Sony Mobile Xperia Sola Faulty Product and Service Center Irresponsive

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Sony Mobile

I bought Sony Xperia Sola phone worth Rs. 19000/- in June2012 .
The Phone stopped working in the 1st month itself having PCB problems and touch and network issues, so had to give it to the Sony Authorized Service center (Sai Sony Service Center Jayanagar) for repair.
After a month of panic, pity and war with the Service center, i got the phone back.
Again, the phone started getting troubles in touch and hanging problems .Finally stopped working for the second time in just 8th month and i had to give it to service center. Again from 3rd March 2013 my phone is with service center (Abhirudhi Infotech Jayanagr Job No. W113030701068 )and i get no response from Sony Customer Care 1800 3000 2800 people as well , just lame excuses and dont-care attitude.
I am going through mental torture and helplessness in this issue . Need an answer from any one in Sony Mobile – Is this what a Sony Customer deserves ! Was it my mistake buying a Sony phone !

While the phone stopped working for the second time in just 9 months isn’t less an issue, over that the irresponsible behavior and Months of time taken to resolve the issue is the greater torture to the customer.

If you can dig into the case you can check the number of calls i made to the Call Center , number of tickets i raised , number of escalations i made and maybe you can realize what is the pain i went through.
I feel i have no way left but walk to the legal bodies to get my rights
Please Help Me Out . Help me to make Sony hear into the case and qualify their services.


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