Service stopped since 5 days and no resolution provided yet

Location/place: Bangalore

Name of company/service: Tikona

My user id with Tikona is 1108259544

Got Tikona broadband installation around 20 days back…
Details: 4 MBPS unlimited plan…

After two days started getting flactuation in speed. Most of the time, even Tikona login page not getting opened…
Complained many times to customer care…

Since last 5 days, internet is altogether down…Every-time reaching customer executive took 30 mins or so….

Never issue is resolved…Each time they end the call by saying some executive will visit the site…
Noone later from Tikona approached me…

Because of this my bussines work is adversely affected…

Complaint no with tikona: 1-2651726625

Link below contains the status of online report of speedtest

Note: Because of this issue my bussiness work is affecting that is leading to monetory loss to me..

I have talked 30 times on Customer care on 28 Apr 2013.

Additionally I talked to Tikona manager on his personnel num…Everyone just said some executive will visit in 2hrs..



One response to “Service stopped since 5 days and no resolution provided yet”

  1. Tikona Digital Networks Avatar
    Tikona Digital Networks


    Thank you for highlighting your concern to us and we will definitely look in to it.

    You may find some of your concerns already addressed through customer educational content on Tikona Forum.

    Email Us : [email protected]
    Tikona official Forum details :

    Tikona Services

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