Location/place: Hyderabad

Name of company/service: Timtara Online Shopping

I have purchased a Tablet named [BSNL Penta WS802C (White, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4 GB)
]on 12/12/12. Order number- 10369390. Amount paid Rs. 7548.00 on the same date by AXIS BANK net banking. They gave me delivery time of 3 weeks.It ends on 2nd January 2013. But till 24/01/2013 they have not shipped the product and are refusing to give refund. Saying we will deliver the product in next 2-3 days..But not shipping it.I think they are doing fraud to me. I am calling timtara regularly from 27th Dec 2012 on 0135-6670700 and they are always saying that we will deliver the product within 2-3 days..But no product is delieverd to me yet.And they are not cancelling the order when i called to them.Please help me.

Name: Stalin Rao Vanama
Order#: 10369390
Mobile: 9949048801


2 responses to “PRODUCT NOT DELIVERED”

  1.  Avatar

    Fraud Online shopping

  2. Better believe these sites e-bay,Myntra and amazon

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