Deal ALL,

There is a company ZEE WEB Valley,Tiljala, kolkata which they have various names of their company . They recruit people & show them dreams & after a month doesnt pay salaries . Also, they pay doesnt any tax neither they have any original receipts . They are cheating their customers, young candidates etc etc … BE CAREFUL WITH THEM


3 responses to “SCAM COMPANY IN KOLKATA”

  1. sonarul Islam Avatar
    sonarul Islam

    advance product scheme

  2. I received an SMS in mobile no-9018190799 from mobile no+ 8287964114 that they want to entrust me their property to use it for charitable purposes
    They gave me a email address – melissa602@outlook. com.
    On further contact, both mobile no and email found inactive.

  3. What is this
    What are you saying

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