TATA DOCOMO failing to provide GPRS service

Location/place: Ahmedabad

Name of company/service: TATA DOCOMO

I, Siddhesh Nar, living in Ahmedabad have been using TATA DOCOMO number 9033222210 as a service provider for my cell phone.
I have a postpaid connection of the same. I want to use internet facility in my phone NOKIA 7210 Supernova. I have been using internet in this phone through Vodaphone since last two years. But I can’t access internet through TATA DOCOMO. Every time I get packet data connection not available error message. I have been complaining about the same to TATA DOCOMO since last one month.
the customer care executive every time misguides me.
I logged almost 5 complains in the company but till date no action has been taken by the company. Whenever I file a complaint, they assure me that they will look after my problem but they never do the necessary action. The docket number and the complain details are as follows:-
1) On 16 july, 2012 the docket number – 317910839
2) On 18 july, 2012 the docket number- 318222601
3) On 6 august, 2012 the docket number- 321058935
4) On 6 august, 2012 the docket number- 321058935
5) On 9 august, 2012 the docket number- 321519089
I had the GPRS pack activated but I cant use internet. The company is failing to solve my problem.
costumer care executives cannot do anything other than taking a complaint. But the complaint never gets solved.


2 responses to “TATA DOCOMO failing to provide GPRS service”

  1. Tata Docomo Avatar
    Tata Docomo

    Dear Customer,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

  2. anand varma Avatar
    anand varma

    i have use tata docomo prepaid sim card last 5 day ago gprs plan activate but service not running & customer care call centre answer not well my no. 7405148411 not perchase anybody prepaid sim & postpiad sim card company service not well pls..

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