Vodafone Mobile and Internet services

Location/place: Noida

Name of company/service: Vdafone

From last 4-years I m using the Vodafone services and it was going good till June 2008. I was (was because right now there is no Data plan) also using the Vodafone Mobile Connect services all the time and it’s a Corporate Plan (Rs. 199/- Rental plan for unlimited usage). I was happy with this features. In the month of June 2008 I got a call from your Customer Executive to take the benefits of 3G Plan, I refused the offer but he was able to convinced me to use this for 1 month, If I dislike or not suite for me then I can deactivate it. I agreed with him and allow him to activate it. I used the 3G services in the month of June to July till 1st week. In July I checked my Bill and it was Rs. 4,000/- plus, the bill is very high but it was my fault that I got convinced with that Customer Executive, I haven’t complained anything, I simply call the Customer Care on 4th July and asked them to Deactivate the 3G services and returned back to old plan. The 3G services got deactivated from my mobile, but I was using the 2G Internet services with thinking of that my Corporate Plan is activated. After few days, may be 18th or 19th July, I checked my usage in http://vodafone.in and I found that my usage is again increased meanwhile I also start getting the calls from your Executive that my Credit Limit is reaching the maximum limit, I asked them why it’s increasing I m not making too much calls and also I have Corporate Plan for Unlimited usage for Internet and how my services get barred. Your Executives didn’t have the answer, simply they were saying that when the Bill will generate the all usage will get discounted. But also they request me to increase the Credit Limit, again I agree and allow them to proceed the request. Within 2-days my Credit Limit got increased from Rs. 5500/- to Rs.7000/-.

During this period, on 20th of July, I heard about another Vodafone Mobile Connect Corporate plan in Rs. 99/-. I send an email to ‘CORPORATECAREDEL’ and asked to convert my plan from Rs. 199/- to Rs.99/-, but I got a response from that the Rs.99/- plan is not unlimited usage of Net, so they requested me to confirm that which plan I should want. But due to some confusion I wrongly mentioned to convert my current Plan (Rs.99/-) to (Rs.199/-), after that I haven’t got any response from them. I have attached the same email with this mail.

On 5th August, I was checked my bill on http://vodafone.in and it was Rs 8538.39. Immediately I call the Customer Care, I asked them clearly that Is my Corporate Plan is there? They confirmed me that there is no data plan activated for Internet services but my Vodafone Mobile Connect services is on, I got shocked. There is no transparency maintaining by either Vodafone to Customer or your Executives are not providing the detail information at any time.

Now, the concern is, this bill is very high for me, I can’t pay this much of amount because there is no fault from my side. When I asked your executive to deactivate my 3G services and return to Old Plan, my Corporate Plan is also not get activated and it was not confirmed by your Executives while I call them Several times, I also mentioned them that I have Corporate Plan for Internet services, but never they cross checked it and never told me that there is no data plan activated in my Vodafone Number.

From 29th July onwards my services get barred and I have cut off with the world.


One response to “Vodafone Mobile and Internet services”

  1. Hello Prashant Kumar,

    Please provide your contact number here http://bit.ly/Rd30Fk so that we can assist you further.

    Vodafone Customer Care.

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