wrong additional charges in bill for downloads not done by me

I am a vodafone customer. I have been charged 258 Rs. for downloads which I have not done. Further, I have 2G unlimited plan of RS. 199 so I dont understand why this download charges? Details of links and charges are as under:

2 times— hello1_tvallsouth_30 Rs. 30 x 2 = 60
2 times– dwap_wal_0049_ppu_fut0013 Rs. 49 x 2 =98
myplex_ap_100 Rs. 100

I have not downloaded any of the above links.
I have tried to complaint over phone as well as live chat but the customer care was unable to give me any proper reply.

Further, while I was trying to resolve the issue, today I got a message from spam number that “thank you for subscribing myplex vodafone TV” but I have not subscribed to any such thing.

While I was planning to issue a legal notice and file a case against vodafone in consumer tribunal, i came across this online forum and surprised to see that vodafone kind of big company is doing such a fraud activities. What a deterioration of standards.

I cannot wait for more as last date to pay my bill is 25/07/2014 and if I will not pay bill i will again be charged late fees of Rs. 100/- So either this forum or consumer court but I need to do something as ap.

Can you help me get my refund as ap ?


5 responses to “wrong additional charges in bill for downloads not done by me”

  1. Hi,

    Recently these type of downloading charges also charged to me by Vodafone, Mobiart_valupack 30Rs & Myplex_ap_100 they charges 100 Rs. like 130 Rs they charges in my July-14 bill. If I activated and downloaded these facility why I have not received any messages form Vodafone.

    Please help to confirm what is this Mobiart & Myplex. and can I go for it to Consumer court..

  2. Ashish Gopani Avatar
    Ashish Gopani

    Recently tis type of downloading charge is also charged on me by Vodafone, swap_wal_0049_fut0013. I can’t undrsnd Wat type of charge is tis??? I have also internet plan for 2GB 2G

  3. Hi Team,

    This is regarding my vodafone number 7838995548.

    This is third time when I am being asked to pay for something which I did not used.

    Last three time time I called vodafone and they were unable to give me the explanations for tbose charges, hence my bill got revived.

    This time it is regarding the application Myplex_Ap_100.
    Request you to please chexk else I have to reach to consumer court with previouse bills.

    Thanks and regards ,
    Rohit Tanwar

  4. Wajid shaikh Avatar
    Wajid shaikh

    I am too getting these charges in my Vodafone postpaid bill:

    hello1_tvallsouth_30 Rs. 30 = 30
    dwap_wal_0049_ppu_fut0013 Rs. 75=75
    myplex_ap_100 Rs. 100

    Its been continues 4 months and i am going to close this connection.

    there is no use disputing with nodal officer as they will read the same line”This has been downloaded from your mobile and you have to pay this charges.”

    this is a trap for consumers !!!!

  5. manpreet singh Avatar
    manpreet singh


    Vodafone has been changing me with these fraudulent download charges for last 4 -5 months and I every time when I complain it blame me in a rude and derogatory way. This time again they have charged me for my plex ap_100 and again they are not ready to solve my problem. Infact they are again telling me it’s my mistake… Vodafone is ridiculous. ..

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