Taken money but not delivered Order

Location/place: Lucknow


On 13th Feb 2013 I booked an order at www.floweraura.com for two items to be deliverd on Valentine’s day (14th Feb 2013). I have paid Rs. 1585 through Internet banking. They haven’t delivered my order. It looks fraud website to me and the contact number they have provided on website looks fake as everytime it says it is busy. One online chatter that claims to be as human, seems to be a computer. This is total fraud. Could you please look into this matter and brought people like us to justice.

Thanks & Regards,
Saif Siddiqui


One response to “Taken money but not delivered Order”

  1. Saif Siddiqui Avatar
    Saif Siddiqui

    With respect to my previous message, I would like to add that my order was finally delivered at around 10:45 pm on 14th Feb.. (So late)
    Still.. they delivered 12 roses instead of 24. After so many follow ups they finally delivered 12 more roses. I am obviously not satisfied at all.

    Saif Siddiqui

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