work experience

Location/place: noida

Name of company/service: Bonjur Techno Park

guys I am sharing my work experience with Bonjur Techno Park its located in Noida Sector 63 A16 .
I joined this company 19 th of April when I joined that company I did not find any thing is good in this company. but my team leader was good so I decided to work there. But they wants’ only work they don’t want pay for that .but everything is salary If anybody is working anywhere. They did not pay to the vendor who was running cab in that company. They told him we are in loss we are not receiving payment from client. We were working in U.K. Process .on 7 th may 2012 they told us labor day in uk that will be off. We were happy because we were getting off. On 8th may 2012 they told us there is some celebration today is also off. When we went on 9 th may 2012 we heart that process has gone will get your salary in next month. Then some people went to police station then they process our salary for april .rest of amount they told us you will get in 9th june.but they given me only 500 rupeese.they don’t have manner how to talk when I told them when I will receive my full amount they told FNF hase been done we can’t process if u want to take this amount u can other wise u can leave don’t waste our guys if anybody wants to work in this company so work without salary. because they don’t have any commitment. they wil say different & they will do something else. There is no management. They don’t have manner how to talk.


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