Very Bad Service of Beam Telecom

Location/place: India

Name of company/service: Beam Telecom

My internet was not working since last two days and there was no response from your side apart from the sentence from call center people it will be resolved as soon as possible; 48 hours is not enough to resolve issues like this.

This two days of non use of your services is it going to be adjusted any where? If NO why a customer will always suffer.

My Contact Number: 9705448080
Complain Number: 6171852


2 responses to “Very Bad Service of Beam Telecom”

  1. Anil Kumar Avatar
    Anil Kumar

    This is 6th day of my complain and I am still waiting a reply from your service team. The ticket number 6171852 (Closed without addressing the issue)and new ticket was assigned on 5th day.

    My Contact Number: 9705448080
    Complain Number: 6171852 (Closed without addressing the issue)
    New Complain Number: 6201984

  2. Anil Kumar Avatar
    Anil Kumar

    Finally I got my internet back just now.

    Happy with the service but issues with the time (10 days) they took as it is not going to be adjusted in my billing cycle.

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