I have been mentally tourchored by the icicidirect .com,because,I had opened online Trade Account/Demat Acount from the, for my monthly investment.unfortunately my online passwords has been locked due to miss login. Hence I have applied for the new passwords before 3 months, but there is not any action till the date. I have been mailing after mail althopuigh there nor response neither any action. I have getting fedup by Company’s miss behavour. So there is no any alternative way except to beg your kind help for my missing hard earn money.Please suggest me what should I do? where I have to go for the justice?

I am waiting for your kind response.

With regards,
Subhas Chhetri,


One response to “passwords blocked”

  1. Hi Subhas,
    have you tried going to this link to reset your password?

    ICICI password’s policy is that the user should change the password every 14 days, which can be a pain at times.

    Hope this helps.

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