Worst service by first flight Courier

My demand Draft is missing since 16th february. It reached Jodhpur as per the online record shown by them but was not delivered on the proper address. i am trying to contact them as it’s a month now. Services are so poor their contact details are not correct online not even on the reciept. nobody picks up the call at office not even at head office. Two days before a person from Jodhpur office picked up the call but said system is not working i cannot help you. he told me to call back and since that day i am trying but nobody picks the call. Infact i tried to contact at registered office mumbai but got no reponse. i am worried as it was demand draft for some competition and was urgent. Its a month now i am so irritated and frustrated because of these irresponsible bunch of people. i think this courier service should be shut down. what kind of service they are providing when they are not even working and their customers are not happy with them.


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