REIGN HR pvt ltd bangalore Fake

Location/place: banglore

Name of company/service: REIGN HR pvt ltd bangalore

Hi friends
Beware of this fraud job consultancy REIGN HR pvt ltd bangalore. It is located in jayanagar. They will send you mail like your CV is shortlisted & u can come for interview. When you go there then they will say that you have to register by paying 500rs or something then they will provide you interviews & after payment they wont provide any interview and when you call them, they will never receive your call. Don’t go there…


14 responses to “REIGN HR pvt ltd bangalore Fake”

  1. Even i rec same mail as above from he address victoria road.
    now what to do..?

  2. hi
    this is ramu das i need job urgent ..

  3. Admin,
    can you please remove this complains please as my issues has been resolved.. Please do it as soon as possible…

    Best Regards,


  5. Dear Admin,

    Please remove this post sooner. My all the issues has been resolved.. Let me know if have any query????

  6. hello admin.. r u blind folded??????? i have requested you couple of time to remove this page.

  7. life saver Avatar
    life saver

    It is a fake consultancy… they were asking for 30k for joing a dabba company.. now their cost is raised to 50k……..beware friends…. let not entertain such creeps ppl raise……..

  8. well wisher Avatar
    well wisher

    i had got a call from this consultancy for the post of java developer….there will b two round…1)technical, hr round.. if i clear both dem i ll have to pay 50kkkkkk…….. my question is after clearing the round y the hell should i pay even a penny???

  9. Yes they asked 50k for dabba company which even don have website its fake consultancy

  10. 50,000 % fake..

  11. reign hr pvt ltd.. good Technic to make fool freshers in a what a Bravo !!!

  12. 10000000000000000% fake consultency it is inside all are broken promise people i am facing lot of problem through this consultent ples don’t visit there

  13. they collect money through us and send us to hyderabad to a company thats also a fake company after working also still 3mnths went we didn’t get any salary from them its number 1 fake consultant in banglore

  14. this is a fake company .he give the aptitute test.he never check that aptitute answers are correct or wrong .after that he ask rs 60,000. his website never open.he call only <60% canditates.