I have purchased a Yellow watch from grabmore.in on 14th Feb(order #101488). Grabmore.in delivered me a golden watch which is faulty too.

I have raised a query on the same day to get it replaced or give me refund but still no one has arrived for pickup product at my place. I have provided all required information along with picture or watch.

I am daily calling and writing an email to grabmore India but everyday they are giving me false commitments and saying watched will be picked up tomorrow.

I have asked for contact details of escalation person but they are not providing me and always giving me false commitments.

More on it after signup I should receive a coupon which I have never received while talking to customer care they asked me open another account with different email ID and I am not able to write any feedback or review on grabmore.in website related to the product I purchased.

It seems to be a fraud site. Please take immediate action.

Thanks and Regards,


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