refund still not received

Snapdeal India complaint number: 15170157

Today 7 days completed for my complaint. still my refund not received.

1) Parcel pictures aleady shred with you.
2) My ID Proff and Address Proff already shared with you.
3) My Bank details already shared with you.
4) Already answered to you aginst your questions.

Above mention all details you have received from my side, now nothing pending from my side and same confirmed your executives on phone call as all details are received now you will receive your refund in bank account.

But till date my refund not received. This is to inform you if in next workinking 48 hours my refund not received then i will complint against you in consumer forum Goa office.

Awaiting your revert.

Girish dhuri


One response to “refund still not received”

  1. Snapdeal Avatar

    Dear Girish dhuri,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. This is to inform you that your concern has been noted and our team is
    working on it. For any further clarifications, please write to us at [email protected] and kindly mention your order ID in your subject line.
    Thank You for your cooperation.

    Snapdeal Online Team

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