Side effects of Treatment

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Doctor


I was having Hair loss and visited a doctor. He diognised it as heriditery and gave me some medicine which was to be taken for 6 months which he claimed to be
100 % natural with out any side effects.
It would cost me around 12000 and he insisted to pay the amount right away . I paid 6000 after which he told me to pay the rest of the amount after one month.
But the medicineses did’nt suit me at all and the condition worsned .I visited him again and he advised me to wait for 6 months. ( the treatment duration) .
I asked him it there is no improvement what step he will take he said that he cant give any assurence of that.
Than I asked my money back to which he refused.
He gave me the medicine only for 1 month and said rest will be given after I pay the full amount.
But As I have taken the medice only for one month is I insisted that the money should be given back to me to which he refused.

Please suggest


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