Argus survive and successfully doing their business from last 24 years.

    My fellow commentators wrote about salary / expenses /PF issue but for your kind information more than 400 employees are working in all over India. And no PF issue is there, company deposited PF properly in time. In my last two years of experience those persons left their job from Argus have properly got their final settlement.

    These guys also wrote about Collection pressure !!!!!!!!! . Guys it’s a part of sales. And supply is just a common issue for all companies.

    I am very much sure that these above people are not doing their duty and job properly. Before comment to the other first up all judge yourself.

    Finally I want to say that It’s very good company for the hardworking and potential guys and having a very good working culture.

  19. Partha sarathi Mohapatra Avatar
    Partha sarathi Mohapatra

    I am Partha sarathi Mohapatra working as a Sales Representative (SR) in Odisha in Argus Cosmetics Ltd form the last 2 year. I have joined after my completion of MBA (from NIILM CMS, New Delhi) and this is my first company, here I have successfully completed two years.

    I completely agree with Sundaresan Sir, even I couldn’t face any type of problem there is mentioned in the above comments. Argus Cosmetics Ltd is not a third rated Fraud Company, rather than I proudly say that it’s a best and familiar company. And I feel proud that I am also a small member of this company. As my first company I have got a good area and sales experience and exposure over here. I got my conformation and increment properly in time.

    I also wish to say to these commentators that If it’s a fraud company then please explain how Argus survive and successfully doing their business from last 24 years.

    My fellow commentators wrote about salary / expenses /PF issue but for your kind information how more than 400 employees are working in all over India. And no PF issue is there, company deposited PF properly in time. In my last two years of experience those persons left their job from Argus have properly got their final settlement.

    These guys also wrote about Collection pressure. Guys it’s a part of sales. And supply is just a common issue for all companies.

    I am very much sure that these above people are not doing their duty and job properly.

    Before comment to the other first up all judge yourself.

    Finally I want to say that It’s very good company for the hardworking and potential guy and having a very good working culture.

  20. Name – C B DAS.
    DSG – ASM in Argus Cosmetics Ltd.
    Date of Joining -09-04-2012.
    Exp in Argus – 4 years.
    I wish to say to my fellow friends,that all negative comments are false.For example on above Mr.Prasad negative comment that,regarding Ex-employees settlement,My self handover to him his settlement cheque in Patna and received company Laptop from him.In my view those who are efficient employee,after their resignation from the organization company has cleared their salary & expenses dues in time.
    If the company is not giving Salary & Expenses to his employees on time So how they are still working for this company for long time Example MR.G M Sundaresan(Sr.ASM) Kerlara for 20years,Mr. Suresh Tamilnadu (ASM) 18 years and myself with other many employees working till now.
    Regarding supply of stocks,It is a common thing,that is depending on sales.
    My friends those who are unable to work for this company properly and with dedication please don’t comment negative view for the company.

  21. BALA DESAI Avatar

    Dear all,
    last 9 year work in argus maharashtra my and my team salary time to time and
    all rds and super stockist work in last 12 to 15 year and satisfied in argus.
    and stock supply in regular in rds.

  22. MD.HAZIKHAN Avatar

    Dear friends,
    Name: Md.Hazikhan
    Dsg: ASM in Argus Cosmetics Ltd​,
    Date of Joining -2010.
    Exp in Argus : 6 yrs.
    I wish to inform you all that last 6 years Im working in Argus Cosmetics Limited. I had started my career in this company as Sales supervisor. Company had given growth by giving promotions & increments time to time. Im not having any problem with the company in my tenure. Moreover Im having 80% of team who is working along with me. Sorry to say some of them who had given wrong statements about the company.There is no pending issues in our areas. My suggestion is that those who wants to build their carrier I will suggest you all to join Argus cosmetics ltd confidently.

  23. Dhananjay Upadhyay Avatar
    Dhananjay Upadhyay

    Name – Dhananjay Upadhyay
    DSG – ASM in Argus Cosmetics Ltd.
    Date of Joining -03-12-2009.
    Exp in Argus – 7 years.
    Dear all,
    I am Working in argus cosmetics ltd. since last 7 year work in U.P. East I join as SR in this company and my team salary is time to time some time in my carrier 3 or 4 month salary delay 15 to 20 day but admin inform me. and MD also talk with me for this. i am giving so many check of sattlements ASM SO & SR and in my knowledge some ASM are not handover Company Property Like laptop & stationary Material .
    all rds and super stockist work in last 12 to 15 year and satisfied With argus Cosmetics Ltd. and stock supply in regular in rds.

  24. Name-Maruti M Naik
    Des-ASM in Argus Cosmetic Ltd
    Joining Date- 08/04/2013
    when I joined this organization doesn’t have a much experience to handle territory but Argus Cosmetic given me opportunity to show my ability,they have faith on me which I doesn’t see in any other organization.
    I learned lot of things in Argus Cosmetic ltd,.
    I want to inform my fellow commentators If Argus doesn’t pay salary and expense on time will it be survive me for last three years.
    entire FMCG industry is based on collection than if you think this as a pressure than to continue in sales field is impossible.
    Stock issue is common for all industries, can you able show me a single organization who is not suffered due to stock…

  25. ANEESH
    Name :Aneesh
    DSG:Sales Officer
    Date of joining :1-1-2014 Argus : 2year 4months

    Dear friends…..
    I’m very proud to be a part of this company in this two years I haven’t experience any such problems like commentators mentioned, instead I gained positive and good exposure.
    According to me no company Wil give increments in 6months how ever the performance is, I’m a person who experience yearly two increments from this company because of my performance and hard working. Hard working people Ara alway recognized and awarded by this company there is no point in commenting or complaining others if we are not ready do our work properly supply issues and collection pressure are part of any company. Seniors like suundareshan sir and others have very positive feedback and they are still happing in this company because of there hard work and dedication.

    ~Always makes a total effort, even when the odds are against to u~

  26. Jiju Cyriac Avatar
    Jiju Cyriac

    Dear All,
    I fully agree with Sundaresan sir and our team.

  27. Jiju Cyriac Avatar
    Jiju Cyriac

    Dear All,
    I am Jiju Cyriac,Area Sales Executive,Argus Cosmetics ,Bangalore. I fully agree with Sundaresan sir and our team.
    I had worked in 4 FMCG companies including Argus, so far. Out of that, Argus is the best company from an employee point of view,as per me.
    This my third year of working with Argus. I got one promotion and my salary got 100% doubled within this short span of time.Proudly I can say that, me and my time use to get the salary in time.
    One with a fake identity can utter any nonsense with out any back ground of facts.
    In my understanding and knowledge, Argus is one of the most promising and growing FMCG company which motivates its employees. It has many challenging roles and scope of career growth for them.

  28. Navneet Tiwari Avatar
    Navneet Tiwari

    Name – Navneet Kumar Tiwari
    DSG – ASM (UP-C)
    Date of Joining -28-01-2012.
    Exp in Argus – 4 years.
    Company- Argus Cosmetics Ltd.

    Dear Friends,
    I have never face any issue from this Company.thanks to all Directors for given Me full support also Chennai Office Help Me every time.I have gain many promotions & increment. No any stock issue
    All comment for delay salary expenses but i have receive salary and expenses on don’t worry about this.I am 100% sure hard worker always gain remarkable achievement in this Company .

    Navneet Tiwari

  29. Dinakar Shenoy L Avatar
    Dinakar Shenoy L

    I have been working with Argus for 7 years. I learned a lot during my tenure here. The support and guidance I got from our Management encouraged me to raise my bar. Life and business has lots of ups and downs, Argus taught me to balance both and showing the path of growth. I learned to approach the problems and issues with great care and finding the solutions is the achievement. The package is not on the seniority but on the performances which is an added advantage in this organization. Happy to be a part of this family, a real family like our personal family, taken care at the time of need.

  30. SACHIN SHETTY Avatar

    JOINING DATE- 12-5-2012

    Dear all
    i am working in Argus cosmetics ltd last 4 year mangalore i joined as SR this company i got 2 pramotion and incriment also am happy to working this company i have never face any issue this company still am working this company. totaly good growing FMCG company.

  31. Dear All,

    Currently I am associated with Argus Cosmetics Ltd since July, 2014 till date; from the day I have joined Argus, the whole experience is awesome! And my learnings are a lot. Argus treats its personnel as precious assets.

    Work culture at Argus is very friendly, gives liberty to operate and accepts our views.

    Most important, the Directors are very good teachers to their team because they have taught me a lot.

  32. Dear Friends,

    I have been associated with Argus for the last 2 years and my experience with the company was great. I work at head office so i am having very good exposure on how well thing are going on here. The management provide a very healthy environment to all the employees and they encourage all the staff from executive level to managerial level.

    There are ups & lows in every organization and it is part of business. If the organization is going through rough patch doesn’t mean that the organization is fraud. At Argus they support their staff all the time and for me in person i had a set back of my health and had to take a long leaves and Argus was there to support me during the course of time.

    I feel whatever negative publicity people are saying about Argus is just a lie.

  33. Hi,

    This is Rajesh from Argus Cosmetics.

    Argus people are very great and helpful as well. It’s fun to work with this concern & friendly and upbeat atmosphere. The management is always encouraging us to get innovative ideas. The other great thing is that, we as co-workers help each other. If someone is having a hard time, we help each other whether it is personal or work related. Better work-life balance. The MD and other three directors think of us as a family and manage as such. Working at Argus is a best environment I’ve ever experienced in my carrier.


    I am working with Argus for the past 6 years. I joined as Senior Executive Sales Admin. Within a short span of time I was promoted as Manager – Sales Admin. This clearly shows that the performance speaks. Argus recognizes the quality and ability in you. The management made me to come out boldly and utilize my talents to achieve the higher levels. The salary is not based on the seniority but it is on the performance we show. The directors give us the freedom to implement our ideas and talents in solving the issues. This encourage us to work without any fear.

  35. Dear All,

    Currently I am associated with Argus Cosmetics Ltd since July, 2014 till date; from the day I have joined Argus, the whole experience is awesome! And my learnings are a lot. Argus treats its personnel as precious assets.
    Work culture at Argus is very friendly, gives liberty to operate and accepts our views.
    Most important, the Directors are very good teachers to their team because they have taught me a lot.

  36. Bala Chandar Avatar
    Bala Chandar

    I am working at Argus for past 1 year, by experience with the organisation is very good though it has been only a year the management has given me the freedom to present my ideas at all times irrespective of my experience and the tenure with organisation. The management always supports the staff and try to provide a very healthy environment for working.

  37. Hi,

    I have been associated with Argus Cosmetics Ltd from 2014. I have gone through several comments above, as per my experience, Argus is platform for Performers & Learners not for Lethargic person.
    Management always considers their employee views & Ideas.

  38. Dear Friends,

    I’m working in ARGUS from the past 5 years. I am having very good knowledge as how things are well here.

    The management made me to come out boldly and utilize my talents to achieve the next level. Our directors always guide us in every point. Work culture at Argus is very friendly.

    My view is that those who wants to build their carrier can join Argus cosmetics ltd confidently.

  39.  Avatar

    I agree to this It is the most fraud company in india, I have worked with this company for two years . I have a due of Rs 96000/- in last two years.
    Dear Ajit/Akil/Bala/ Director

    As per lots of payment reminder, Lots of False promises given by Mr. Ajit ( Purchase Dept. ) & Mr. Akil (Purchase Dept) & Mr.bala of the Payment Due Form over 350 days the sales invoice.

  40. Alok Srivastava Avatar
    Alok Srivastava

    Fraud company folks, don’t join, most of these positive comments have been pressed by the Company, I know CB Das, Forget English he can’t even write his native language this well!

    Walter is the HR Manager, He knows best the money this company makes by not
    Meet few ex employees, and clear the air.

  41. Dear Sir
    I am fighting this company for our full and final settlement, I have given 11 year of our life in this company, Director not understand my filling,

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