im rama, (PARIMAL SHAH) is a big cheater. I experienced in it, i joined the company and worked hard for it and submitted my work, but they send WRONG QC REPORTS for two times….i have all proofs of it. Parimal Shah said give us 3 days we’ll solve ur prblm. i said k, after 3 days that bastard PARIMAL SHAH sent me mail from that company is suspecting that you used conversion swre, i asked show me the proof if i used swre but that bastard mailed me a point which is in the agreement like this if company suspects on ur wrk we’ll test you. The test is to type in the company’s swre (100 pages) and should maintain 95% accuracy. For that also i accepted and typed in company’s swre and submitted successfully……..Here is the MAIN SCAM (High class SCAM) of the PARAM ENTERPRISE, after submitting the work the characters will be automatically changed in the swre…..because that swre was developed by them, in that swre they given coding like that……….according to that coding characters will be automatically changes in the swre even it is offline swre………Finally that bastard parimal shah will tell that it is offline swre na everything will be in ur system, plzzz show me proofs….like this they are cheating to the people….
If you maintain the accuracy they will give wrong QC Reports after 10 days from the submission of our wrk………..If you didnt maintain the accuracy they will send to do re-work with in the next day from the submission day of our wrk……..
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