I booked a classified ad in The Statesman on 18-04-14 through their online ad booking system for taking a project associate in my research project. The ad was to appear in the educational column on 21-04-14. The booking charge of Rs. 1048/- was paid by me through net banking while booking the ad and has been deducted from my account. But it did not appear in The Statesman till date.
CCAvenue, the online card processing company for The Statesman, informed me that my transaction for the order number ED532178X1464 has been successfully processed through CCAvenue and forwarded to The Statesman. But the status for the booked ad, as appeared in the newspaper website, says that payment has not been realized.
Then where has my Rs. 1048/- gone? I had to spend another Rs. 1600/- for booking the same ad in The Times of India (to appear on 26-04-14). Why should I suffer owing to the lack of connection between The Statesman and CCAvenue? Please find out who are responsible for this stealing of my money.
Pushan Banerjee,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics,
39, Sankar Ghosh Lane,
Kolkata – 700006.
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