I bought 5 pieces activa ultra sanitary napkins from BIG BAZAR(Till No:4,Cash Memo Number:0027362,Tr:20853) on 1.4.2005.They are selling this item after wrapping with celotape and no one can see what is the Mfg Date and Exp date.I have never thought they can sell a product which is already EXPIRED.I bought 5 of them,each one is wrapped with celotape and contains 3 different packets.After going home I found that Exp date and Mfg Date is washed out manually.To confirm this,I have removed each celotape and suddenly I noticed that one packet is left with very slight hint of Mfg Date.Mafg Date was SEP,2010 and it has 3 years warranty.
I never thought BIG BAZAR will cheat their customer in such a way.Now this is 3 years 6 months already and they are still selling this products proudly and openly.
Please do the needful.


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