Random Activation of Unnecessary Packages

Location/place: Tamilnadu/Hosur

Name of company/service: Tata Docomo

My number is 8148535737. On this number tata docomo is unnecessarily activating packages without any prior information. They deduct the main balance without any knowledge of the consumer. I have called customer service of tata docomo and intimated on this several times. They closed the issue by giving Service Request no.PSG093543539. They have not refunded the money. In this way Tata Docomo is looting the public money.

Please take strict action on the Tata Docomo for such act of negligence and not responding properly on customer issues.


One response to “Random Activation of Unnecessary Packages”

  1. Tata Docomo Avatar
    Tata Docomo


    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

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