Refuse to payment

Location/place: Deoli/tonk

Name of company/service: G.T.Gyankendra

Dear sir,
i have participted in which provide a lucky draw and give product our booked amount if we won either products or refund money which pay by us.lucky draw is not fever me and then i contacted and demand my amount.but they r saying that it’s amount will b adjusted when u r purhess another item from what happened amount is 149/-my contact


2 responses to “Refuse to payment”

  1. sadashiv amrute Avatar
    sadashiv amrute

    Dear sir/mam,
    plz give me solution
    my brother’s accounts’refuse 7000 /-
    Bank employee say that credit but not credit becoze ATM pro
    last one month countinue follow but not responce
    So plz Give me help,plz,plz,plz………..

  2. sadashiv amrute Avatar
    sadashiv amrute

    plz contact me this no. 9893822467

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