Location/place: noida
Name of company/service: Micronas telecom Noida
Dear Sir/Madam
I purchased a Nokia handset C5-05 in December 2011, It Was not even 6 months and the touch of the phone has been changed 6times but the Problem is not yet solved.on the 7th visit to the nokia care center (Micronas Telecom sec-4 Noida)i directly Went to the manager but instesd of addresing to our problem she started giving excuses and said that touch has heen only changed 3times and then sha refused to Repair or replace the phone , listening this my voice tone raised a bit louder and then to threaten me and my friend who was accompanying me she called her male staff and misbehaved and illtreated us . sir/mam kindly help us.
Thanks & Regards
Ritica saxena, Amandeep Singh.
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