Post paid bill || Over charge |||

I had reported the issue to idea care via phone call at 12345 on July 21s and SR# C1-28203998853
was open , I was advise to wait for 24 hours as the team Idea will be checking again as why my billing amount has been charged double with respect to GPRS usage,No feedback was provided & SR# C1-2820399885 was found to be closed on July 22nd without any resolution.
New Reference Id # E1-29429994036 has been open and requesting you not to close the same without any resolution


One response to “Post paid bill || Over charge |||”

  1. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Customer,

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you. Please reply with your Idea mobile number and the alternate contact number for further assistance. You can also visit our website, or call 121.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Customer Care, Idea Cellular

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