I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Mumbai using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919930995366
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is lloking at Root cause & addressing it.
Vodafone bill charged for d2c_mgossip_pack49
284 responses to “Vodafone bill charged for d2c_mgossip_pack49”
Hello Bhushan,
Thanks for talking to us. As conveyed, the charges for downloads are accurate. However, as a special gesture we’ve reversed Rs.49 & the same will reflect in the forthcoming bills.
Vodafone.I was also duped like this…. four times in last 2 months….vodafone has charged me D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK49. I would request Vodasfone to shed light on wat actually was downloaded. because when we speak to the customer care executives. they do not have any reasonable explanation and are really arrogant.
Hi Vikrant,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1kuwL5x
VodafoneHi Vikrant,
As conveyed, we require 48 working hours to resolve your concern regarding downloading. Thanks for talking to us.
VodafoneHello Vikrant,
Thanks for talking to us. As conveyed, we’ll get back to you within 24 to 48 working hours.
VodafoneDear Vodafone team,
I wonder what’s this strategy of making money from customers.
I was charged Rs 49 twice last month for d2c_mgossip49 and another Rs 15 for animation download, in the Month of March.
When I called up CC, they didn’t give any proper expplation on it.
This month (April ) again there is additional Bill for, mobilart_valuepack Rs 30, and twice the animation download , chagrin Rs 15 each..
This is rediculous.
Please reimburse the money and help us know where these charges are coming from, so that we can avoid these unexpected charges.
Anil Thakur
Mobile: 9689489063
Alternate: 9818465590Hello Anil Thakur,
Thanks for talking to us. As conveyed, the charges of Rs.60 has been accurately levied towards the downloads in the bill dated 5 May 2014 since the same has been made via premium website. Further, the charges for downloads will be based on the content.
Vodafone.Hello Vodafone,
I have the same problem. I have been charged 30Rs twice under the category “Downloads” “mobilart_valuepack”. Please explain what these charges are ?
I have been using data pack for over 2 years now and never had this extra charge for any downloads. Your customer service representative is unable to explain it to me.Regards,
Ph : 9885328905I also got charged Rs 387! for the May month bill on this fraudulent “downloads” charges… within a weeks’ time… despite having data plan active!
shotformat_dwnlp_9 3 times! @99
hello1_tvallsouth_ 2 times! @30
mobilart_valuepack 1 time! @30Pl. help! 9884853075
Hello Raj,
Thanks for speaking to us. We understand that our executive has provided you the necessary information regarding charges. Do revert to us if you need any assistance.
I am Mayur Bhanushali and my mobile no is 9986827907. Even I am facing the same problem for the current bill. Vodafone has charged me Rs. 218 for 6 downloads which I have not done. See the list below
mobilart_valuepack Rs. 30
wapvilla_ppd Rs. 4 6
hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30
hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30
mobilart_valuepack Rs. 30
wapvilla_ppd Rs. 49
I called up customer care and they are not even ready to take a complaint on this. They are saying these are valid charges and they do not have any explanation on this. They have confirmed that these are not vodafone services.
Kindly help to resolve this.
MayurHello Mayur Bhanushali,
Thanks for speaking to us. We understand that our executive was able to address your concern regarding download charges. Do revert to us if you need any assistance.
My mobile number is 9739060509. Even I could see that last month I have been charged twice for hello1_tvallsouth_ and once for mobilart_valuepack. Only Vodafone team and God can say what are these charges for.
BiswaHello Biswajoy Das,
We called on your number 9***0****9 at 10.20am & 11.16am but there was no response. Please let us know the right time to get back to you with assistance.
My vodafone number is 96207**3**. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30 in June2014 bill.
But i did not download this app at any time. Kindly resolve asap.I have postpaid number 888434509
am getting very much irritated with vodafone service.
Am not going to pay current month bill.
Am not downloaded anything from Vodafone internet. but last month bill it’s showing downloaded some pack called “hello1_tvalsouth_”. Am not a kid to do this kind of unknown downloads.
I paid last month bill with extra 30.
Even this month also i received the same download pack “hello1_tvalsouth_” and added another one pack “mobilart_valuepack”. Vodafone is cheating to take money from customers.
Cancel my connection. Am not going to pay any money.I f get refund them only i pay current month bill to.
hi i am rahul sukhramani and i am also facing the same problem.
vodafone has charged rs 99 for hello1tvallsouth99 for the current bill of june
The customer care are not taking complaint and are not responding properly
plse help me with this as soon as possible
mob no 9979112458
alternate 9426112458hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30
hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30Above charges are applied in my June month vodafone bill, on asking them they dont have answer and says you might have click on some website or weblink.
And amount will not be reversed.
Kindly help me out for the same, also above all vodafone billing consumers are targeted by applying same charges in there bills.
Rgrds | Bhushan | 9821494277Even I am facing the same issue. According to my bill for June, I was charged Rs. 30 for hello1_tvallsouth download.
I didn’t download any such thing!
Vodafone care was not of any help. They just said that I had downloaded it and I had to pay for it. Funny thing is they didn’t reply about what hello1_tvallsouth was. So I did some googling on my own and I found that there’s a website called hello1.in which provide live TV services. Hello1.in is a 3rd party VAS content provider for Vodafone! The VAS link is https://www.vodafone.in/vas/pages/hello1_tv.aspx.
So I want to ask Vodafone – if you charged me for downloading (which I didn’t) a VAS, why is the VAS not active against my number?I have postpaid number 8884234509
am getting very much irritated with vodafone service.
Am not going to pay current month bill.
Am not downloaded anything from Vodafone internet. but last month bill it’s showing downloaded some pack called “hello1_tvalsouth_”. Am not a kid to do this kind of unknown downloads.
I paid last month bill with extra 30.
Even this month also i received the same download pack “hello1_tvalsouth_” and added another one pack “mobilart_valuepack”. Vodafone is cheating to take money from customers.
Cancel my connection. Am not going to pay any money.I f get refund them only i pay current month bill to.
Hi Vodafone,
My Vodafone number is 9067062080. I have charged Rs.207 for downloads in june month ,list is as follows
– d2c_mgossip_pack49
– wapvilla_ppd
– d2c_ndtv_valuepk_3
– hello1_tvallsouth_
– d2c_ndtv_valuepk_4
I already have 3G – 1.5GB plan activated so why to charge extra for downloads?
and there is noway I have downloaded any stuff which is mentioned above.
If you have any chargeable websites so mention in your plans, don’t fool people.Thanks,
SachinDear Vodafone team,
I wonder what’s this strategy of making money from customers.
I was charged Rs 49 last month for d2c_mgossip,Rs 30 for mobilart_valuepack and another Rs 15 for animation download, in the Month of June .
When I called up CC, they didn’t give any proper expplation on it.
Please reimburse the money and help us know where these charges are coming from, so that we can avoid these unexpected charges.
Nitin Gupta
Mobile: 9730559887Hi Vodafone,
My Vodafone number is 9873508307. I have been charged Rs.30 for downloads in june month.
hello1_tvallsouth : 30.
Kindly explain why?
Deactivate cookies in your browser will resolve the issue. Some sites like gmail n facebook will not open up unless cookies r activated. So just activate only while using these sites or else keep them deactivated OR the other way round.
Hi Srinivas,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1vZlk5P
VodafoneHi Parth T,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1metw1k
VodafoneI was also charged for d2c_mgossip_pack49
01/07/14-21:56:06 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49Now a days it has become a practice to charge anything to customer.
One simpe question: Vodafone says, i have clicked some link which was paid and that is why they are charging me for the amount. What i dont understand, if i have not authorised the payment, and by chance the link was clicked, even though u click back, the charge has been deducted. Ideally they should ask me for the payment, and once approved, they should proceed. These links can claim to charge any dam amount (Clearly visible in so many above posts). By this, vodafone is simply promoting fraud sites and links to fool people.
My Vodafone number is 9873508307. I have been charged Rs.30 for downloads in june month.
Code: hello1_tvallsouth
Amount: Rs. 30Hi Vodafone Team,
I have received my latest month and after checking the same i have found that the amount of Rs. 49 is wrongly deducted under section Download (d2c_mgossip_pack49), as i don’t make such downloads during mobile browsing. I have called your customer support 198 number but they were unable to provide me the details if the same.
Please check at your end and let me know why this amount has been deducted. Also, request you to make necessary adjustment in this latest bill only.Regards
Ajay Singh Verma
+91 9555680352Hello Nitin Gupta,
We were unable to contact you on 9***5****7 at 15:35 PM. Kindly share the best time to reach you.
VodafoneHi Vodafone,
I have shared my concerns through the link you had posted.
Kindly cooperate.
KolkataHello Visu,
Thanks for speaking to one of our executives regarding your concern related to download charges.
Vodafone.Hello Sachin,
Please share with us the number on which you are facing the concern for us to check & address the same since the number you shared seems to be incorrect.
Vodafone.Hello Parth T,
We did not get any response when we called 9****1***5 at 3:45 PM hence request you to specify a suitable time between 9 AM to 6 PM from Monday to Saturday (except for public holiday) when we can speak to you.
Vodafone.Hi Vodafone,
When you called, I had picked up the phone but the line got disconnected for some reason. It was not a case of no-response. Couldn’t you have called again? Please try my number today at the same time after 3.30 pm.
Even i have been looted by Vodafone for Downloads or Services that i have never used. I have been charged close to 300/- in the past 2 months on 2 Mobile Numbers for Hello1_tvallsouth, Mobileart_valuepack, Wapvill_ppd, Animation_download which i have never downloaded. As usual, Vodafone Customer Care is of no help. The Number of people Complaints for this Issue is becoming ridiculous. Vodafone is clearly looting everyone. We need to approach Consumer Court and stop this fraud.
Vodafone, Stop this malpractice and Refund my Money.Hi Sarvindu Kumar,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1kcd4Kt
VodafoneHi Abhishek,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1mdBdjA
VodafoneHello Parth T,
Thanks for your time on call. We’ll check your concern & get back with an update by 19 July 2014.
Vodafone.U can call me anytime in between 9am to 9pm
Even i have been charged rs 60 n on complaning the person says i have downloaded something from hello1_tavel.. Some sort of site which is actualy not done ! Y is vodafone charging us for such unnecesary things ! Kindly look in to this matter ! My contact no. Is 9920888233
I am a Vodafone prepaid user from chennai… I’m one of the persons affected by this hello1 tv scam. I have been charged more than rs.225 within the past 2-3 weeks… am a Vodafone user for the last 10 years and am totally disappointed by this event. Its a shock to read so many complaints from other customers too in the same regard… kindly do something regarding this issue… and kindly deactivate this VAS service. FYI, I hv mailed a complaint to TRAI too.
My number: 988 488 7469
Mail: redrubie@rediffmail.comThank you.
Hello Harshil,
Please share a convenient time between 9AM and 6PM for us to get back as there was no response when we called.
Vodafone has charged me Rs. 49 for d2c_mgossip_pack49, on contacting CC they are are not having information of what this is about, how come any third party vendor if any charge something from my account and vodafone having no information of it, vodafone itself must me making payment to it, we pay for any paid services online by making payment, how come vodafone does not even have source of it.
Very disappointed by vodafone service
7507772205I have received your latest bill dated 25/5/2014 to 24/6/2014 for Rs.1,338.07. This includes a charge of VF mobile connect for Rs.899/-. I have never requested for a mobile connect and I don’t understand how you can give me a mobile connect to me or anybody without their consent. In fact I have been very upset with a free mobile connection that was bundled with a SONY mobile phone that I had purchased and I had complained about the same. So I definitely did not want a mobile connection from Vodafone and have been using a internet connection from my home wi fi. Please deduct the amount from my bill. I believe this is cramming and is a matter for TRAI to look into.
Vodafone has charged me Rs. 99 for hello1_tvallsouth. This happened twice and I am afraid this is going to continue for next month too.
On contacting CC they are are not having information on this anonymous charge.
As for security reason, Vodafone must be able to at least track it, Otherwise how do we prevent any fraud.
I got no choice but to port.
Very disappointed by vodafone service
8884566330Hi All,
I sent a request for converting my Vodafone number to TCS corporate on 3 June 2014 but unfortunately only my tariff plan got changed to the one provided by TCS but my organisation was still IBM Daksh (As per my last bill I received on 5th July). I again sent a request for conversion to TCS corporate on 08 July 2014 (ignoring the mistake by vodafone) but still it is not active.
As a result, I am being billed for all CUG calls made within TCS network. Now why should I pay for these extra charges due to Vodafone’s mistake.
My Mobile No: 9873508307
Hello Raman,
We were not able to reach you when we called 7****7***5 at 12:35 PM hence request you to specify a suitable time to speak to you.
Vodafone.You can call me any time
I am charged twice in my vodafone bill for “D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK49” which I never used / downloaded.…. Twice in last months bill and also, once in earlier bill.….vodafone has charged me D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK49. I would request Vodasfone to shed light on what actually was downloaded. because when we speak to the customer care executives. they do not have any reasonable explanation and are really arrogant.
I tried writing an email and talking to customer care. I have not downloaded any such content, however I am still getting charged. When I was charged earlier, I had mentioned to CustomerCare, to stop any such services from my mobile / my number. However, I still got charged twice in my bill for June 2014.
More to this, Vodafone has disabled my outgoing calls / SMSs without any appropriate reply.This is ridiculous.
Please reimburse the money and help us know where these charges are coming from, so that we can avoid these unexpected charges.
Amey Patil
8698099888Hello Vodafone ,
Me too have been cheated like this. It is showing that I have downloaded “DNLD-HELLO1_TVALLSOUTH_30-HELO1STORE”, but I actually never even heard of this. It has deducted Rs.30 from my net account balance.
I request Vodafone to look into this issue and refund my money back as soon as possible.Please do the needful at your end to stop this sort of fraud.
KoelHello Vodafone ,
Me too have been cheated like this. It is showing that I have downloaded “DNLD-HELLO1_TVALLSOUTH_30-HELO1STORE”, but I actually never even heard of this. It has deducted Rs.30 from my net account balance. My Mob No. is 9477589839.
I request Vodafone to look into this issue and refund my money back as soon as possible.Please do the needful at your end to stop this sort of fraud.
KoelMY vodafone number is 9884826390 , i got 300/- charges for ANIAMTION_DOWNLOAD
Hi Santosh,
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1qPzZir
VodafoneI already have lodged complain about these to Vodafone and they have returned my money back.
Thanks Vodafone for taking actions so quickly !!!Thnaks,
KoelI am postpaid customer from UP East and I also charged Rs 30 three times for hello1_tvallsouth and Rs 49 three time for wapvilla_ppd download and the total aproximately Rs 250 has been charged to me.
I didn’t download any such thing!
Vodafone care was not of any help. They just said that I had downloaded it and I had to pay for it. Funny thing is they didn’t reply about what hello1_tvallsouth was. So I did some googling on my own and I found that there’s a website called hello1.in which provide live TV services. Hello1.in is a 3rd party VAS content provider for Vodafone! The VAS link is https://www.vodafone.in/vas/pages/hello1_tv.aspx. But I was unable to know about wapvilla_ppd
So I want to ask Vodafone – if you charged me for downloading (which I didn’t) a VAS, why is the VAS not active against my number? And also if any subscription is active on my no. Than that should be unsubcribe to my no. Immediately.my vodafoe no. Is 9721689568.
I have Postpaid Connection
my bill details shows as i have downloded of rs. 307
shotformat_dwnlp_9 RS 99Please reply ASAP what to do now
Vodafone has charged me RS 99 extar for my last month postpaid bill.
Its showing i have downloaded something from HELLO1_TVALLSOUTH with date and time but not showing how much data I have downloaded.But I have activated 2g unlimited plan even though they are deducting the money.
But I haven’t downloaded anything from any such sites.
Vodafone using cheap tricks to increase their profit.
How can they just allow to deduct their customers money by just clicking on any such websites without customers permission.
Just by clicking any websites why should our money should deducted.If they are billing then their should propery gateway or something.Vodafone just earning money from backgroung by doing this cheap tricks.
All scams to increase their profit some should complaint this issues with cosumer court.Hi
Rakesh KM
Same incident took place with me too
They have charged 307rs for download and i am not aware about it
I am not going to pay them a single rupee.Hi Lokendra Singh,
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link.http://bit.ly/1sDZxRN
Vodafone.Hi Rakesh KM,
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1qZXDxl
Vodafone.Thanks Vodafone ,,,
i got my money back .
thank you for resolving my issue .
Now i am not planning to change my service and plan ……….below was my issue……………
MY vodafone number is 9884826390 , i got 300/- charges for ANIAMTION_DOWNLOAD
I have vodafone corporate connection
My number is 9711601626 , i have called to vodafone customer care but they were unable to help me.I have been Unnecessarily charged for :
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs 30 (twice) as Usage charges on 6th July,2014 and 25th July,2014.But I haven’t made any such call or downloads.
Even the customer care agent is not helping on this.Request Vodafone to process this asap.
1 st complaint on D2C MGOSSIP PACK 49 on 4 th August………2 nd complaint on HELLO1_ TV_ALLSOUTH 35 on 9 th August………3 rd complaint is D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK_15 on 9 th August….. I don’t know what is this… There is no proper response from customer service… So please resolve and refund my money ..my no:9789782065…….,,alternative no:8015993200
I am Bhawani Singh and my postpaid mobile number is 8411002239.
I have been charged Rs.199 extra in my July-August bill for the downloads which I have not done.
Please see the list belowhello1_tvallsouth Rs 99,
myplex_ap_100 Rs 100When I talked with customer care they said “you might have click on some website or web link.”
I am not a child who doesn’t know where to click, where not.
I want my money back, otherwise I am not going to pay respective month’s bill.
Kindly look in to this and resolve the same.
Bhawani SinghHello Vodafone India,
My self, Manan H. Patel having Vodafone Corporate CUG plan. My number is 9879882048.
In the bill of July month i was charged extra as following:
d2c_mgossip_pack49 -> 49 Rs.
shotformat_dwnlp_99 -> 99 Rs.
shotformat_dwnlp_99 -> 99 Rs.I don’t know this and i have never downloaded this so far. Even Vodafone customer care executives are unable to explain in details.
I sincerely request Vodafone to look into matter and kindly waiver off these extra charges along with taxes.
on 112 i got call from a vodafone person, he talked rubbishly, he was not at all listening me , he just used words , what ever it is u have to pay the bill thats all, we cant refund u and kept the phone smashing, this is the service vodafone is giving,
my number 98201***** on saturday 2nd aug i had chat at vodafone live chat will paste whole message,
what is this hello1_tvallsouth charges 99 + 30 i didnt download anything like that , this is fake charges, where did this come from, and the timing of that see it every time network is been cut, this 129 charge is fake, where did this come from, i never download anything, what is all this, and as on 26th july i klept request of deactivate 3G it was deactivated on 27th and what is that charges on 27/07/14 VF Mobile Connect 85370 293.04 4 0 ** till 1 pm, what is all this,ok what is the download why is it not mentioned in the bill , please do explain me
where is all this come from, i ws having free usages i want clear refund of this 129 and other of 293.04 what rthese chatges, this is cheating or something, what download is of that on 1 and 3 august i never had download such thing, i want answer abt this charges, read the chat also on 2nd august i got response
what is the meaning of this
MI_C_V_450_30d_R2GB_FU_3G (25.07.14 to 26.07.14) 14.52
MI_C_V_450_30d_R2GB_FU_3G (28.07.14 to 29.07.14) 14.52
2 times , if it was deactivated than how 28 n 29 charges, where is 27 than, what is all this calculation i cant get
this is the way system works,Hi jignesh,
We totally understand the inconvenience you are experiencing.Please share your number with us in the following link and we’ll get back to you quickly with the information. http://bit.ly/1lTN7QQ
VodafoneHello Vodafone India,
My self, Manan H. Patel having Vodafone Corporate CUG plan. My number is 9879882048.
In the bill of July month i was charged extra as following:
d2c_mgossip_pack49 -> 49 Rs.
shotformat_dwnlp_99 -> 99 Rs.
shotformat_dwnlp_99 -> 99 Rs.I don’t know this and i have never downloaded this so far. Even Vodafone customer care executives are unable to explain in details.
I sincerely request Vodafone to look into matter and kindly waiver off these extra charges along with taxes.
Vodafone has charged me 640 rs in my billas download charges The vodafone representative is unable to explain on what these charges are. This is a fraudulent practise Started by vodafone. Me and my family are switching over to other networks. Request you all to do the same.
I am using vodafone postpaid no : +91 9999331177. In this month July bill vodafone changed me extra money. I have checked my bill and found downloaded charges total Rs. 129/- for below items :-
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs. 30
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs. 99
I have never downloaded the same. on my last bill they had also charges Rs. 99 for same. I have called to vodafone but they don’t have answered for explanation same.I am requesting vodafone to refund this amount from my bill asap.
Rajesh Sainiguys if anyone of u have the DOT or TRAI emails or phone numbers please post here,
i will ask from DOT or TRAI for the details of these as vodafone is not caring to answer us and charging us wihout any details of these,
Hello Manan Patel,
We will check and update you on your concern in 2 days. We could not reach you on your number today.
VodafoneHello Vodafone India,
My self, Suhas having Vodafone Corporate CUG plan. My number is 9764857778.
In the bill of July month I was charged extra as following:
d2c_verse_ipayy_15 -> 15 Rs.
hello1_tvallsouth-> 30 Rs.
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_4 -> 49 Rs.I don’t know this and i have never downloaded this so far. Even Vodafone customer care executives are unable to explain in details.
I sincerely request Vodafone to look into matter and kindly waiver off these extra charges along with taxes.
Thanks and Regards,
I am using vodafone postpaid no : +91 9999331177. In this month July bill vodafone changed me extra money. I have checked my bill and found downloaded charges total Rs. 129/- for below items :-
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs. 30
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs. 99
I have never downloaded the same. on my last bill they had also charges Rs. 99 for same. I have called to vodafone but they don’t have answered for explanation same.I am requesting vodafone to refund this amount from my bill asap.
Rajesh SainMy Name is Jatin Soni. My number is +91 99*****122. I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat. I have received charges for downloading which i never attempted. I have received Rs 110 odd for the month of June and Rs 826 for the month of July. This is unfair practice to collect money from your postpaid customer. It seems as if Vodafone could not collect money from Government of India for their dispute over transaction tax, they are adopting such unfair means to collect money from the citizens of India. I guess, you should start one HAFTA VASULI KENDRA instead of using such means to collect money and fooling people like this.
They have charged me Rs. 826 for following
dwap_wal_0049_ppu_fut00130 – Rs. 637 (13 times)
hello1_tvallsouth_30 – Rs. 90 (3 times)
hello1_tvallsouth_99 – Rs. 99I wont pay the bill untill this is sort out.
Dear Vodafone,
My Vodafone no. Is 9721689568 and I also recently post here about the downloading charges which was added to my bill fraudly and the charges was below
Rs 30 three times for hello1_tvallsouth and Rs 49 three time for wapvilla_ppd download and the total aproximately Rs 250 has been charged to me.
I didn’t download any such thing!
Vodafone care was not of any help. They just said that I had downloaded it and I had to pay it.I also paid the billed amount, but still I don’t receive any reply from u, hrnce u r requested to plz solved out my problem and arrange to refund extra paided amount to me and the same should be discounted in my next bill…
plz give a line of reply…
My vodafone number is 9620788350. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30 in June2014 bill.
After communicating with Vodafone Customer care they had waived off these charges immediately but again they reverted waived off charges and added in July 14 Bill along with one more download application which is for hello1_movies_10 10/- and pko_h1tvw_w_35 35/-. So totally they have added 45/- extra plus tax on this amount. But i never downloaded any application .I requested number of times to the vodafone customer care to waived off these charges from my bill, But they are not responding properly. Seems to be it is time to move on to the other network otherwise may keep on add these charges in our bills.
Kindly revert the charges which was charged extra i n July 14 Bill.
Srinivas.My name is Amit from Pune, and Vodafone is charging Rs 30 from past 2 months for hello1_tvallsouth pack which is not downloaded by me, contacted the customer care and they dont have any reasonable answer to my queries also dropped a mail to Vodafone corporate email-id but didnt received any convincing answer from them too. It seem that Vodafone is doing the looting business of charging customer without there knowledge. Very bad experience.
I am requesting vodafone to refund this amount from my bill asap.
check this site, vodafonehas third party but not disclosing all what is there, vodafone dont have deails for what downloads, than how do they come to know, this is rubbish, i have moved to consumer court and TRAI and DOT ,
this is total cheating, fake charges,
01/08/14-22:51:42 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 99 4 6
03/08/14-20:53:50 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 30what is this hello1_tvallsouth , read this link, vodafone has connection with these site owners, and sending fake charges, vodafone people say theydont have track of what website than from where in their own web page it is mentioned of this hello1 site, what rubbish, it a loot now vodaofne is making from us, see this link friends,
vas is in vodafone, butinmy account nothing is shown in VAS, what rubbish kind of charge is this,
i want answer
Hi Jatin,
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/YyBklQ
VodafoneVodafone team,
I have been charged 227 Rs for downloads under different names, I have no idea what they are about and I never do any auch downloads, when I called customer care they had no idea and the response was pathetic.
I need this to be resolved or reverted ASAP . If you want to talk to me, call me at 9884465390
Hi Amit,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1BIOw6W
VodafoneHello Vodafone India, Before 7 days you replied as following:
” Vodafone India
Hello Manan Patel,
We will check and update you on your concern in 2 days. We could not reach you on your number today.
Vodafone”However till date there is no contact or communication from your side. At least stick to your commitment.
You can contact me on my working Vodafone number # 9879882048 anytime in Day.Regards,
Manan PatelHi,
Vodafone has charged me Rs. 196 for d2c_mgossip_pack49, on contacting CC they are are not having information of what this is about, how come any third party vendor if any charge something from my account and vodafone having no information of it, vodafone itself must me making payment to it, we pay for any paid services online by making payment, how come vodafone does not even have source of it.
Very disappointed by vodafone service
7507772205Today the Customer Care executive called me up and asked to send the message ‘CAN TVALL’ to 111 to check if any TV packages are subscribed. In reply to the SMS I received the SMS saying “You have not subscribed for any pacakages!”, It means that Im not using any such services. Vodafone is not looking seriously into this matter, where lot of people are suffering from this extra charges. It affecting people mentally aswell as monetarily.
Vodafone Customer Care is not giving proper justification they are just blaming the user saying that your handset is downloading the pack and its not their fault. If I’m downloading pack it should be displayed on my handset.
Very disappointed by Vodafone service.
I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Mumbai using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 206/- including in bill for downloading hello1_tvall_south, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919930408580
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is lloking at Root cause & addressing it.I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Mumbai using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 209/- including in bill for downloading hello1_tvall_south, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919820112805
I saw lot of complaints regarding this.Dear Vodafone team,
I wonder what’s this strategy of making money from customers.
I was charged Rs 49 last month for d2c_mgossip, in the Month of August .
When I mail up Customer Care, they didn’t give any proper expplation on it.
Please reimburse the money and help us know where these charges are coming from, and please clear that is this a service or any type of apps or any thing else.Hi Mahesh Kumar,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1A4DFjT
VodafoneHello Santosh Vishwakarma,
We called yesterday but there was no response. We shall contact you for your concern today.
Vodafonewow vikas named person got refund and i didnt what type of service is this see thislink many many complaints but not try to help out,
my number is +98201***** jignesh , mumbai
i m mailing this mail to both TVallhello1 and vodafone, i have not subscrivbed to any of these pack what vodafone is charging, and i want answer form hellotv also if u r not answering now than fine, i had mailed to hellotv on 27 august also but no answer form hellotv , what type+ of charges are+ they adding without any details, i want answer, i tried CAN TVALL but nothing , it says you have not subscribed for any packages, vodafone u can check my messages sending on 28/08/2014 at 16:06 and on 05/09/2014 at 22:56, now what do u want to say for what i have been charged now
and other MSG of CAN HELLO1 on 06/09/2014 at 08:03 now+ what do u say what is all this cheating form vodafone, i want all my money voadone looted form me back, now+ give me answer about this,but vodafone cclearly said no to me, and now in new bill cycle also i got added that amount, i m not paying all this, i m porting out from vodafone all fraud charges they are adding.
first of all to these idiot person who answered me on vodafone call, please try to make me understand the deactivation or+ give me proof of these charges, , please Explain me, and what is the source u charge us, u dont have any track u say than how u r charging us, seee this link
it is mentioned in vodafone itself, how much cheating this is sure from vodafone now these all charges r fraud and vodafone is looting us to pay their taxes which r due, how rubbish is all this,
i m porting out from vodafone i wont pay a single bill form now, ididnt saw any such thing in IDEA provider, infact they aproach our query nicely than vodafone,
i want my money refund, in last month bill also i was added 99 + 30 rs in my bill, this is worse from vodafone now
there was an person who blamed me that vodafone dont have third party tracking, butin their site it is clearly give, now what would vodafone answer of
I am associated with vodafone from past 13 years and i really expect, that i should not be charged again for any unknowing downloads from my next bill onwards.
what type of charge is this,Vodafone has charged me RS 253 extra for my last month postpaid bill. Its showing i have downloaded something from HELLO1_TVALLSOUTH , handygo_javagame_2,dittotv_w_35 & vuclipindia_pack99 with date and time but not showing how much data I have downloaded.But I have activated 2g unlimited plan even though they are deducting the money. But I haven’t downloaded anything from any such sites. Vodafone using cheap tricks to increase their profit. How can they just allow to deduct their customers money by just clicking on any such websites without customers permission. Just by clicking any websites why should our money should deducted.If they are billing then their should proper gateway or something. Vodafone just earning money from background by doing this cheap tricks. All scams to increase their profit some should complaint this issues with consumer court.
I am Vodafone Postpaid customer from Rajasthan. I have also been charged 178 Rs. for the same kind of downloads. I called customer care but did not get good response. I also contacted corporatecare.raj@vodafone.com (interaction no. 82369050 ) but every time i send them an email, i get some automatic kind of response which only talks about their system, not a reply of my questions. Really pissed off with Vodafone service. We have 5 numbers under CUG plan, planning to PORT to some other provider.
Hi ,
I all i am a vodafone user in AP with number 9885293181 and i have an issue with the billing towards downloads.I was charged with an amout of Rs 129 and Rs 377 in my Post Paid bill towards downloads and this is since i started using 3G services for the first 2 months( Need to look for 3 month bill if they do the same thing)
Please check the below downloads which are funny and it makes no sense if one can download such things.
The below is for previous i.e. June-July bill period ( first month since i started using 3G)
1.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs 99
2.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs 30
3.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs30
4. d2c_ndtc_valuepk_99 – Rs 99
5. deals_mydala_99 Rs 99
6. handygo_javagame_2 Rs 20The below is for last month i.e. July-August bill period ( second month since i started using 3G)
1. d2c_ndtc_valuepk_30 – Rs 30
2. shotformat_dwnlp_99 – Rs 99The above items were never seen in my last 1 years bill period since i started using 2G and as soon as i started using the 3G services this kind of charges are been included in the bill.
Hi ,
I all i am a vodafone user in AP with number 9885293181 and i have an issue with the billing towards downloads.I was charged with an amout of Rs 129 and Rs 377 in my Post Paid bill towards downloads and this is since i started using 3G services for the first 2 months( Need to look for 3 month bill if they do the same thing)
Please check the below downloads which are funny and it makes no sense if one can download such things.
The below is for previous i.e. June-July bill period ( first month since i started using 3G)
1.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs 99
2.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs 30
3.hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs30
4. d2c_ndtc_valuepk_99 – Rs 99
5. deals_mydala_99 Rs 99
6. handygo_javagame_2 Rs 20The below is for last month i.e. July-August bill period ( second month since i started using 3G)
1. d2c_ndtc_valuepk_30 – Rs 30
2. shotformat_dwnlp_99 – Rs 99The above items were never seen in my last 1 years bill period since i started using 2G and as soon as i started using the 3G services this kind of charges are been included in the bill.
Please have a look into this kind of charges in the bill and let us know from where these downloads are getting triggered and why Vodafone is allowing this kind of stupid apps or services in the downloads.
My vodafone number is 9620788350. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for wapvilla_ppd: Rs. 49 in Aug2014 bill.
But i never downloaded any application .Extra charges got reversed in June14 and July14 bills. Thanks.
Kindly revert the charges which was charged extra(49/-) i n Aug 14 Bill.
Srinivas.Vodafone is clearly indulging in fraud.
It’s amazing that they have gotten away with it for so long!! Just think about it; the vodafone customer service representative answering on this forum has never once attempted to explain what’s going on. They are simply letting people know that they ‘tried to get in touch’. Clearly there is a problem and by now it is no longer sufficient to resolve this on a case by case basis. Vodafone needs to act unilaterally at their end, investigate the matter (if they are genuinely in the dark on this matter, which I highly doubt) and deliver a solution. This will mean that they will need to refund everyone that they have incorrectly charged, but if they don’t get to this soon, they will be in serious trouble. There is no way what they are doing can be legal. Think about it, Uber cabs are leaving India because the government is not allowing them to bill customers without double verification of the credit card at the time to service/transaction is completed. So no way Vodafone can justify what they are trying to pull off here.
Going to pursue this to the bitter end…
Hi All,
Again issue. Few days back, I posted a comment for issue with my corporate details. I migrated from IBM Daksh to TCS. After my post sometime back, Vodafone actually reversed my charges for that month but again this month I have been charge for CUG calls. Kindly explain why, since within CUG (TCS – TCS) calls are free.
All Calls B/w below number.
TCS No: 9873508307
(Bill Date: 06/09/2014)
TCS No: 8447108160
(Bill date: 28/08/2014)Kindly call me on 9873508307 to discuss
My mobile number is 9999340427. I have been charged last month I have been charged for hello1_tvallsouth. Only Vodafone team and God can say what are these charges for. Tried to call the customer care but they are unable to provide any satisfactory solution.
Further i am unable to understand how vodafone is authorised to pay to any third party on my behalf without any authorization and confirmation from my side.
Requesting the concerned authority to look into the matter and stop any such payment in future and also to refund the amount charged to my account.
Further requesting the authorities to kindly take the matter seriously and stop such payments where the customer is unaware of such charges. These might be the sites which try to fool the customer and without there information charging the customers.
Pankaj GoelHi jignesh,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1srfwE2
Vodafone IndiaHi Kunal,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1srfOKX
Vodafone IndiaHi Vodafone,
I am from Mumbai and my number is 9820101596 having a 1GB 3g plan active. I saw Rs. 30 being charged in my mobile bill with below given description.
“hello1_tvallsouth_ – Rs 30”
When I checked with the customer care they are saying I downloaded something due to which the charge has come in the bill whereas I remember very well that I never download anything related to TV or SOUTH. When asked for more details on this, the customer care says this is the only info they have. I feel cheated by the Vodafone company for charging me for something I never used or downloaded. Please reverse this ASAP and avoid this from appearing in my further bills.
Also please stop fooling your own customers by adding such unknown charges in their bills.Hello Vinay Pawar,
We were unable to contact you on the given numbers. We shall call you again shortly.
Vodafone IndiaVodafone charges me RS 99 under downloads for my postpaid number 9711494558.
On contacting CC they say hello1_**** caused the charge. No further details. I never used any such service. Please resolve this issue, cant continue with vodafone postpaid if it keeps adding hidden costs like this.Dear Vodafone, I received a call from one of your executive today morning and he said you can reverse the charges now. when I asked him if you have more details of what I had downloaded as per you he said Vodafone isnt liable to maintain such details. So for me now its seems like someone comes up to Vodafone and tell him to beat up a person and vodafone goes on to beat him up without getting and maintaining details of why vodafone has been asked to beat that particular person which makes no sense to me. If any website tell Vodafone to charge a particular amount to its customer then Vodafone is liable to get the details of why the customer needs to be charged this Rs. 30. The Vodafone executive who called me was so arrogant and rude and insisted they cant reverse it and the company wont maintain any such details. I asked him if such unwanted charges are going to come in the bill then why should we stay with Vodafone so he said that is upto you yo decide whether to stay or not… which means they are not bothered about customer’s problems and arent interested in retaining the customers. The “We are happy to help” tagline of Vodafone is all fake. I also told him that on this site VOdafone has confirmed that they have reverse the chanrges for many of the customer then why cant they reverse it for me to which he said they cant reverse then he arrogantly hung up on the call. I am shocked to hell with such a behaviour of the company’e executive. Rs 30 is not a problem but the fact that company isnt bothered about customer’s problem is a big shock. I am going to take this up with TRAI now.
Hello Anshum Tayal,
We were not able to reach you when we called 9****0***7 hence request you to suggest the best time when we can speak to you.
Vodafone India.Hello,
Vodafone has charged me too for “d2c_mgossip_pack49”.
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1wEDgVk
Vodafone IndiaThere is some unwanted pack (d2c_mgossip_pack49) activated on my mobile no 9673890900 for bill cycle (5-8-14 to 4-9-14) and I have been charged for INR 49/- for same. I have not requested for any pack activation and didn’t get any confirmation from your side regarding the same so I request you to kindly rectify the bill and revert the unwanted charges for the same.
I got reply from vodafone on 19 Sep 2104 10:53 AM (Morning)
We tried to call you on 19/09/2014 at 9:53pm, 10:17pm, but number found unanswered
Whether they do future calling OR sent this fake email 1 day earlier.Really F****d up service providers
020 67957099Hello RAVI SHARMA,
We called 9****9***0 at 5:40 PM but were not able to speak to you hence request you to specify the best time to reach you.
Vodafone India.Hi,
My vodafone number is 9620788350. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for wapvilla_ppd: Rs. 49 in Aug2014 bill.
But i never downloaded any application .Kindly revert the charges which was charged extra(49/-) i n Aug 14 Bill.
Srinivas.I received my ebill today for cycle 21.08.2014 to 20.09.2014 and could see that i was charged 49rs for downloading “dwap_wal_0049_ppu_fut******” whereas i have not downloaded any such file.
After this the support representative said it is because you might have went on this website, when inquired about which website, there was no revert at all and said it was chargeable.
When i have an active internet plan why am i being charged for this even though im sure i never downloaded or visited any such link?
The Support Representative “Somanth” was constantly giving non-factual explanations and was of no help.
This is preposterous and shows your competency, i would like for Vodafone to address this issue immediately as this is simple robbing customers without any explanation.Regards,
Gurjyot Jaidka
Alternate Number – 7589369105
email- jaidka.gurjyot@gmail.comHello Srinivas,
We request you to share an alternate number and a suitable time so that we can contact and update you on your concern. We could not reach you on your number 9****8***0 at different times yesterday.http://bit.ly/YhbdiP
Vodafone IndiaI am a vodafone user in AP with number 9885122530 and i have an issue with the billing towards downloads.
I was charged with an amout of Rs 439
mobilart_valuepack – 30
hello1_tvallsouth – 30
hello1_tvallsouth – 30
vuclipindia_pack75 – 75
deals_mydala_99 – 99
myplex_ap_100 – 100
mobilart_valuepack – 75
But i never downloaded such applications .
Kindly revert the charges. For any queries please call me @9966377970Thanks,
A.Rakesh.Hi Vodafone,
Please call me up on the same number(9620788350) again.
Srinivas.hi manish and other guys, my fblink
dudejigs@gmail.com. dudejigs@yahoo.com
@manish see i have mailed to these ids in past, lastmonth also i mailed, and mailed thourgh http://pgportal.gov.in/ my complaints
vittorio.colao@vodafone.com GLOBAL CEO VODAFONE
marten.pieters@vodafone.com INDIA CEO VODAFINE
secy-dot@nic.inread this link also, Vodafone India opens its billing and messaging APIs to third-party developers by NDTV Correspondent, January 10, 2014, vodafone didnt even answerd the QUESTION asked by NDTV
see now , as i have gone very deep, i hadvisitied every link of vodafone 3rd party services, they show it as in VAS< but when i checked inVAS nothing was there in my account, than i had done some sending to 111 sms CAN every of those 45-50 VAS vodafone has mentioned in its list at this vodafone website,
https://www.vodafone.in/vas/pages/alerts_services.aspxsms i did send read all this
on 12 /09/2014 09:03 am
CAN VVIDIA – hello you r already deactivate on vividia packCAN VV – hello, your request for deactivation of video voue has been processed we will inform u shortly, (butno information from when it started and till if it is ended nothing i got sms, reply back,,, so isnt this a cheating,
CAN VZ – dearuser you rnot an active user of this service,
CAN SCP – dear customer you r not subscribed to this service,
CAN MM – you r already unsubscribed to this service,
CAN WRADIO – hello you r already deactive on worldspace
CAN MODELS – hello we have received request for deactivation of model shop, we will inform u once request has been processed, ( this is rubbish, again same thing we will inform u, but when it started that time also no information, and after sending sms also no reply information back, ) is this the way vodafone is earning now,
CAN SPUNK – your request for deactivation is in process ,you will be notified once service is deactivated, (how is this now, how did this service got active when , no confirmation message nothing and now all this, if their message means they will notify us than when it got activated why didnt we got message
CAN GC – hello you r not subscribed user to games club service
CAN HVA – dear customer ur not subscribed to this service
CAN MDEALS – dear customer ur not subscribed to this service
CAN BISCOOT – wrong keyword
CAN TPG – we have ur request for deactivation of time pass games, we will informu shortly, again, (when all this services have been started ,this is total rubbish, i dont even know how is this vodafone not getting all this, and if if activated than why arent we getting the messages when it was been activated, how is all this possible, )
CAN BFFS – hello your request for BIG FAT STORE has been accepted we will inform u shortly, ,(this is another loot, now going on, last 2 months single download charge thing and now after putting up complaints and all regularly this is rubbish,how all this service have been started, )
CAN DINDO – you r not subscribed,
CAN MASTCLUB – you r not subscribed,
CAN MAC – your r not subscribed
CAN GAMESBUZZ – this service is not available,
CAN FOLLO – u rnot currently activated onFOLLO.
CAN BSCOPE – no service found
CAN TVM – u r unsubscribed to this pack, wow idont even know when i did subscribed to this pack, this is total rubbish
CAN VADDA – u rnot subscribed,
and many more, there is for sms reply from vodafone 111 its self,service not available. wrong keyword entered and all,
first of all explain me how all this sarted,when did those service started why i didnt got sms, and now after sending CAN sms to all of the VAS vodafone has in its 3rd party why i those sms come in reply that i will be informed for deactivation, and why not when those were started, why no messages for conformation also, Will I get any sms confirmation when I activate this service?
this is writen in vodafone page, Yes, if you activate the service through sms. You'll get an sms confirming the receipt of your request.
why no sms nothing than,i need explaination on this, , after i did complaint to TRAI that time i had one fake download charge, than now its more what is all this, is this a torture to me or what,
first of all there no ad on whatsapp , wechat, viber, cribuzz app this on ad of free UCbrowsre , nothing more, no ad in money control app, no ad in angry birds rio app, no ad in teen patti app, no ad inixigo app. no ad in m-indicator app, ibrowse cricinfo site, there r no such ads to click on, and what more , every single person from vodafone says we musthave clicked an add, r we fool, i m using 2G service from april 2013 till now, why only now these 3 months, why not previously if im using like an fool or illiterate person than why not from the start when i started using 2G service,
see this from that time when i started till today i using same see my usages,
bills usage
MAY 2013 – 677 MB no download charges, 2GB was free 12th april to 12 july
june 2013 – 1487 MB no download charges,
july 2013 – 1108 MB no download charges,
AUG 2013 – 300+ MB no download charges,
SEP 2013 – 465 MB no download charges,
OCT 2013 – 524 MB no download charges,
NOV 2013 – 899 MB no download charges,
DEC 2013 – 942 MB no download charges,
JAN 2014 – 675 MB no download charges,
FEB 2014 – 1014 MB no download charges,
MAR 2014 – 911 MB no download charges,
APR 2014 – 962 MB no download charges,
MAY 2014 – 850 MB no download charges,
JUNE 2014 – 972 MB no download charges,
JULY 2014 – 970 MB no download charges,
AUG 2014 – 771 MB and 01/08/14-22:51:42 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 99 4 6
03/08/14-20:53:50 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 30, what was downloaded, i dont even know,
SEP 2014 – 860 MB and 24/08/14-17:02:52 hungama.com_value_ 0:00 50 4 6
25/08/14-23:54:14 hungama.com_value_ 0:00 50,i have never ever started a caller tune srvices also in my whole 13 years of use of this service, from max to orange, orange to hutch and now hutch to vodafone, i have never started any service which i have to pay or i have been in any kind trouble so far, but now this is going over my head, now i think vodafone is just trying to make their tax money to pay by looting us in name of 3rd party service,
see this, same usages, if i m fool or illiterate than whynot i had done mistakes as ur vodafone people have been saying me that i may have clicked some link, so far i m using same thing which i had from when i started 2G services, but now from last 3 months its worse now, going over head,
well if vodafone people have tied up with the 3rd party services why not u informed the peoples who r using vodafone service, and why those are hidden, wedont need such 3rd party charges,,Dear Vodafone
It is sad to see that this is happening to you.
Let me tell you, I also faced the same situation for my this month bill.
I have been charged Rs. 50 for Hangama.com which I never even knew what is it.
The tried googling this & landed to this site.
Vodafone is doing this Fraud & trying to make money out of it!!
I had complained in the customer care but these people are pathetic. They said the charges are legitimate & I had downloaded this. Which I never actually downloaded. My interaction number is 1017556548 .
People like me who are educated & rational will have to do something about this to stop all this malpractices by an MNC.
I will be escalating this matter to the Regional Head & also file a case in consumer court about this.Regards,
Relationship number 1.40553218Hi Guys,
Go to simtool setting option on your phone and disable Flash !
This will stop such a deduction from any of the service providers(vodophone,Airtel,Idea………………etc)
This is one type of business for this people…………….to steal money form the customers.
For who raise a complaint they replay you used this service so they charged and we are not responsible and wont return you a penny.
So be aware and turn of FLASH on your device.
Spread the words to your friends and family.Regards,
RakeshMr rakesh what is simtool settings in our handsets
im using lumia 820. i couldnt find it, can u please describe in detail, please,
how does that work, see my details i posted, so now my 3rd date of lastbilling cycle, and now wait for bill on 6 to appear ,, if now download charges r there no payment now, will just port out from vodafone now,
Hi Smita,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1q2aZ5t
Vodafone IndiaI didn’t downloads any thing company deduct my balance 2 twice in 2 days
Explained-DNLD_D2C_NDTV_VALUE PK @49
In my bill, Rs 360 has been charged for downloads even when I was having free 3G data available in my account. Charges are as benlow:
hello1_tvallsouth Rs46
d2c_mgossip_pack Rs49
d2c_mgossip_pack Rs49
wapvilla_ppd Rs 3 5
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_ Rs 9 9
d2c_mgossip_pack49 Rs4 9
wapvilla_ppd Rs 4 9On getting in touch with CCE, even they are not able to give any proper reply, jst saying that I might have clicked on paid website. CC executive is not evn able to reply that what exactly I have downloaded and how much amount of data has been downloaded. Its really too much weird.
If any website services paid downloads, that amount is charged from credit card or net banking whatever. Its not like that the amount of data being downloaded like 2MB or 5 MB will be charged from operator especially when customer is having pool of free data available.
I am not a illiterate person that I dont understand these things. Even I am involved in telecommunication sector as a manager in Tech Mahindra.
On seeing above got-getters, I realized the reality of vodafone that how they are robbing the money from customer.Regards,
Viveak Vishal
Vodafone has charged me Rs. 99 for my_dallas%. This happened twice and I am afraid this is going to continue for next month too.
I am sure of not clicking any website, even my FLASH services are off (as suggested by vodafone).
On contacting CC they are are not having information on this anonymous charge.
As for security reason, Vodafone must be able to at least track it, Otherwise how do we prevent any fraud.
I got no choice but to port.
Very disappointed by vodafone service.
8884566330I am vijay…My number is 9962979063…Why have I been charged for download charges apart from monthly rental plan. what is that
Dear Vodafone
I am thoroughly disappointed in you.
Having ignored the deductions of INR 49.00 thrice last month, this time I m shocked and disgusted to see that INR 99.00 has been deducted from my account yesterday for some ” DNLD-DEALS-MYDALA_99-MYDALA”. Having called the CCE, they told me it was due to a download of MY DELIGHTS, which I have NOT even downloaded. and with my ongoing 2G data pack of 6rs which gives 30mb of GPRS, How is it even possible for me to download it? And I am not an ignorant customer or someone who doesn’t know to handle phones, to pass this off as a mishandling issue.
They told me they would refund 99rs in the next 2 hours, but there has been NO sign of refund till now. Pathetic.
This has gone too far. I had been a happy Vodafone customer for 6 years now, but now i am a pissed off and angry one. I will discontinue using Vodafone, and advise everyone else to do the same. Educated and rational people like us will have to do something about this as our tolerance level has been crossed by Vodafone.
I will be reporting this matter to the Regional Head & also file a case in consumer court.Mitali
Hi mitali,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1wjsNOx
Vodafone IndiaHi Vodafone,
My complaint made above was neither replied by you nor you addressed to, so should I believe that there is nothing you would do about it?
SmitaVodafone has again deducted 99/- for a Download while i have never done. This is happening the 3rd time now. The previous 2 times, i had escalated it to the Nodal Office and i was ensured it will not happen again. But this is getting Ridiculous now. Vodafone is looting money from people by performing such cheap malpractices. Shame on you Vodafone. I need my Money Refunded.
Hello Abhishek,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1z3afqi
Vodafone India.I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Mumbai using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 60/- including in bill for downloading hello1_tvallsouth & mobilart_valuepack, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919820729303
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is loking at Root cause & addressing it.Hello Hitesh,
Kindly share an alternate no. & the best time to reach you as there was no response when we called your number yesterday.
Vodafone IndiaReally sorry for not pick up phone yesterday . You can call me before 5 or after 7 pm on my same no – 9820729303
Hi Everyone
Now this is frustrating, my complaint for last month was never addressed to by Vodafone. On the other hand, in this month bill they have charged me Rs. 30 for download hello1_TVallsouth_ which I never downloaded. 🙁
This is too much.
I think i will discontinue the service of vodafone ultimately.SMITA.
Hello Hitesh,
We’d like to update you on your concern, kindly share an alternate number & a suitable time for the same. We were unable to reach you when we called your number. http://bit.ly/1FUiaZ1
Vodafone IndiaHello All
I have a gut feeling that the personal from Vodafone India who is addressing everyone’s issue here is actually not able to view any of my posts above.
Hello Smita,
There was no response from your end when we called hence we’ll call you back in a short while with an update on your concern.
Vodafone India.Hello Hitesh,
Please share with us a number on which we can speak to you regarding your concern.
Vodafone IndiaHi,
Same happened to me in this monthly bill cycle and no customer care executive is in a position to answer what for the service is.My number is 9879437678.I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Dhule using 2G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 10/- including in bill for downloading HELLO1_TV_10_HELLOSTORE today(31-10-2014) and Mobilart last month, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +918698187081 and my alternate no. is 9545426111.
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is lloking at Root cause & addressing it.I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Bangalore and not using any data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 150/- including in bill for downloading d2c_verse_ipayy_15, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. Please address this issue and reverse the charge 150. my number is 7406366325. I have added the same on Vodafone link.Hello
My post paid number is 8884234509
Am not downloaded anything from chargeable website. i have 2 Gb internet pack
and i received the bill of Downloads 22/10/14-21:20:21 mobilart_valuepack Rs 75
am not a kid to download this kind of packs to mobile. already i faced this issue regarding this kind of wrong deductions.
Last time i getting refunded with this problem. i want that 75 rs revert back and new bill.
let me know about this issue ASAP. if it is not refundable means i go for next step.
Am very disappointed from Vodafone service.MY Vodafone number is 9759033699 , i got 226/- charges for below.
wapvilla_ppd —Rs49
My Mobile No. is 9910811286 .I have been charged with 521 Rs for downloading
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 – 99Rs
hello1_tvallsouth_ – 99Rs
wapvilla_ppd – 49 Rs
wapvilla_ppd – 49 Rs
wapvilla_ppd – 49 Rs
wapvilla_ppd – 49 Rs
d2c_mgossip_pack49 – 49 Rs
wapvilla_ppd – 49 Rstotal of 492 and 552 Rs in total including Service tax. wherin i have not downloaded any of these mentioned items and when i searched the same to find out what is d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 this pask i found only fraud issues by Vodafone, nothing else
Ankur GuptaYou are right Mr. Ankur,
I also Never had access these sites and Vodafone added Rs 226./ extra in my bill amount.
Their is Vodafone site issue…..Vodafone will be responsible for this..
I got charged for 129/- Rs for nothing.
I never ordered anything from them. I do not even have any message about this during last month.They never response on any complaints we have.
I am thinking to escalate this issue with consumer forum.Charges included are
Hello1_tvallsouth : 30/-
d2c_ndtv_valuepack_9 :99/-Can anybody help me to file consumer court notice to them?
Help will be appreciatedRegards,
AniHi Sanjay Pal,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/10K6U0u
Vodafone IndiaHi All,
I bought a new Vodafone number under “TCS” corporate plan. As per my first bill, i can see the corporate name as “TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LPT 5 43176” inspite of “TCS”. As a result i am getting paid for calls within CUG. Kindly verify.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/10KFrM6
Vodafone IndiaHi All,
I bought a new Vodafone number under “TCS” corporate plan. As per my first bill, i can see the corporate name as “TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LPT 5 43176” inspite of “TCS”. As a result i am getting paid for calls within CUG.
Kindly convert corporate name to “TCS” for 8447757810
same problem is with me…complaint on D2C MGOSSIP PACK 49………2 nd for D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK_15. I don’t know what is this… There is no proper response from customer service… So please resolve and refund my money ..my no:9896893900 ported in vodafone for best service but I think airtel is better than vodafone…from the first week my balance is going down…everytime my last deduction shows dnld-d2c-mgossip-49 and 15….my number is 9896893900
Hello Anshum Tayal,
We will get back to you in sometime as we could not reach you on your number when we tried to contact you yesterday on 9****0***7 at 6 PM.
Vodafone IndiaThanks to Vodafone.
As discussed with you over phone My issue has been resolved.
Again thanks to all supported person.
5/10/2014- 49
9/10/2014- 30
14/10/2014- 49
22/10/2014- 15
29/10/2014- 49
31/10/2014- 49
2/11/2014- 15
5/11/2014- 49
8/11/2014- 15
11/11/2014- 49
Complaint about all deductions to vodafone care on 12/11/2014
13/11/2014- 49Total amount- 418/-
I am very disappointed
9896893900Hi vodafone team
I am varun gagneja having mob no. 9899185161, please tell me from the bill, period 11-10-14 to 10-11-14.
If you see in “usage section” on page 3 of my bill you charged Rs 148 in downloads, since i am using the internet package and any downloads must come under the usage of my data package then for what reason you charged for downloads.
Please specify the reason for charging Rs 148 separately.
am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in goa
Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- and RS 99/- including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49, & deals_mydala_99 a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919923890470
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is lloking at Root cause & addressing it.HI Vodafone,
Vodafone has charged me RS 30 for “hello1_tvallsouth_”, Rs 49 for “wapvilla_ppd”, Rs 99 for “d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9”, Rs 49 for d2c_mgossip_pack49 and RS 99 for “deals_mydala_99” which I had never downloaded. This is happening from the last few months. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919999988099, Currently I am in London UK, and will be back to India on 22 Dec 2014. You can contact me on my email ID “gupta_varun_mait@yahoo.com” or UK number :- +447438015018
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is looking at Root cause & addressing it.Dear Sir,
My Vodafone no. 8141236372 I also have a similar complaint. There was a similar deduction from my main balance towards ‘DNLD-DWAP-WAL-0049-PPU-FUT00130 for Rs 49 on 15.11.2014
Customer care executive (on 198) told that they didn’t disclose information about such sites.
Please refundReally unhappy with the Vodafone service. I was charged as per below and when contacted call center, none of the executives give me consistant reply else they hang up the call. And I dont even remember receiving any message regarding these services. I am currently using unlimited 3G pack.
05/11/14-02:50:27 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9
05/11/14-03:06:03 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9
05/11/14-15:38:19 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 3 0
05/11/14-16:00:18 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9You can reach me via email /+91 8939762108
Like other I have also been charged for the following
25/10/14-16:42:54 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9 46
25/10/14-16:44:59 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
29/10/14-07:38:50 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 3 0 46
02/11/14-10:44:57 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
04/11/14-23:55:10 shotformat_dwnlp_9 0:00 9 9 46
06/11/14-02:04:40 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 9 9 46
23/11/14-12:41:28 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9Vodafone has been charging me for the past 3 months. I need to know what that is? I had called Vodafone care and also asked in stores but they are not able to tell the reason. They are saying those are download charges and I am quite sure I have not downloaded anything paid. They saying they do not have a track of the websites. Please address this issue asap. Thank you.
Hi, I have veena charged d2c_mgossip_pack49… Pls let me know what are the details of the this???
Sagar gholapHi,
I have been charged Rs. 49 thrice for the following downloads which I am sure I have not subscribed to:
17/11/14-19:51:55 d2c_mgossip_pack49
19/11/14-11:23:22 d2c_mgossip_pack49
24/11/14-18:49:13 d2c_mgossip_pack49I would really appreciate if someone from Vodafone would help me understand the cause of these charges and prove what service has been provided to me for the same.
I see a lot of customers have had similar complaints in the past and it has still not been rectified.
(Contact: 98 33 667 456)Hi Ashutosh Gadve,
Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1AY4OtH
Vodafone IndiaHello,
My number is 9833442658 and Vodafone has charged me Rs 99 for download hello1_tvallsouth_which i dont know what exactly it is.I am using an Unlimited 3g data plan.
Neither i am getting sensible answer from vodafone on the same.Hi,
I was charged Rs 49/- by Vodafone for downloading or subscribing ‘DNLD-D2C_SALPARNI_LOOKATIT_PPU_49-SALPARNI’ which I didn’t. There is no proper response from Customer Service when contacted. I am expecting a genuine reply of what exactly it is and refund of the mentioned amount as I am sure of not downloading or subscribing for the service. My mobile no: 9032468648
Sandeep Pi also have been looted by Vodafone for Downloads or Services that i have never used. I have been charged close to 75/- in the last months bill for hell Mobileart_valuepack99 download which i have never downloaded. As usual, Vodafone Customer Care is of no help. The Number of people Complaints for this Issue is becoming ridiculous. Vodafone is clearly looting everyone. We need to approach Consumer Court and stop this fraud. Surprisingly i am advocate also
Sagar Gholap
Hi, I have been charged d2c_mgossip_pack49… Pls let me know what are the details of the this??? 9833991091Sagar gholap
Even i was charged with Rs 98/- in the downloads for d2c_mgossip_pack49 and wapvilla_ppd , though i have never downloaded anything. When contacted you customer care no concrete information was given to me.
The interesting part is both the download charges were levied at almost same time on different time which clearly indicates that these charges are something which are not true. This fraudulent activity on postpaid bills is really very unfortunate.
And looking at the posts above i can clearly figure out its not just me who is facing this issue, many more customers are facing this as well. But what is more disappointing is vodafone has done nothing to stop this fraudulent usage.
Expecting a resolution soon from your side.
Thanks in advance.
+91 7838514000All, I got all my money back for last 6 months from vodafone……just write a post regarding your concern on official vodafone facebook page
I have been charged for the same things. “d2c_mgossip_pack49” “hello1_tvallsouth_” “wapvilla_ppd”
Also to say I have been charged twice for the same thing in a month on separate days isn’t that COOL, check the unnecessary download charges even though I have active data plan.
I had been charged similarly in the Oct 2014 month which was revoked after emails written to vodafone care however this time they are saying it is accurately checked & billed. Last time when I spoke to the Vodafone executive they informed me that the download charges occur when the ADs are clicked & to solve the issue they asked me to remove the Vodafone live & MMS & some other APN leaving the only Vodafone Connect which is required for data plan. I had done the same & to take extra prevention I also installed ADBLOCK PLUS which has filtered all the ads still I have been charged unnecessarily. This is completely not accepted from the brand like VODAFONE.
If someone is hearing, request you to get this sorted out. Find the charges applied on my current bill.
30/10/14-01:39:31 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9
03/11/14-01:08:41 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9
03/11/14-01:21:19 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9
10/11/14-01:21:57 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 3 0
10/11/14-01:44:08 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9
Total 5 Calls 226.00I have been charged for the same things. “d2c_mgossip_pack49″ “hello1_tvallsouth_” “wapvilla_ppd” on mobile number 9819529198
Also to say I have been charged twice for the same thing in a month on separate days isn’t that COOL, check the unnecessary download charges even though I have active data plan.
I had been charged similarly in the Oct 2014 month which was revoked after emails written to vodafone care however this time they are saying it is accurately checked & billed. Last time when I spoke to the Vodafone executive they informed me that the download charges occur when the ADs are clicked & to solve the issue they asked me to remove the Vodafone live & MMS & some other APN leaving the only Vodafone Connect which is required for data plan. I had done the same & to take extra prevention I also installed ADBLOCK PLUS which has filtered all the ads still I have been charged unnecessarily. This is completely not accepted from the brand like VODAFONE.
If someone is hearing, request you to get this sorted out. Find the charges applied on my current bill.
30/10/14-01:39:31 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9
03/11/14-01:08:41 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 4 9
03/11/14-01:21:19 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9
10/11/14-01:21:57 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 3 0
10/11/14-01:44:08 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9
Total 5 Calls 226.00Hi Dhruval,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1CAY3Qv
Vodafone IndiaVodafone person called but was really rude & not ready to accept that they have charged me unnecessary for what I have not done.
I was charged over Rs.170 within 2 days in the last week. When I called customercare, they said i accessed a chargeable website hello1_tvallsouth multiple times and that is why i lost the cash. I haven’t consciously used the said website ever. I haven’t subscribed to any such service also. I request vodafone to please help me here as a loss of Rs.170 is not something I can ignore.
I am surprised to see that the same website has been reported in many of the comments above. And all the users deny using it knowingly. So is this some pop-up ad website?
If the problem is so common, there really should be some solution. Before such large amounts are deducted from our accounts, we should be notified. There should be some clear double-checking. Without that, how will any user know whether a single click can lose him his entire balance?!
So please address this issue asap. Thank you.
Hello Sandeep,
We were not able to contact you when we called your number hence we’ll call you back with an update in a short while.
Vodafone India.Hello Ravinder Jallu,
We called 7****1***0 & 8****3***5 but were not able to speak to you hence request you to specify the best time when we can contact you.
Vodafone India.Hi
I am happy to inform you that atleast Vodafone reimbursed the charges for download.
Thanks Vodafone.. 🙂
Same here,
Vodafone person called, was very rude and not at all ready to accept the wrong charge.
11/11/14-12:14:11 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49
17/11/14-14:22:02 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49
19/11/14-11:41:44 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49Very bad …..
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1tLAk5L
Vodafone IndiaHi Mary,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/12s1jO6
Vodafone IndiaVodafone are biggest losers
they have charged me 326 rps for downloading some vauge content like
wapvilla_ppd Rs. 49
hello1_tvallsouth Rs. 30
mgossip pack Rs. 49
ndtv_valuepack Rs. 99
d2c short form Rs 99
wapvilla_ppd Rs. 49
I called up customer care and they are not even ready to take a complaint on this. They are saying these are valid charges and they do not have any explanation on this. They have confirmed that these are not vodafone services.I have looked at this forum 99% customers are charged by this service. how can everybody be so dump to download it
this is a trap from VodafoneThis are making cheap money from their customer.
I have also used airtel Internet since 2012 and never faced this problem
Request you to please resend your contact number using the following link. We have not received the same.
Vodafone IndiaHello Vodafone,
One more customer for you with the same compliant
the below mentioned has been charged for me without me downloading thisDownloads
16/11/14-15:09:03 d2c_shotformats_ti 99
16/11/14-15:14:35 hello1_tvallsouth_ 30
16/11/14-16:11:56 wapvilla_ppd 49
16/11/14-19:16:01 deals_mydala_99 99
18/11/14-00:44:11 d2c_mgossip_pack49 49couldnt understand how this can happen for so many customers.
By reading the above i can understand that this is happening for so many customers for very long time and vodafone is continuing the same with other customers.Kindly look into it and reimburse the amount
I am updating my number in the link http://bit.ly/12s1jO6
Please take necessary action and please if it is a mistake please find a way to stop charging for other customers.
I am a prepaid user and I was charged around Rs.40 on something called chargeable websites. Plz do clarify on what is chargeable websites, and why was not there a prompt from Vodafone before I unassumingly clicked on the chargeable website. Do give a detailed clarification and how to avoid these in the future and also if u have any solution to block the chargeable websites, do guide us on it. tx.
mob# 8110047427Dear vodafone, if you really want to lose your customers, you may continue this HELLO TV SCAM as people call it. I have been connected to vodafone since 8 years but since the last 6 months these download charges have really been looking like a fraudulent way to earn.
Since last 2 months i have been charged 49 and 99 rupees in the name of hello tv.
You can understand that these are FAKE charges by just looking at the difference in the charges 49 and 99. Had it been a valid charge, the amount would have been same. But they are not valid as all these customers can not lie.
Kindly stop leving extra charges. If you want to increase the rental just do it. Please dont charge like this.
Number 9879082839
Alt num 8866821061Call on 987… Number.
I was also duped like this…. Six times last month….vodafone has charged me D2C_MGOSSIP_PACK49. I would request Vodasfone to shed light on wat actually was downloaded. because when we speak to the customer care executives. they do not have any reasonable explanation and are really arrogant.
Hi Rahul Sharma,
We will be happy to help resolve your concerns at the earliest. Kindly share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1yuDVHY
Vodafone IndiaMy mobile no is 8411961800. vodafone has charged me for d2c_mgossip_pack49 2times in last month and 4 times in this month. Though i have not downloaded it once. I have complaint in customer care they tell me to do mail on some mail id. They are giving me reply that may be you have accidently downloaded. So do you think customer is full?? I have done with your service never bye any of your card though m vodafone user for last 4-5 years with different no.
Hi Sathish Kumar,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1yuV3x8
Vodafone IndiaHi Ak,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1yv0pIQ
Vodafone IndiaHelllo,
This is now second time vodafone has charged me bill for not the stuff which is not downloaded.
deals_mydala_99 Rs 99
hello1_tvallsouth_ Rs 30which adds un-neccessary charges of Rs . 129.
Vodafone team you should seriously look into this issue else Im going to close this connection. You can contact me my mobile number is 9922077445.
Kindly stop leving extra charges and stop fooling customers.
Hello fellow vodafone users
Vodafone has replied to many in this forum as “We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link.” So how did they help you? By calling you again to repeat that they can do nothing about it? That is what they did for me..
They refuse to refund the cash. The cash was taken from my account by some third-party websites and so they cannot get back the cash to me. Then i ask them, “Can I block these services to make sure something like this will not happen in the future?” Again, there is nothing they can do. Isn’t that great? Think about our banks telling us: “Yes, you can create accounts in our bank. You can put all your money into it. You can draw cash from it as you want. But any other third party also can draw cash from your account (without any authorization) and there is no way you or we can prevent that. You just have to live with that risk.” This is horrible.
Dear Vodafone,
You say I may have “accidentally” clicked on some link which led to this disaster. What if my balance was zero when i “accidentally” clicked on this link? The link would have blocked these services, right? I want the same to happen, even if I have any balance. I want to block strangers from looting my Vodafone account. Please make this possible. If not, we would love to know why. I donot want to keep my accounts with someone who cannot protect it from outsiders.Though your customer care was very polite when saying “we will consider your feedback”, i doubt it means anything, as this post is going on non-stop for over 8 months.
We’ll call you back in a short while since we did not get any response when we called your number.
Vodafone India.Hi Voda,
I have been charged Rs. 30 for some ‘hello1_tvallsouth_’ in this month bill.
What is this? Help me with the link I have clicked on!Request# 1631406096 raised, pls look into this.
Hi Vodafone Team,
I’m also one of the victims who also charged for the services wapvilla_ppd, hello1_tvallsoth & d2c_mgossip_pack49 for two consecutive months. My mobile number is 9966928855 and I was charged Rs 128/- for the above services in the months of November and December Bills.
I request Vodafone to seriously look into this issue and refund the amount of Rs256/- to my account.
Hi Mary,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link and we will help resolve your concerns. http://bit.ly/1vzoDzA
Vodafone IndiaMy balance was deducted 49 rs twice on my Vodafone number 9442314411 once on last Friday night and again one just a few hours back . The deduction says some useless gossip pack has been activated ,for which I dint give My consent . I just want refund for the same . I.e. 98 rs . I have been following up with your Cc for the past one week and no proper response from your team .. They just keep the phone ringing while escalating the call to the floor manager . I have been trying to contact your chennai nodal officer mathan . His number is either busy or he never picks up the call
I am not going to leave this as it is coz the response your Cc executives tell is so pathetic. How come you expose my balance to a third party website and without my consent how will you allow someone to deduct my balance . Moreover you never send me a message when balance gets deduced by these means .i have been a customer of BSNL for the last 8 years and I never had any bitter experience there all along . I migrated to Vodafone this March and right from that time I’m being facing these stupid issue
This is my first step in resolving this issue . Make sure you do it here itself . I am planning to file a case in consumer court and this thread itself will serve as an evidence to sue you
I will not rest until my issue is resolvedHello vismay,
We called 8****6***0 at various intervals but there was no response hence request you to suggest the best time between 9 AM to 6 PM when we can reach you.
Vodafone IndiaGuys Even I got charged this month for
hello1_tvallsoth 30
d2c_mgossip_pack49 2 times 49 each
ndtv_valuepack 99 Rs.
Total 227 RsI’m sure Vodafore either looting us or having technical problem. How can you charge for link download? I can see we have many such complaints and so far you are not clear on solution. Please fix this and refund money you charged so far.
Bhupendra Dhakrey
+91 8860004334I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Mumbai using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 75/- including in bill for downloadig d2c_mobilart_75, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919969329913
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is lloking at Root cause & addressing it.I hold unlimited data/ download plan, however I am charged with Rs: 147/- (for downloading d2c gossip)customer care advised, that it was downloaded by me. Its simply ridiculous and absurd to see such malpractices from vodafone. It is a fraud, I have no reason to visit those sites neither any pop up confirmed about the charges nor I agreed to any, how can vodafone charge me for this? Looking at the complaints it seems this fraud business is running from years. Wonder what Vodafone have to say.I will escalate to grivence need my money back and such sites should be block or should give a confirmation of the account holder before debiting any amount.
Hello, last month i have been charged for Rs200. when i talked to customer care, they told me they cant view detail. now this month i have been charged for Rs 537. and when i asked the reason they told me some advertisement charges have been applied.
Now who will use vodafone if some is charged of 500 600 rs per month.
its hell.
Downloads06/11/14-13:52:03 197_sona_contest_2 0:00 2
16/11/14-14:34:46 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 9 9 4620/11/14-00:10:11 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 3 0 46
20/11/14-23:33:32 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 9 9 46
24/11/14-13:48:30 shotformat_dwnlp_9 0:00 9 9 46
28/11/14-23:04:49 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9 46
28/11/14-23:24:06 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 9 9 46
Total 12 Calls 537.00
My no is 7276456413
Hello vismay,
We were not able to speak to you when we called 8****6***0 at various intervals hence request you to suggest the best time between 9 AM to 6 PM when we can reach you.
Vodafone India.Hello Vodafone team,
I have been charged Rs. 99 for ‘hello1_tvallsouth_’ in current month bill. I never visited and downloaded this on my mobile. It seems that there may be some technical issue at Vodafone end. Please waive off the additional charges and resend the correct bill.Regards,
KamalakarMy name is Syed Aman Ullah, my number is 7204433876. Vodafone has charged me with the same i.e d2c_mgossip_pack49 thrice in the same bill. I called up customer care & asked for a explanation. I told them that I dont even know what these charges are for because I havent activated any packs. Hypothetically speaking if I had(which I didnt) why would I activate 3 of the same packs in a month. They better have an explanation for this & get these charges reversed. I am on the verge of changing network.
Hi Mihir Parekh,
We understand your concern. Please share with us your contact numbers in the following link, we’ll connect with you to discuss. – Puneet http://bit.ly/1xkuH5P
Hello tanisha,
We were not able to contact you when we called 7****5***3 hence we’ll call you back with an update.
Vodafone India.Hi,
I’ve been continuously being charged by Vodafone for d2c_mgossip_pack49 as follows…
Bill date – 11.06.2014 – INR 49
Bill date – 11.07.2014 – INR 196
Bill date – 11.08.2014 – INR 98
Bill date – 11.9.2014 – INR 49
Bill date – 11.10.2014 – INR 98
Bill date – 11.11.2014 – INR 98
Bill date – 11.12.2014 – INR 147Total – 735/-
When i spoke to customer care team they have not been able to provide any justification for the above charges levied and have asked to send email to Vodafone for reversal.
On searching the net came across this link https://consumerforums.in/fraud-vodafone-montly-billing where i released that i am not alone which is being treated with this by company of repute like Vodafone……
If Vodafone guys are reading this, pl respect your credibility and reputation, else you’ll be losing for sure a customer with 10 years of loyalty and will make sure that all my friends and family using Vodafone will discontinue.
Hi Kamalakar Jadhav,
Request you to share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can address your concerns better. http://bit.ly/1zwIyWh
Vodafone IndiaHello tanisha,
We called 7****5***3 at various intervals but were not able to contact you hence we’ll call you back with an update.
Vodafone India.I also got charged for this d2c_mgossip49 twice in this month not even sure what this is. Please fix it ASAP. This has happened with me for the first time. I am a loyal customer of vodafone from last 7 years but may change in case if all these fraud continues.
I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Chennai using 3G data plan. Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- five times including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. From past 3 months I am facing this issue. Every month I paid RS 200 /- extra money.It is not fare. Even the current bill they included Late Payment Charges. I paid all my bills. It is not at all fare. I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is looking at Root cause & addressing it.
If I didn’t get proper response with in 24hrs, I am planning to switch Airtel network through MNP.
+91 9884919176I also got charged for following download which I never visited in Nov bill, in previous month also I have been charged for download for different link. I called customer care and their replay is pathetic. I am using vodafone from last 4 years, plan to change to the new provider
d2c_mgossip_pack49 –> 49
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 –> 99Hello i’m sunil from bangalore, i have been charged for hello1_tvallsouth_ which i didnt opt. for and my number is 7829112346. i din’t get any proper explanation from the customer executives. please solve the problem.
Even I am charged a strange amount of 276 for downloading following packs which I have never downloaded. As a matter of fact I never download anything on cellphone. I just use WhatsApp, GMail and sometimes access my Wipro mails. It is quite surprising that they have charged for these 5 packs (one has been charged twice!). I am not going to pay for something I never used and when I complaint to the customer care department they are telling me by mistake I might have clicked and downloaded something! As if I am a 4 years old child!
My interaction number for the complaint is 1087716229.
ChandraHi Chaman Srivastava,
We are here to help and will do our best to resolve your concerns. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link. http://bit.ly/1rclSJ3
Vodafone India.Hi Purvesh Shah,
We are here to help. Please share your current and alternate contact numbers in the following link so that we can assist you. http://bit.ly/1rcmezE
Vodafone India.I suspect if Vodafone is doing this deliberately or their systems are out of whack. In my current bill, I have been charged a total of Rs. 228 extra for following downloads which I never made:
29/11/14-19:54:11 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 99
01/12/14-05:04:09 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 30
08/12/14-04:54:24 d2c_mydala_99 0:00 99I used to consider Vodafone as a consumer friendly brand but now they have started using cheap tricks to cheat their customers. This sort of mockery just taints your image and people will soon start turning to other MSPs.
This happened in my last bill as well where Vodafone reimbursed the charges as a “service gesture”. What the hell! How is charging your customers wrongly in the first place and then reimbursing the amount a service gesture? Kindly get your act together Vodafone!
I have a same problem. Vodafone charged me for Rs 99 (D2c_salparni_looka). Is there any one in this country to take action against this fraud Company. So many people are facing same problem.
For the no 8335922840 i was wrongly charged for the following downloads which was not genuine
hello1_tvallsouth @30
d2c_mydala_99 @99
wapvilla_ppd @99
hungama.com_value @50
d2c_mobilart_75 @75please refund those money back and make it sure that this kind of charging don’t happen again.
I am currently using 3 postpaid corporate connections and i didn’t expected this kind
of fraud case is happening in Vodafone. Please solve this issue ASAP.another customer with same complaint and even I did ask for refund what I ask is please provide the site for which I have been charged but vodafone can not provide details but I need to make a payment. Worst thing customer care, they dnt have answer but a attitude
Called customer care, guy who responded has a big attitude, per him charges are right and he can not provide details but I need to make payment as charges are always right. dnt know why he had so big attitude and does not understand that because of customer like me he has this job, if there is no answer atleast be courteous
thereafter I wrote to corporate care to provide a response but its really hard for them to respond, can someone from vodafone let me know how to request for details for which I have been charged, my mail is pasted below
after that I used the link (http://bit.ly/1rclSJ3) available on this forum to register compliant but no response in last 4 days.
can someone from vodafone care to response
After this exp and based upon various complaints on this forum, its does not seem to me that I can rely on 3G services provide by vodafone and would love to switch service provider,can someone suggest which service provider should I choose, I am in Delhi -NCR
Below is detailed mail sent to vodafone
12/29/14 (7 days ago)to corporatecare..
I have been charged as below on my current bill for mob number 9953793267Downloads
09/12/14-09:34:10 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
Total 1 Call 49.00Please provide details of website and content for which I have been charged this amount.
Punit Batracorporatecare.del@vodafone.com
12/31/14 (5 days ago)to me
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 29/12/2014, regarding the downloading charges for your Vodafone mobile number 9953793267.
We tried calling you but unable to speak with you, hence we would like to inform you that all the charges are correct for downloading.
Hence the appended numbers in your e-mail relate to our server numbers. The time duration mentioned in the bill co-relates with the time monitored at our Switch.
Please be assured that we can never charge you for calls or SMS which are not initiated on your SIM card, as our switch accurately monitors and records the usage of each SIM card, thus ensuring complete security and reliability.
As per the detail mentioned above, we regret to state that we would not be able to reverse the charges for the genuine usage initiated from your SIM card.
Your interaction number is 770539905.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or e-mail us. We’ll do our best to help you.
Happy to help
Bibhuti Tiwari
Corporate CareContact numbers:
For any queries call 111 (chargeable for agent access @ 50p/3min) or +91-9811098110 (standard calling charges applicable)
For any complaints call 198 toll free helpline.
Fax number: +91-01126940154
E-mail: corporatecare.del@vodafone.com
Website: http://www.vodafone.inNow experience our newly launched My Vodafone App. It empowers you to manage your Vodafone account on the go. So pay your mobile bills, check data usage, data plan details etc. click below link to download the My Vodafone App now.
On 12/29/2014 10:56 PM; From: punit.me@gmail.com; To: corporatecare.del@vodafone.com; ; ?CC: ; Subject: Please provide details for these charges;
12/31/14 (5 days ago)to corporatecare..
Hi Bibhuti,I am really disappointed to see that even you did not understand the question but was in so hurry to respond.
My question is to provide details for what Rs 49 have been charged as bill does not provide any details for that, not for refund.
in case you still do not understand, please call again and be flexible to call someone twice atleast when you do not pre-intimate for call time and also fail to provide a call back number.I have tried to call back couple of times on +91 2071003101 and this number does not work from vodafone SIM so I am not sure what do you expect from me when you dnt have time to call back.
Punit Batracorporatecare.del@vodafone.com
Jan 2 (3 days ago)to me
Dear Mr. Batra,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 31/12/2014 regarding the reversal for your Vodafone mobile number 9953793267.
We would like to inform you that the reversal of download charges Rs.55.06 is already adjusted in your Vodafone bill. However, the current billed outstanding amount due on your Vodafone account is Rs.615.82.
Your interaction ID is 771871364.
In case you need further assistance, please do call or e-mail us. We’ll do our best to help you.
Happy to help,
Mohsin Salam
Corporate Care
Contact numbers:
For any queries call 111 (chargeable for agent access @ 50p/3min) or +91-9811098110 (standard calling charges applicable)
For any complaints call 198 toll free helpline.
Fax number: +91-9811000009
E-mail: corporatecare.del@vodafone.com
Fax: http://www.vodafone.inOn 12/31/2014 10:11 PM; From: punit.me@gmail.com; To: corporatecare.del@vodafone.com; ; ?CC: ; Subject: Re: Please provide details for these charges;
Mobile No : 9811897728
After looking at my bill details, i observed that rs. 49/- has been charged for d2c_mgossip_pack49, which i never downloaded and in fact i don’t even know what it is.
Would appreciate the timely reply on this and same if for refund else i will think discontinuing the service.Hi,
This time again the Vodafone has charged me with Rs 99 for the new package now
“d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9”This is very frustating from Vodafone that everytime they are charging with some or the other package. Calling customer care is also frustating as they dont have proper justification of what the package is and how it is downloaded.
As a matter of fact I never download anything on cellphone. I just use WhatsApp, Facebook, GMail and sometimes access my company emails. It is quite surprising that they have charged for the pack. I am not going to pay for something I never used.
Kindly look into the matter. You can contact me on my cell number: 9922077445.
Amit GujarHi
There was a 75 rs. Deduction on my account for.
Can you explain why?
I have not initiated any download, also i have a active data pack. How can you cheat us with these cheap tricks.Without my authorization who can you deduct my money for some stupid site mobilart?
I want my money back.. You cant charge me for this. I have seen many people having same issue and money have been reverted.
I am already frustrated with your data services so please don’t force me to run away forever.
Ashutosh Jain
Mobile – 9323024779
Alternate number – 7058823854I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in pune using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49 5 times in a month, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +918552820404
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is looking at Root cause & addressing it.I have been using vodafone no snce 5 years and my no is 9923600984.
I have been charged Rs. 245 for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49, 5 times in a month. also I have been getting charged since last 2 months for downloading same pack. after speaking to customer care getting answer as we are downloading chargeable content. I want to ask the question that If I am downloading any chargeable content then how come with out my authentication or asking me vodafone is charging for this…I even don’t know what kind of pack it is. I think vodafone is making fool to people by charging such kind of things. I have walked through vodafone shops and they are not even entertaining with out listing my complain they are saying call to customer care and customer care is also not giving proper explanation.
I asked them that at least provide me website from which I have downloaded this content. but they are not able to provide.
I am using this number since 5 years but I think it not worth of showing any loyalty with vodafone now..
Now I am suggesting all my friends that don’t go for vodafone
dear vodafone i have Also been charged under d2c_mgossip_pack49 which is just as fake as everyone in these forum has complained i have been charged rs 833 for around 17 times in a month pls resolve these charges or i m gonna port out of your service as it is getting porrer day by day which all these false charges. My number is 9748325660
I have been charged with 99 rs. again for the application i have never downloaded.
I am fed up calling customer care for the issue but they just know what to say what is written on their screen. This type of issue cant be seen in other operators like airtel, reliance. Do they have the option to not show chargeable links when doing browsing over the Internet o.O
This happened in my last bill as well where Vodafone reimbursed the charges as a “service gesture”. How is charging your customers wrongly in the first place and then reimbursing the amount a service gesture?
If it will go on like this i am not left with any choice except porting to other operator.
I do not want this headache each and every month with customer care people.Hi,
My vodafone number is 9620788350. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for hello1_tvallsouth_: Rs. 30 in Dec2014 bill and hungama.com_value_: Rs. 50.
But i never downloaded any applications.Kindly revert the charges which was charged extra(80/-) in Dec 2014 Bill.
My vodafone number is 9867694908.
This month the Vodafone has charged me with Rs 49for the new package now
“d2c_mgossip_pack49″ But i did not download this app at any time.Kindly resolve asap.
I also charged for some bloddy hello1_tv and d2c sites from last 3 months.. Just came into my knowledge after analyzing my bill because i was on roaming 149 Rs. plan with one 2g data pack and one 3g pack after it. So 1530/- Rs. is more than i expected for this months bill.
Dear Sir,
I am a corporate Vodafone user having mobile no 8879787930. In my 1.1.15 bill(Bill no- 405116012015) vodafone charged Rs 392 towards 7 packs of d2c_mgossip_pack49 and 1 videos_sbits_2 pack. when i corresponded with customer care they are not agreeing and saying these are charged as actual. However I have never used such pack.
kindly look into it pls.Regards
8879787930Hi Vodafone,
in this month bill i could see few packs are downloaded.
22/12/14-10:59:20 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:01:19 d2c_salparni_looka 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:01:20 d2c_vceservice_gom 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:08:31 d2c_mazaa_49 0:00 4 9 46
22/12/14-11:16:46 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:25:26 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
These has been downloaded during my office hours..mobile is not allowed in my office..then how can i download this many packs..this is FRAUD activity..surely i will escalate this to higher level if my money is not refunded…
u have deducted 595 rs
How this will happend i am wondering about this…
i am expecting immediate response…if not i will surely go to consumer court with all the details….in that bill itself u have mentioned time and date..i will get appoval from my office that i was working that time…
dear vodafone i have also been charged under d2c_mgossip_pack49 which is just as fake as everyone in these forum has complained i have been charged rs 49 today pls resolve these charges or i m gonna port out of your service as it is getting poorer day by day which all these false charges. My number is 9979589825
Hi Vodafone,
My number : 8939931147 contact me
alternative number to contact (8939931148)in this month bill i could see few packs are downloaded.
22/12/14-10:59:20 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:01:19 d2c_salparni_looka 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:01:20 d2c_vceservice_gom 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:08:31 d2c_mazaa_49 0:00 4 9 46
22/12/14-11:16:46 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9 46
22/12/14-11:25:26 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
These has been downloaded during my office hours..mobile is not allowed in my office..then how can i download this many packs..this is FRAUD activity..surely i will escalate this to higher level if my money is not refunded…
u have deducted 595 rs
How this will happend i am wondering about this…
i am expecting immediate response…if not i will surely go to consumer court with all the details….in that bill itself u have mentioned time and date..i will get appoval from my office that i was working that time…
I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer using 3G data plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49 total eight times in consecutive two months, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919819890948And the main concern is that this stuff got downloaded at 4 am , 2 am etc.
wherein I was never up at these times so late.
I want reimbursement of rs. 392 Plus tax
My vodafone number is 9766134466. This month the Vodafone has charged me with Rs 49 for the new package now “d2c_mgossip_pack49″ But i did not download this app at any time.
1. 04/12/14-15:24:31 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49
2. 29/12/14-10:40:00 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49Kindly resolve asap.
I have been also changed 5 times in the same month for d2c_mgossip_pack49. This is highly irresponsible behavior from a company like vodafone. How can you charge something without any proper explanation to customer. My number is 9999239798
I am also facing same issue. There is some unwanted charges in my bill and costomer care said this is due to download from 3rd party website, even i have not used same.
Detail of charges are:
31/12/14-02:28:36 shotformat_dwnlp_9 0:00 99 4 6
02/01/15-23:02:26 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 49 4 6
02/01/15-23:16:24 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 99 4 6
02/01/15-23:37:31 d2c_shotformats_ti 0:00 99 4 6
Total 4 Calls 346.00Please let me know why these charges.
Hi vodafone team
I am varun gagneja using mobile no. 9899185161
Previous month i changed my category from individual to corporate, in process of changing in lieu of request i made, i received a message that your plan has been changed and after that i confirm by calling to customer care regarding the using the benefits, they said you can use the benefits of plan after 12 in midnight, in the plan it also have internet benefits, so i start using Internet benefits and also i started calling to CUG numbers. After 2 days when i self checked my plan by calling *111# the plan was not changed, and i again confirm with customer care he replied that your plan was not changed, because of misguide by your vodafone executive, i used internet and CUG calls in that period for which i was not in need.
I request you to kindly waive of excess amount charged in the bill.Also about that misguidance one of your vodafone executive accepts that your category was not changed at that time and it was all because of our mistake, so i request you take needful and reverse the excess amount charged in my bill
Varun gagneja
+91 9898185161I am also facing same issue. There is some unwanted charges of 75 rupees and customer care said this is due to download.
Please let me know why these charges.
Vodafone India,
Mob no: 9703456665
I have also Faced the same issue & have been charged 98 rs for d2c_mgossip_pack49 & d2c_mazaa49. Kindly addressMy vodafone number is 9811580507. This month the Vodafone has charged me with Rs 98 for the new package now “d2c_mgossip_pack49″ twice. But i did not download this app at any time.
Please reimburse my money adn send me the updated bill. Kindly resolve this asap.
ThanksPl let me know the exact procedure to deactivate following
vuclipindia _pack75
my email Id : mulgundashok@gmail.com
Hi Vodafone,
There is something very serious from your server end. this is continuous 4th Month I am getting ‘Fake download charges’ and this time also i got 3 d2c_mgossip_pack49 charges (Total 147/-).
I’ve been calling customer care but there is no proper communication and clarification of the charges. as i can see this is not only happening with me rather thousands of other customers are facing this issue.
Kindly look into this and wave off all charges.
My vodafone number is 9620788350. I would be able to see the extra charges for downloading the application for hello1_tvallsouth_: Rs. 30 in Dec2014 bill and hungama.com_value_: Rs. 50.
But i never downloaded any applications.Kindly revert the charges which was charged extra(80/-) in Dec 2014 Bill.
I am wondering why Vodafone is repeating this even after so many complaints listed here from years.
You are absolutely wrong if you believe people blindly follow like “PUG”In my current bill for jan 2015, I could see charges of Rs.345 for no reason quoting some bulls**t names for downloads.
20/12/14-00:48:30 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
20/12/14-00:57:07 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9 46
21/12/14-17:20:02 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
24/12/14-00:40:41 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
31/12/14-09:17:11 d2c_mydala_99 0:00 9 9 46
Total 5 Calls 345.00Vodafone, do you have any answers for this?
Nikhil S
Holy Crap, This forum made me to open my previous month bills and I am surprised its happening from last 3 months for me. Vodafone, you broke the trust.
04/11/14-00:25:29 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 49 4 6
05/11/14-08:31:02 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 99 4 6
08/11/14-00:35:02 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 49 4 6
08/11/14-01:37:42 deals_mydala_99 0:00 99 4 6
Total 4 Calls 296.00Downloads
03/12/14-01:14:16 d2c_mydala_99 0:00 99 4 6
08/12/14-00:04:18 wapvilla_ppd 0:00 99 4 6
08/12/14-00:16:31 hello1_tvallsouth_ 0:00 30 4 6
Total 3 Calls 228.00Downloads
20/12/14-00:48:30 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
20/12/14-00:57:07 d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 0:00 9 9 46
21/12/14-17:20:02 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
24/12/14-00:40:41 d2c_mgossip_pack49 0:00 4 9 46
31/12/14-09:17:11 d2c_mydala_99 0:00 9 9 46
Total 5 Calls 345.00In total Rs.869 in last 3 months. Please care to fix this. Otherwise you are not far from losing valuable customers.
Nikhil S
Hello Vodafone team,
I have been charged Rs. 297 for ‘some sort of downloads’ in my current monthly bill. I never visited and downloaded any chargeable content , moreover popups are also blocked in my browser. It seems that there may be some technical issue at Vodafone end. Please waive off the additional charges and resend the correct bill.
Kindly revert back.
Mob no: 91760844000
Email: Mayukh.bhaskar@gmail.comRegards,
Mayukh BhaskarDear vodafone team, my name is Vinay Patili have been charge Rs.401 under download of various packs like southvalue pack, mobipack and two three others. What is this issue, i have not downloaded as well never subscribe these packs. Pls revert the amount.
My no.-7507457400
Email- vinaybpatil@gmail.comHi,
IMy vodafone number is 9874055155. Ia m customer of vodafone since 2011. I havenot faced such kind of problem before, but last month statement I have charged for 99 rs in Dowload Usage section for downloading “d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 “. Let me clarify that I havent downloaded any such thing and also it has charged on last day of my billing cycle. More than that in 6 days of my billing cycle I got unused bill of about 1600 Rs. This is not joke anymore. Kindly do something otherwise I have to use number portability service of any other operator.
This is one kind of fraud and customer care are very rude as well as senior reprensentives. Please solve this ASAP.
Sudeepta Pani
mob: 9874055155Vodafone is doing fraud month after month. This is the 3rd continuous month the Vodafone has charged me with Rs 49 for the package “d2c_mgossip_pack49″ twice. This is fraud on part of Vodafone. I have never authorized Vodafone for any such services. The customer care executive told me to google about this pack to know more and deactivate from my end only.
It seems porting out is the only way out but would like to spread the message about Vodafone fraud.
there is an unnecessary charge of 718.00 rupees on my post paid account which is horrible. details are below
d2C_mgossip_pack49 -> 49 Rs
d2c_mazaa_49 – > 49 Rs
d2c_mobilart_75 -> 75 Rs
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_9 -> 99 Rs
d2c_mydala_99 -> 99 Rs
sjotformat_dwnlp_50 ->50 Rs
d2c_mobilart_50 ->50 Rs
d2c_mazaa_99 – > 99 Rs
d2c_mydala_99 -> 99 RsHave no idea what the hell this is and Data usage against each of these says 0 kb this is horrible.
I have been charged errorneouly by vodafone for this code “Rs. 99.00 : DNLD D2C_MOBC_GANAK_PPU_99-MOBCLIXS”. Even the customer care reps are horrible and giving lame and un professional excuses of the deduction.
Please refund my amount.Hello
as im postpaid customer of vodafone postpaid mobile no. 9687960007, and im very happy with the vodafone services, but today i recive vodafond postpaid bill of 540,it show the downloads of 198 rs for paid services, i only download from the free site and never from paid one and it shows below download detail
d2c ndtv valuepk_99
d2c salparni lookatit ppu 99
and i never activate that service and also not receive message of subsricption on my mobile. on complain sites many users complain about this services activate auto on their device also.so pls do the needful or im not gonna waste my money on that type of service and stop this connection.After reading all the complaints and what happened to me I wonder why such a company is allowed to operate in India.
I have a deduction of Rs 75 for – DNLD-D2C_MOBC_GANAK_PPU_75_MOBCLIXS. I know neither Vodafone nor me and neither any of its customer know such a service.Still like others I have also been charged. And like others this time also the customer care didn’t know anything about this service.
The customer care executive named Raj Dey was such a fool that he iignorantly or as directed by Vodafone replied to my query that I have downloaded from a paid site. How funny of Vodafone.
My appeal to Vodafone is stop stealing customers penny and rrefund the deduction. To the customer care executive- stop being such an arrogant because u are getting salaries out of such stolen money. And to the common man and vodafone customers- stop using Vodafone network or services. They will learn the lesson only then.
Sandeep Dutta,
Sandeep27427@gmail.comI am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Delhi NCR using 3G data plan on 375.
Vodafone has charged me RS 49/- 2 times including in bill for downloading d2c_mgossip_pack49, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called their Customer care for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +918826440654
as i am using vodafone for a very log time, I hope Vodafone is looking at Root cause & addressing it.I am charged Rs. 375 in Nov’14 bill and 475 in Dec’14 BIll for unknow down loads.
When i contacted customer care there is no proper responce. and what ever billed is proper. and when i asked how to avaid such thing they don;t have any answer.
Now in Jan bill again i am billed Rs 49 for “d2c_mgossip_pack49” and Rs 99 for “javagame99_wap”.
my no is 9176322266 from chennai
krishna raoHello,
My Vodafone no. is 9879110070.
I have read many complaints. I am appealing for the same. I have never subscribed or got confirmation messages for downloading services for
shotformat_dwnlp_99 ….Rs. 99
hello1_tvallsouth_30 ….Rs. 30
d2c_ndtv_valuepk_99 ….Rs. 99
d2c_mgossip_pack49 ….Rs. 49Total.. Rs. 277 for doing nothing…
Vodafone India.. I have also sent a email today from my registered ID. Please stop such services immediately and refund me for the services which i have never subscribed.
This is the consecutive 4th month that Vodafone had charged me 49Rs for the below download d2c_mgossip_pack49. Don’t know what is this.
My email id Is maheskv9@gmail.com
My number is 9930267692
Hi All,
I recently got my bill for January month and saw a download charge applied in it i.e. Rs. 49 even though I have not downloaded any such thing. I even don’t remember clicking any such paid links.
Also, there is one GPRS charge (Rs. 43.10) added in my bill. What is that? Note, I hold unlimited internet plan as per TCS corporate.Kindly Look into this matter.
Mobile No: 9873508307
Hi..I am using 750 MB 3G plan and after that unlimited 2G.
But I have seen in my bill Rs 198 charges for download.
I am very much frustrated from Vodafone service,they are really cheating the customer. Customer care employee says it has been charged for some d2c_mgaana.I even dont know these websites/links.Vodafone plz revert my money asap!!!Hi Vodafone ,
I am feroz mobile no: 8796241302, hav a plan of Rs 375 with unltd 2G internet , still have received a bill Rs 1600 in which there are charges of Rs 750 of some services which I have never heard , even don’t what it is all about , even in last bill there some charges but we’re not so high, so I just requested to stop all this service and make sure I don’t get charge again. Wherein the advisor assured that it won’t happen again but still this time it appeared in my bill for no reason with higher ammount
according to me it’s jus fooling it customers , Which u should stop , even if we call customer service they are never helpfullHi Vodafone,
I am using 8939944805. I have been charged 99 rupees for downloading d2c_vceservice_gom. I am in unlimited plan and doesn’t activat any special services. Kindly revert this amount asap.Thanks,
ArulVodafone team, I have been facing this wiring charges issue for last many months..in spite of all escalations and talking… This doesn’t seem to be stoping….
My number is 9962518771… Please call and resolve asap…
What we fail to understand is that inspire of so many complaints, the company doesn’t seem to be bothered to address this issue
Hello vodafone users,
Charging Download charges are 2nd income source for vodafone. So using vodafone & complaining is waste of time & waste of money also. Go ahead and port it.In my jan2015 bill i have been charged for d2c_mydala_99 4 times. I asked customer care, the said i would clicked some popup. I am asking without getting my conformation how com you can detect the amount. It is surly cheating, and vodafone allowing that cheating by detecting money from me. I going to change the service provider.
You are playing according to mydala commission or this may be your back door for money looting. I telling you Vodafone High officials, One day Court going to slap you with huge fine. All your customers will move away eventually. When you realize about this cheating/mistake, you wont have any customers to ask sorry.Hi Vodafone Team,
Its been understood based on the above complains that you have tieups with few website, who duped your customer based on their tricks and you charged exorbitant price to customer and divert (after keeping your share) the charges with them, otherwise how can any website opening will be chargeable to Vodafone billing. If you have tieups with certain website on charges for premium, then its your duty to be transparent with your customer.
Even I have seen specific popups coming to Vodafone internet packs and there is no option to close the popup, then if you click there is charges on your bill. But if you access same site with another operator internet connection you will not get same chargeable popups. This is one example of cheating !!
Just look at the complaints, are these people didn’t know how to surf on net or they are being duped by your malpractice and “behind the scene” arrange with some fraud kind of website to get hefty charges. Till now what kind of action you have taken for customer benefit? I am very much sure, on paper you can claim that you have taken several action but its not visible as per above customer complaints.FYI- I have already surrendered the Vodafone net connection, Guys just put the complain with TRAI also.
Dear Friends,
It is my experiance i am charged for last 3 months for unknown downloads.
Surprisingly in Jan bill i am chagred Rs. 99 and Rs. 89 for down load of d2c_mydala_99 .
One will be more surprised to know, the above charges are on same data/same time. i don’t know how is it possible.
So it is sure they are cheating customers.
I have writen to customer care, but no reply.Hai VODAFONE INDIA
I have been charged Rs. 149 for DNLD-WAP_ANIO149_PPU, ON 10-03-2015 This month . After speaking to customer care getting answer as we are downloading chargeable content. I want to ask the question that If I am downloading any chargeable content then how come with out my authentication or asking me vodafone is charging for this…I even don’t know what kind of pack it is . I call to customer care and they also not giving proper explanation.I asked them that at least provide me website from which I have downloaded this content. but they are not able to provide.
But I searched in my browse history and finally got that web site name is
“http://mazaa.mobi/s/home.php ”
Block is site, in future
I am using this number since 10 years
How can I suggest to my friends to go for vodafone?Hi
Despite of having my 3G plan activated; Vodafone charged me Rs.49 for activating Vvidia Plan where I did never opt for the said plan.
May be after all this time Vodafone has finally found a new way to cheat customers.
May be its time to change the network if this problem is not fixed n we are not refunded.Hi Vodafone,
I am Pawan Kumar using vodafone corporate connection (9718252822). It is to inform you that the same thing has been happened with me also, you have charged 254rs for VAS services which I haven’t used. I called in CC but they haven’t given any proper response. As mentioned in bill these VAS are downloaded then where these are? these should be installed on my mobile or where these services are gone?? I haven’t seen any service like this on my mobile. And am not able to understand what is this d2c?? why every time this d2c service downloaded is it vodafone service or something els. I need proper explanation and need my money back otherwise I file cheating case in consumer court. Awaiting for your response.Value Added
Services (VAS)
08/04/15-23:52:03 d2c_mobilart_30 – 3 0
11/04/15-00:43:09 d2c_mazaa_149 – 149
18/04/15-00:20:38 d2c_mobilart_75 – 7 5
Total 3 Unit – 254.00Regards,
Pawan Kumar
9718252822Hi All,
I just received my monthly vodafone bill and to my surprise, there is one additional bill of Rs 149 as Value added services. I am shocked to see this added here as i have not requested for any such service. Kindly look into the matter and waive this off.
Issue Mobile no: 8447108160
Kindly contact on : 9873508307 for discussing this.Rs99 deducted on 1.5.15 for DNLD-DWAP_DLS0099_PPU_KIN00587001
Vodafone no-9899090260
Kindly revert the charges as soon as possibleDear vodafone
My number is 9820522210
I have received a message that I have active subscription of vvidia and 8 will be charged rs 50 for the same. Can vodafone explain what this subscription is and when did i requested to activate.
customer care executive does not have proper explanation but statement like “this is internet download charges and they do not have details for that”.
When i asked about my current usage he said i have not even used half of my quota so;
1. With out my peemission how do i get subscribed.
2. When i have free usage availibility why additional charges for internet download
3. What does it mean “monthly 1gb data download” pack.Can anyone from vodafone explain me.
sameerVodafone has charged me 397 this month to download wapvilla_ppd , d2c_mobilart_149 , and d2c_mobilart_149
and last month 249 for downloading wapvilla_ppd , d2c_mobilart_75 , and d2c_mobilart_75
I don’t know what is this nonsense
My number : 8095506558
Name : Devender RawatOk so i can see i am not the only one vodafone is keeping in the dark. This is the second time vodafone has charged me for something called d2c_mazza_149. I called the cc and they have no clue what i downloaded. I haven’t downloaded anything last month or this month. Vodafone please look into the matter.
My no. 9028511457Hi,
My ac balance (rs 75) is deducted from 7407014748 number. The cause of deduction the balance is saying the customer care executives is download charge from a chargeable website. So I want the clarification about chargeable website. A foreign website how can be deduct money from mobile ac balance without user concern?
What you guys are think we customers are fool?
customer care executive does not have proper explanation but statement like “this is internet download charges and they do not have details for that”.
When i asked about my current usage he said i have not even used half of my quota so;
1. Without my permission how do i get subscribed.
2. When i have free usage availability why additional charges for internet download
3. What does it mean “monthly 1gb data download” pack.Can anyone from vodafone explain me.
Thanks & Regards,Sayan Paul
Cell: +91 96818 51060
Jignesh J NagdaWrite a comment…
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Jignesh J Nagda Call me on same number m free
N if u say u called me than call on same number u write in my inbox which number did u called
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 4:43pmVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
One of our executives will be in touch with you. – Ankit
Like · Yesterday at 4:59pmJignesh J Nagda Where did anyone called me up
If u don’t care for helping than tell don’t send sms that u called me my cell is on n no calls from ur side great making us fool like this
Like · Yesterday at 7:18pm
Jignesh J NagdaWrite a reply…
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Jignesh J Nagda Welcome to Vodafone Chat !
Thank you for your patience, a Vodafone Service Desk Agent is now available
SanchiGood Morning! I am Sanchi. How may I help you?…See More
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 9:36am
Hide 11 RepliesVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
Our representative will get in touch with you and discuss.We assure you our best efforts in addressing your concerns.-Faraz
Like · Yesterday at 9:47amJignesh J Nagda Dear Vodafone customer, we tried calling you on your mobile regarding your concern posted on social media but were unable to reach you.To further assist you, kindly tweet or post an alternate number with time OR time between 9am to 6 pm to contact you….See More
Like · Yesterday at 3:51pmVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
Kindly share an alternate number in our inbox & the best time to contact you. We were unable to contact you on your number as you were unavailable. – Neha
Like · Yesterday at 4:37pmJignesh J Nagda Call me on same number m free
N if u say u called me than call on same number u write in my inbox which number did u called
Like · Yesterday at 4:45pmVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
We have notified our team and they will connect with you for further assistance. – Reema
Like · Yesterday at 5:07pmJignesh J Nagda Where did anyone called me up
If u don’t care for helping than tell don’t send sms that u called me my cell is on n no calls from ur side great making us fool like this
Like · Yesterday at 7:18pmVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
Sorry for the delay, Rest assured will get in touch with you tomorrow to share an update on your concern. – Ankit
Like · Yesterday at 8:53pmJignesh J Nagda hell kind of service is this now, no answer nothing, just hide faces, what type of upgradation is been done by vodafone, no outstanding i got, till now, what is this,worst service, no answer also,ihave a problem from last month bill as my service was deactivated by vodafone, and want reversal when will i get to know my outstanding amount, this is getting too much in head now
Like · 8 hours agoVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
Please allow us some time, we’ll look into this and revert to you with an update. – Faraz
Like · 7 hours agoVodafone India Hi Jignesh,
We will get back to you in again as we were unable to speak with you when we called your number. – Neha
Like · 3 hours agoJignesh J Nagda now really i have to use words which i dont mean too, how mean is vodafone now to answer, third class service , WTF , from last two days these people are attending my problem, wow, soi much third class people, now this whole chat sg i copied and mailed to central authority and trai, this type of third class service, my bill date is of 4 n why still i dint get my outstanding amount, vodafone is cheating now to postpaid customers by sending all fake usage bills, this is too much now, WTF service or upgarde u did til now, i told u before its going over my head now.
I am also facing the same issue.
Vodafone has charged me a total of 80/- as Content Downloads for Value Added Services. And they have mentioned some download files which I never downloaded.
When I called up the Customer Care, they said I might have clicked any link unknowingly hence it caused an extra charge.
But I never did any download. Also they dont have a proper explanation to what they say.Please look into the issue.
I am a Vodafone Postpaid Customer in Bangalore using New Talk Corporate 249 – STD Plan.
Vodafone has charged me RS 150/- including in bill for downloading ‘d2c_acl_pchamp_store_ppu_150’, a stuff which I had never downloaded. When I called Customer Forum for explanation, they had no proper explanation. My contact no. is +919886313611
I saw lot of complaints regarding this. I hope Vodafone is looking at Root cause & addressing it. Please revert back ASAP, since i need to pay the bill as today is due.Vodafone is looting customers money..one of the frad company
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