Social networking site turning into a site of fakes, partial admins and a place banning and deleting genuine accounts

my report is against a social networking website Sir this website is all about improper talkings, fake users, partial pinboard operators and a completely stupid admin called qeepmaster. Sir my account name was BloodyYoungBoyPdk. A few days ago on the big pinboard of India I wrote a Sanskrit Shloka but the pinboard operators namely eboy, sammy, scorpion king and emo none of them liked it and banned me for 48 hours, later sammy sent me an abusive qms sating that he’ll get my id blocked because I used the Sanskrit shloka which is unacceptable for Islam (they all say Urdu is the official language of Indian pinboard and qeep follows Islam , if you don’t believe me you can even see it in eboy’s profile). However they kept banning me again and again for 3-4 times without any reason ( as I never exploited the community rules). I even sent messages to the qeepmaster but he did not reply to any of my messages , and today, around 5:00 pm my account was permanently disabled without any warning or notice ,and a note popped up telling me to know more send an email to [email protected] . I again sent an email to the given email id but again there was no response.
Sir,.in the hope of proper justice I’ve written this complaint to take action against this site. Since this site is very popular among Indian youth and there are millions of people using qeep, I don’t ask you to ban this website, I just want you to change its layout and the system policies so any one can use this website freely and an impartial future is ensured.
Thanking you,


3 responses to “Social networking site turning into a site of fakes, partial admins and a place banning and deleting genuine accounts”

  1.  Avatar

    My id blocked.?

  2.  Avatar

    Hi my names is suelees1 .. And I’ve been a user of Qeep for last 5 years .. I have spent £1000s of pounds on my profile this Friday master block me saying inappropriate behaviour and indecent cocent .. Which is madness .. Please help me to get my profile reopened thanks suelees1 all master has to do is check my account and he will see no inappropriate behaviour from my profile and no fake profiles have been made by me xx

  3. Vodka smirnoff Avatar
    Vodka smirnoff

    Hi.the whole system of qeep has failed.the operators are using their powers to get personal benifits.and they are the firtst ones to break qeep rules and condotions,besides they force people to follow their personal visions and convictions.they insult people and humillate them on big pinboard,if someone say something about the bad and selfish behaviour of the operators,they kick him out and block his account with a false and fake report.there must be a way to eliminate a bad operator by the simple as the rest of operators stop abusing of their power.if the operatprs think they are eternal and immobile,they will act according to they personal convictions and do what they want.Or maybe the creation of a super operator who will be observing the work of operators,and receiving reports from simple users concerning the irregularities commited by the bad must see the qeepers online these days,and make a comparison,i am sure that you will note the difference.

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